Chapter 69 I was sold by my sister (four more flowers for evaluation votes)

In fact,

When Qingqing spoke for the first time,

The audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to discuss.

“Spielberg, how do you feel like a foreigner?”

“No, it seems to be a director.”

“Yeah, shit! Wait, isn’t it that person?”

“I just checked. That’s a major Hollywood director!”

“Really, Su Xinghe was invited by a Hollywood director to write a script?”

“It seems so. I remember the first issue. It seems that Su Xinghe has an Oscar certificate for best screenwriter?”

“My god, how many vests does this guy have!”

“Pretty, it really is Xiaoqingqing from the morning sun!”

“I feel that as long as Qingqing is coaxed, Su Xinghe has no secrets at all.”


Here at the mushroom house,

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing Spielberg’s name.

As insiders, they know better than those viewers what the name Spielberg really means.

Hollywood’s top director, a serious master!

He even sent an email to Su Xinghe, what is going on?

“Xinghe, do you know Spielberg?”

Huang Xiaochu asked directly.


Su Xinghe hesitated.

“Know, know.”

Xiao Qingqing spotted her head like a chicken pecking rice, and Su Xinghe couldn’t even stop it.

“Haha, Qingqing is so good, tell Brother Hu, how did your brother meet that Spielberg?”

Hu Ge was excited on the side, pulling Qingqing and said: “You tell brother, I will buy you many toys when I look back!”

“do not want.”

Unexpectedly, Qingqing shook her head: “Qingqing is a good boy, don’t want other people’s toys.”


Hu Ge blinked, and then said: “I am not an outsider. Your brother and I are good friends.”

“That can’t be asked.”

Qingqing still shook her head.

From a young age, her brother told her that a good boy can’t ask for other people’s things.

“Then you say, as long as you tell me, no matter what you ask for, I will promise you.”

Hu Ge said with a smile.


Qingqing’s eyes lit up, and a flash of light seemed to flash across his eyes.

“Of course.”

Hu Ge nodded with a smile.

Although he is not married, he likes children very much.

Especially Qingqing is so cute. When he watched the show before, he especially liked this girl.

Seeing me today and discovering that Qingqing is so well-behaved, he likes this girl even more.

“Then, I want you to find ten girlfriends for your brother!”

next moment.

Qingqing’s words made everyone dumbfounded.

“Ten, girlfriends?”

“Hahaha, what a good sister to my brother!”

“Sister like this, please give me a shot!”

“The Star God is so happy, my sister helped find a girlfriend.”

“Looking at Hu Ge’s expression, he seems to be dizzy.”

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t laugh anymore.

Hu Ge was indeed a little dizzy.

Silently looked at the little girl in front of him: “Qingqing, are you kidding me?”

“What you said, promise everything.”

The little girl gave Hu Ge aggrieved.

This elder brother is really, obviously he said it himself, and now he blames himself.

Man, as expected, they are all unbelievable!

Hu Ge didn’t know that he had been put into the ranks of bad men, but gritted his teeth, he nodded and said: “Then, I will introduce your brother to his girlfriend. When he disagrees, it has nothing to do with me. ,OK?”


The little girl nodded happily, and stretched out her finger to hang herself on the hook with Hu Ge.

After the “ceremony” between the two people was over, Hu Ge said to Qingqing, “Qingqing, then tell me, are your brother and Mr. Spielberg familiar?”

Su Xinghe wanted to talk, but Peng Peng and Teacher He were already surrounded by him.


This is responsible for looking at him.

“Got it, you are free.”

Su Xinghe admits his fate.

Anyway, Qingqing should not know much. What she knows is all about her own literary circle.

This pit brother’s girl!

I had known it earlier, I would carry her on my back when I said something.

“Xinghe, you said, did you confess it yourself, or did we ask Qingqing?”

Huang Xiaochu stopped Hu Ge and looked at Su Xinghe with a smile.

Although Qingqing said, more things may be exposed.

But after watching Huang Xiaochu, there is still a whole season of this show. There are many opportunities and time.

Those secrets of Su Xinghe can’t be hidden at all!

If Su Xinghe knew what Huang Xiaochu was thinking, he would definitely collapse.

Older gingers are more spicy!

Sure enough, the old fox is more insidious!

At the very least, if he were to be himself, he would never consider these.

Hear what Huang Xiaochu said.

Su Xinghe sighed.

He knew that he couldn’t escape after all.

Since Qingqing has already said that, according to the personality of the program group and the habits of the people present, it must be investigated.

What’s more, this is a live broadcast!

Those viewers will use various methods to find the truth.

If that’s the case, it’s better to be honest.

“Yes, I know Mr. Spielberg.”

Su Xinghe frankly admitted facing the eyes of everyone and facing the camera lens.


“Fuck! It’s true!”

“This guy, how many secrets are there!”

“My God, I’m getting more and more curious!”

“Yeah, check it out, check it out!”

“I think it doesn’t seem to make sense if it’s just acquaintance!”

Fans in the live broadcast room fry the pot instantly, and they start to inquire.

Intuition tells them that Su Xinghe’s so-called acquaintance is definitely not the meaning of knowing the name and chatting a few words.

Here at the mushroom house,

After hearing Su Xinghe’s words, Huang Xiaochu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he is already in a semi-retired state, who is not longing for Hollywood, the center of the world’s film industry, who is engaged in the film and television industry?

Especially the top director like Spielberg.

To put it bluntly, if Spielberg said that he would choose actors in the Chinese department to star in his own movies, it is estimated that all the actors in the Chinese department would not refuse this opportunity.

PS: The fourth step is to ask for flowers and evaluation votes. The number of words has started to be 2,000 words per chapter. I am full of sincerity. I ask for your support. Please everyone! Give me a little encouragement. I don’t need money for evaluation votes and flowers, please, big guys! Thank you reader dad! *

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