Chapter 5 Wonderland in the world

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

In the past, Teacher He didn’t understand what this ancient poem meant.

But at this moment, he finally understood.

It turns out that such people really exist.

Even if he just stood there, looking at you with a smile on his face,

You will feel,

He is the center of this room.

He is nearly 1.9 meters tall and well-proportioned. When he smiles, it looks like the sun is shining.

Everyone knows when they see him at first sight,

This is Su Xinghe.

The audience in the live broadcast room, at this moment, are already crazy!

There are many fans of Su Xinghe. At this moment, they can no longer control their emotions and cry.

“Ten years! Ten years! You finally appeared!”

“Su Xinghe, this is Su Xinghe!”

“It’s a pity. If he didn’t retreat back then, the current first-line stars must have his place in public.”

“Wait, Qingqing just said to look for a sister-in-law?”

“Haha, husband, here I am!”

“Hey, bitch upstairs! Are you trying to grab a man from me?”

“Upstairs, open the door, you have the ability to grab a man, have the ability to open the door!”


The audience in the live broadcast room, especially the female audience, immediately became excited after seeing Su Xinghe.

What a joke!

This is a face-seeking world.

If he is just a talented ugly man, then everyone will definitely feel hurt, and then walk slowly.

But this is obviously a handsome and talented guy!

A fool would not like it!

Su Xinghe was shocked when he saw so many people in the house.

But fortunately, he has a steady personality. In surprise, he glanced over the camera and the village head, and finally looked at Qingqing.

“Qingqing, are you in trouble?”

No matter what, put the hat on Qingqing first, so you won’t lose money!


When Su Xinghe spoke, a dog bark sounded.

Beside him, a husky suddenly appeared.


It is the legendary little expert in house demolition, Erha!

The cry just now seemed to be asking the little master, did he make a mistake?


At this time, the orange cat Dawei came forward and stood in front of Qingqing, baring his teeth at the Husky.

Damn it!

Everyone is stupid, what’s the situation?

Cat and dog fight?

“Dawei! Tianlong! Go out!”

At this moment, Su Xinghe yelled.

next moment,

Something that surprised everyone happened,

The two animals looked at each other as if they understood, and they left the house together.

“It’s a god!”

Everyone was full of emotion.

And over there, Qingqing blinked Yanjing, and looked at Su Xinghe innocently: “There is no wood, Qingqing is very well-behaved, very well-behaved!”

Of course Qingqing was behaved. He played the piano to attract guests, revealed his brother’s details, and found his brother’s sister-in-law. Well, it wasn’t Qingqing’s job.


There is Huang Xiaochu with Teacher He.

“Qingqing is very good, thanks to him for taking us in today.” Teacher He said.

“Yes, we wouldn’t know what to do without her.” Huang Xiaochu also relieved.

“Have you eaten? I have some food here. Let’s eat here at noon.”

Su Xinghe said with a smile.

Although he has not been in contact with this circle for ten years, he has been paying attention to the entertainment circle, and he still knows these people.

“Okay, that will bother me.”

Teacher He nodded immediately.

There are too many mysteries on Su Xinghe. From the time he did not show up, he announced his retirement and now he has a child with him.

To be honest, if it weren’t because Qingqing said it was picked up, they would all doubt whether this child was Su Xinghe’s?


The mushroom house is now burned, but they came to rent a house!

“Well, I’m cooking now, Teacher He, you can go around.”

Su Xinghe smiled.

“I’ll help.”

Huang Xiaochu said.

Su Xinghe nodded, but did not refuse.

The two walked to the kitchen together. Before leaving, Su Xinghe turned around and said to the few remaining people: “Mr. He, if you are all right, you can go to the second floor and see the surrounding scenery.”

At that moment.

Zifeng felt that his heartbeat accelerated a few beats.

Because when Su Xinghe laughed, it was so pretty!

Watching them go to the kitchen, the remaining few took Qing Qing’s hand and went up to the second floor.

Don’t say it yet.

Just like Su Xinghe said, here you can have a sweeping view of the surrounding scenery.

A path full of flowers,

A clear stream,

There are also colorful orchards.

It’s simply a paradise on earth!

The audience in the live broadcast room has already exclaimed.

“This is simply a fairyland on earth!”

“Xanadu, an absolute outdoor peach garden!”

“Su Xinghe is too good to make this place so beautiful.”

“Even if I just look at it, I like it here.”

“I hope the environment here can be maintained forever.”

No one knows, when the camera shows Qingqing, looking at the birthmark on Qingqing’s neck,

In a certain villa in Yanjing, a certain female celebrity who is in full swing, tears like rain…

PS: Seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes, seeking rewards! By the way, if you have a hostess who wants to leave the country, you can reward one thousand book coins and you can specify it! *

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