Chapter 68 Huang Xiaochu’s body (seeking flowers for evaluation ticket)

Of course, it’s fun, it’s noisy.

Su Xinghe couldn’t really let Hu Ge do so much farm work alone.

Besides, there are Peng Peng and others,

Everyone was rushing to help, and the whole morning was really not underpaid.

There are many people and great power. This is indeed true.

Especially a few female stars, this time really let the audience see their different places.

Yesterday’s live broadcast and today’s live broadcast, Li Zeng, Song Qian and others are working hard and earnestly.

Even the directors and the audience in the live broadcast room didn’t expect it.

On the way back, Huang Xiaochu asked Hu Ge as he walked: “You are a guest today. Have you thought about it, what to eat tonight?”


Hu Ge asked in surprise: “Don’t you start ordering at noon?”

“Have some cold noodles at noon.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “I will make good food for you tonight.”

“no problem.”

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually agreed.

Afterwards, he smiled and said to Huang Xiaochu: “Teacher Huang, can I order anything?”

“You are still hypocritical, let’s talk, you can eat whatever you want.”

Huang Xiaochu laughed and said in a big way.

While speaking, he glanced at Su Xinghe vaguely and raised his eyebrows at Hu Ge.

That means, you order whatever you want, anyway, it’s not me who cooks.

Hu Ge is so smart, he understood it all at once, he hehe smiled and said, “Since Teacher Huang, you have said so, well, I want to eat Dai-flavored fired dried peas and fried pea flour!”


Huang Xiaochu blinked, his face stunned.

What does it mean.

Why did he know every word he said, but when combined, he had never heard of it.

what is happening?

Hu Ge smiled and looked at Huang Xiaochu: “Teacher Huang, what’s the matter?”

Huang Xiaochu waved his hand and said simply: “I announce that I have officially transferred the job of the mushroom house chef to Xinghe.”

What a joke!

Hu Ge had never heard of the food he ordered.

Su Xinghe was speechless.

Just watch Huang Xiaochu look at himself and say: “Xinghe, did you hear that? Hu Ge said, he wants to eat Dai-flavored dried peas and fried pea flour.”

Su Xinghe shrugged: “I’m fine, but we need beef for dry fire, and pea flour for deep-fried pea flour. We don’t have it. I don’t have any. So the customer has to solve the problem of ingredients.”

? ? ?

I don’t know why, at that moment, Hu Ge had a bad feeling.

It turns out that

Hu Ge’s hunch is very accurate.

He never expected that he would be scammed by Su Xinghe again.

Wait until the program team offers two bundles of bananas and four baskets of pineapples.

Looking at the emperor Hu Ge dignifiedly, completely collapsed!

“I don’t care. I want to eat the food. I participate in this program and there is no notice fee. Now ordering a dish, you want so many things from me. Isn’t it too inhumane!”

Hu Ge, as if he had learned how to bargain without a teacher, stood in front of the director and the staff of the program group, and tried his best!

“Haha, how do I feel that I saw Teacher Huang in a daze.”

“Yes, Hu Ge looks so much like Teacher Huang.”

“Life eventually smoothed out the edges and corners of the male god, turning him into a greasy middle-aged uncle.”

“Upstairs, what are you implying?”

“Ahem, Teacher Huang is just getting older.”

The fans in the live broadcast room were talking happily.

Everyone felt very happy about this scene.

“Teacher Huang, Hu Ge’s skill at bargaining is really yours.”

Looking at Hu Ge’s back, Teacher He smiled and said to Huang Xiaochu.

Huang Xiaochu nodded in satisfaction: “Yes, I really have my style.”

To be honest, he is also very satisfied with Hu Ge’s performance today.

There are no big stars at all, and they are very hard at starting the show. The effect of this show is really great!

to be honest,

It’s not that Huang Xiaochu has never had contact with top celebrities. His position in the circle is there, and he has seen many young and frivolous entertainers.

There are too many guys with eyes above the top.

But like Hu Ge, it’s really rare.

From entering the mushroom house to the present, Hu Ge’s body has no shelf at all.

The director team is in the ears back, and they are careful to let Huang Xiaochu pay attention to the scale, and don’t bully other big stars too hard.

In the end, Hu Ge succeeded in turning the price into two baskets of pineapples.

When he came back, he was greeted with cheers.

“Brother Hu is great!” Peng Peng raised his hands, as if welcoming Hu Ge’s victorious return.

“Yeah, it’s amazing!”

Li Yan was also impressed.

“Hu Ge, you are really good, this director group usually can’t do anything with them.” Teacher He also gave a thumbs up.

“Brother Hu, you are great!”

Qingqing raised her head and looked at Hu Ge and said, “It’s better than my brother. My brother said that this director group is difficult to do…”


Su Xinghe was speechless for a moment, and hurriedly hugged Qingqing and said, “Qingqing, don’t talk nonsense, brother has never said that kind of thing.”

“There’s none?”

Qingqing glanced at Su Xinghe suspiciously: “But I clearly remember your brother, you told me, Qingqing has a good memory. Look at your brother, I remember all the vests before you. And Spielberg. I also remember the thing about emailing you…”

and many more!

Su Xinghe quickly covered Qingqing’s mouth.

“Qingqing, how is your brother treating you?”

Su Xinghe blinked and asked Qingqing.

Qingqing, who was covering her mouth, nodded.

Su Xinghe ignored other people’s eyes and quickly said: “Then remember, don’t talk nonsense. Brother told you yesterday, did you forget?”

“I haven’t forgotten it.”

Qingqing broke her fingers and said to Su Xinghe: “Qingqing remembers, brother, you said about those vests, you can’t tell others. You can’t tell about that Uncle Spielberg emailed you, and you like… ”

? ? ?

Su Xinghe was dumbfounded!

When I communicated with Qingqing yesterday, was there something rough?

Why, why is this?

I clearly said that I didn’t want to say it, but now, this girl actually said it all!


What should I do if I was betrayed by my sister?

Waiting online, very anxious!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! It will explode crazily today! Please support me, especially the evaluation votes and flowers! *

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