Chapter 6 Dominate the hot search list (six more flowers evaluation votes)

Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu are busy in the kitchen.

While busy, the two people chatted.

Surprisingly, Su Xinghe did not fall behind the more knowledgeable and talented Huang Xiaochu.

No matter what Huang Xiaochu said, he was able to talk and laugh, and for a while, it made Huang Xiaochu feel like meeting a friend.

In fact,

Su Xinghe is not from the blue world, he comes from China on the earth.

And here is the azure Huaxi Asia.

In the words of a physicist, this should be a parallel world.

As a traverser, Su Xinghe naturally has benefits.

His welfare is a perfect life system.

This system is an auxiliary system. If Su Xinghe has no desires and desires and relies on himself, then there is no need to trade with the system.

But if he wants to get more, he has to complete the task of the system.

As for the task content?

Naturally it is random.

That’s right.

The mission of the Perfect Life System is a big turntable, similar to lottery roulette.

for example.

Su Xinghe hadn’t eaten breakfast for ten days in a row in order to gain culinary proficiency.

This is the task of the system.


But he was forced by the system to climb the Empire State Building for a thousand meters with bare hands in order to redeem the cat and dog that protects Qingqing’s Dawei Tianlong!

Even when I retired from the entertainment industry, it was because the system randomly selected a task.

At that time, Su Xinghe just wanted to make himself ten centimeters taller.

At that time, he felt that if he appeared in public as a star, his height was too short and inappropriate.

As a result, he never expected that the system would directly let him out of the circle for ten years.

As for the origin of Qingqing.

Su Xinghe really picked it up.

At that time, it had been five years since he quit the entertainment industry. While traveling around, he found Qingqing at the entrance of an orphanage in Yanjing.

Originally planned to hand her over to the orphanage, but unexpectedly, the girl who was crying didn’t cry when she saw Su Xinghe, and even laughed.

At that time Su Xinghe felt that she was destined to herself.

So, at the cost of insomnia for a month, Qingqing got an adoption certificate.

“Teacher Su, your cooking skills are really good.”

Huang Xiaochu watched Su Xinghe cutting vegetables skillfully, and said with a smile.

“Don’t don’t, Teacher Huang, don’t be so polite.”

Su Xinghe shook his head quickly: “Just call me Xiaosu.”

Huang Xiaochu is in his forties and almost fifty years old, and Su Xinghe can’t afford it.

“Then I will call you Xinghe.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and was not polite.

“Xinghe, we are here today, mainly to discuss something with you…”

Without going in circles, Huang Xiaochu told Su Xinghe about the burning of the mushroom house. Finally, he said seriously: “Our idea is whether we can rent it with you for a period of time. You can rest assured, we promise It will not affect your normal life and Qingqing’s normal life.”

Su Xinghe was startled.

Originally, he thought that the other party was just coming to have a meal and visit a new neighbor, but he did not expect that they would come to rent a house.

“Teacher Huang, let me think about it.”

After thinking about it, Su Xinghe said.

“No problem, no problem.” Huang Xiaochu also knew that this matter should not be rushed for a while and nodded.

And just when the two of them were cooking and chatting, the Internet was already boiling!

[Su Xinghe is back! 】

[Su Xinghe is really exposed! 】

[Sister Su Xinghe, Su Qingqing! 】

[Su Qingqing is really Su Xinghe’s younger sister? 】

[Su Xinghe illegitimate daughter! 】

[Su Xinghe hides his identity! 】

[Dawei Tianlong, Bless you! 】

[Su Xinghe is so handsome! 】

[The mushroom house is burned, where does the longing life go? 】

[Su Xinghe fits with yearning? 】

Among the top ten searches on Weibo, nine are all about Su Xinghe, and one is also about the burning down of the longing mushroom house.

No one thought that Su Xinghe would attract such a big attention.

Numerous fans of Su Xinghe left messages on the official website of the program group.

There is only one meaning, and that is to hope that the “Longing Life” program group can keep Su Xinghe.

On the side of Xiangnan Satellite TV, this issue is also being discussed fiercely.

“Su Xinghe is really a gimmick. He was the most mysterious celebrity back then. Now we have discovered it by accident. This is a topic in itself!”

“Yes, the number of people in the live broadcast room today has exceeded 20 million people online.”

“I saw that when Su Xinghe appeared, the number of people was the highest, and then when Qingqing fell down, the heat was the highest! If we can let the show crew live in their house and pull their brothers and sisters on the camera, we will definitely break the previous ratings. Rate!”

“No, renting an apartment is fine, but if you are a resident guest, it is not easy to arrange later.”

“If there is something that is not easy to arrange, as long as there is heat, someone will watch it. Rent someone’s house and not let people appear on the scene. If it is an ordinary person, it will be Su Xinghe!”

For a while, everyone couldn’t help but argue!

The atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff!

PS: Ladies and gentlemen, ask for flowers for evaluation votes! Ask for a reward! Reward one thousand book coins, you can designate the heroine! Ten thousand book coins, you can designate Qingqing’s mother! *

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