Chapter 70 The witty Peng Peng

In fact, it is different from the mood of the audience watching the excitement in the live broadcast room.

Everyone in the mushroom house is looking forward to it.

Expect Su Xinghe to explain clearly whether he has anything to do with Spielberg.

“I met Mr. Spielberg a long time ago.”

Su Xinghe slowly said, “At that time, I gave him a script, but I didn’t expect him to shoot it. The effect was pretty good.”

“Liar! Brother, your script was obviously given to that uncle a few days ago!”

Qingqing corrected on the side.

! ! !

Su Xinghe was holding his head, a headache.

I felt that I couldn’t stop this girl from going further and further on the road of pit brother and god sister.

Little girl, do you know that your path is narrow?

But he also knew.

This happening is purely God’s will.

Don’t forget, no one thought that one day “The Longing for Life” would be filmed in my own home.

Qingqing is doing so well with these people again.

“Well, the script at that time is different from the previous few days.”

Su Xinghe had to admit it honestly.

“Say it quickly, what is going on?”

Hu Ge hurriedly urged.

He is now planning to enter the movie circle.

After all, in terms of TV dramas, I have reached the peak that many actors can’t reach in their entire lives.

In Hu Ge’s view, if he wants to go further, he must enter the film circle.

It’s just that I couldn’t get in touch with Su Xinghe before.

Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to cooperate with Su Xinghe.

What’s more, Su Xinghe has been able to cooperate with the top director Spielberg. In Hu Ge’s heart, it is impossible not to look forward to it.

In case Su Xinghe could write himself a Hollywood Oscar-level script, it would be awesome!

At that time, just in case…


Can’t think, can’t think!

Other people’s words, although not as obvious as Hu Ge, are still very curious in their hearts.

After all, in any case, I haven’t heard of any domestic artist who has collaborated with Spielberg. Unexpectedly, Su Xinghe has completed this pioneering move silently.

“I wrote “Schindler’s List.”

Su Xinghe felt helplessly, and said calmly: “He is preparing to start forming a crew for this book recently.”


Everyone was shocked.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also dumbfounded.

“”Schindler’s List”?”

“My god, it’s real!”

“It’s the movie that swept the Oscars a few years ago?”

“Oh my God! Su Xinghe is actually a screenwriter!”

“I checked, fuck! Su Xinghe is so awesome!”

“Twelve Oscar nominations and seven awards! Best screenplay! Fuck! Fuck! Su Xinghe is awesome!”

“Star God is awesome, broken sound!”

Compared with the audience in the live broadcast room, the shock at Mushroom House was even greater.

A script that won twelve Oscar nominations, what kind of talent is that?

And now,

Spielberg got another script from Su Xinghe.

! ! !

“Old Su, Xinghe, my good brother!”

The smile on Hu Ge’s face was so brilliant.

“What are you doing?”

Su Xinghe took two steps back.

no way,

Hu Ge laughed too sinisterly.

“Brother Hu smiled, so fake!”

At this time, Qingqing said something just right.


Everyone laughed.

Hu Ge’s face blushed, and he looked at Qingqing helplessly: “Qingqing, do you want me to introduce ten girlfriends to your brother?”

Qingqing wrinkled her nose, snorted, and glanced at Hu Ge: “Huh, he will bully the children!”

Everyone smiled and was amused by this girl.

This kid is really interesting.

Seeing that Hu Ge was mixed by Qingqing, it was hard to speak.

Peng Peng suddenly said: “Brother Su!”

“What’s wrong?” Su Xinghe was a little strange.

“What do you think of me?” Peng Peng blinked.

“Pretty good.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “It’s still good to lose weight.”

“Ahem, let’s not talk about weight loss.”

Peng Peng shook his head and pointed to himself: “I’m an actor, right?”

“I know.” Su Xinghe nodded.

“Sister Zifeng is also an actor.”

Peng Peng pointed to Zifeng.

He pointed to Huang Xiaochu again: “Mr. Huang is also an actor.”


He simply pointed to the other people and said: “These sisters are all actors.”

“so what?”

Su Xinghe pretended to be confused.

“We are all actors, don’t you understand?”

Peng Peng is already going crazy: “You have written a script for Spielberg, don’t you plan to write one for us too?”

Su Xinghe curled his lips, his eyes swept across everyone,

Finally, his eyes fixed on Peng Peng’s body.

“Actually, everyone else is fine, but you are a little too fat to write!”

Su Xinghe said leisurely.

As soon as this statement came out, the live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

“Hahaha! Love me Peng!”

“Peng Peng, the one that suits you best is indeed tennis!”

“Peng Peng, lose weight!”

“I feel like Peng Peng is so pitiful.”


After being mocked by Su Xinghe, Peng Peng’s face changed suddenly, and he clutched his chest and said: “Big Brother Su, you, you hurt me, you are responsible!”


Su Xinghe curled his lips: “It’s impossible to be responsible, Peng Peng, just accept your fate.”


He also shook his head and sighed: “Hey, I was thinking about writing a script for you, but depending on your state, it seems awkward to shoot.”


Peng Peng instantly switched the smiley mode.

“Oh, Brother Su, let’s see you now, you are my closest and most respected eldest brother.

Look, just with this smile, Big Brother Su feels as warm as spring. His eyes are as bright as the sun. When I see you, I feel that my life has a direction to move forward… ”

“Ahem, this is not my brother!”

Sister Zifeng complained and moved a few steps quietly, away from this shameful brother.

“No, Peng Peng, who did you learn this from? Too ruthless!”

Teacher He gave Peng Peng a thumbs up.

Peng Peng smiled, but instead looked at Su Xinghe: “Brother Su, what role can I play? Don’t say anything else, as long as you work, I promise to perform well!”

What a joke!

That’s an opportunity to work with Hollywood directors!

A fool will miss it!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! There will be updates in a while! Fight for ten more today! *

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