Chapter 477 Invitation from the United States (3, subscription required)

In fact, it’s not just Wang Zhongjun.


At this time, the enthusiasm of “I am not the god of medicine” is there, and every news about the movie will cause huge discussions.

In just a few hours, the news that “I am not a medicine god” will not extend the release time, rushed to the top of the hot search.

Many fans and fans were stunned! “Is it crazy?”

“Why is this happening, I plan to do it three times.”

“I think it’s normal. You can’t always occupy the summer file, at least………you should also give other movies a chance to be released.”

“The Star God did it right.”


“To be honest, I really hope to make history!”

“They have made history.”

“Star God, come on!”

“I look forward to your next work.”

Su Xinghe’s Weibo, it’s all these… leave a message.

As for Su Xinghe, he has indeed set his sights on the next scene.

For him, since “I’m Not the God of Medicine” has been released, it is the past tense.

It is impossible for a person to live a lifetime on the merits, and the same is true for being an actor.

Someone has said that the best 09 work of an actor is always the next one.

For Su Xinghe, this is what he thinks.

There is no end to acting.

With this thought, Su Xinghe arrived in Hollywood.

He received a call from Spielberg, inviting him to come to the United States to talk about something.

“Hi, long time no see.”

When meeting Spielberg, Su Xinghe gave each other a warm hug.

Americans like this way of greeting.

They always like to express their enthusiasm for: being close to familiar people.

Follow the customs in the countryside, Su Xinghe is…not disgusting.

But the next moment, when he saw the person standing next to Spielberg, he was a little surprised.

“Su, this is…”

Spielberg is preparing to introduce Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe has walked over to hug the old man.

“Mr. Scorsese, nice to meet you.”

What a joke! He is not a fool, how could he not know this…the famous director of the Hollywood Academy.

Martin Scorsese! This director… was born in the 1940s in the 1940s. He has been nominated for 48 times and won 24 awards in his career. At the same time, he is also one of the standard bearers of the new Hollywood movement. One of the filmmakers in the history of film is generally regarded as an important influential filmmaker.

His films are known for their violent descriptions and a lot of vulgarity, the themes are directed at the Sicilian American identity, the Catholic concept of guilt and salvation, machismo and modern crime and gang conflict.

Moreover, in Hollywood, which is full of art bubbles, Martin Scorsese is most respected because he has never made a blockbuster film for commercial purposes.

You know, directors who share his position, including Spielberg, George Lucas, and others, are relying on hundreds of millions of dollars and computer stunts to attract audiences.

However, he has always calmly analyzed the stubborn diseases of society and mankind with his unique vision.

In an environment where Hollywood only advocates commercial results, it has always been willing to spare no effort to pursue the exploration of film language.

Therefore, Martin Scorsese is called a film sociologist.

And now, he actually appeared in front of him, which surprised Su Xinghe.

“Sue, my child, I like your performance very much.”

Although Martin Scorsese was known as the tyrant on the set when he made the film, he is a kind old man in life.

Smiling and hugging Su Xinghe, a warm smile on his face.

Several people sat down in the restaurant:

“You want to introduce me to the person I know, Mr. Scorsese”

Su Xinghe asked Spielberg in surprise.


Spielberg nodded and didn’t go around in a circle, but looked at Martin Scorsese.

“Let me do it.”

Martin Scorsese smiled and said to Su Xinghe: “Su, I sent someone to inquire, after you recently released a movie in Huaxi Asia, are there no other arrangements behind?”

Su Xinghe moved in his heart and nodded: “It’s really gone.”

Since the other party is so earnestly inquiring about his next movie schedule, can it be said that Su Xinghe is a little excited when he thinks about this when he is looking for himself to film.

Director and director are not the same.

For example, with Su Xinghe’s current status, on the Hollywood side, if you are a general commercial film director and want to cooperate with yourself, you must first give a very high salary, and then the position of the main actor.

After that, it was about the script.

But for a director like Martin Scorsese, he only has to show the meaning of cooperation, no matter…

Whether it is Su Xinghe or other actors, they will not choose to refuse.

Because they all know that working with Martin Scorsese is an honor.

It’s like a basketball player who is suddenly called by a head coach like Phil Jackson to inform you: lad, you have been selected, the Chicago Bulls or the Los Angeles Lakers, you choose one.

Fuck, that kind of feeling is hard to describe in words.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Su Xinghe is about to call out excitedly.

“Su, I have a script here, would you like to read it?”

Martin Scorsese heard this, smiled softly, and said to Su Xinghe.


Su Xinghe was startled.

Then he laughed: “Mr. Scorsese, you know, I just acted in a movie.”

“Haha, it doesn’t matter, I’m actually worried that you will be unwilling to act because the pay is too low.”

Martin Scorsese shrugged and said with an old naughty smile: “You know, I’m the same as Quentin, I’m not very liked by investors.”

What the old man said is in his heart. For so many years, he is almost the same as Quentin Tarantino. They are the kind of people who make more independent films 903.

He used to be the only one, and then Quentin was added.

These are Hollywood directors who are not willing to make commercial films.

“It’s ok.”

Su Xinghe laughed: “I can take the box office share.”

You know, he said this not for the benefit of coveting the box office, but to alleviate the pressure on Martin Scorsese.

After all, they all know that they are not short of money, and acting is just for fun.

“Okay, 5%% of the box office share.”

Martin Scorsese nodded and said to Su Xinghe: “Now you can read the script.”


Su Xinghe didn’t talk nonsense, he took the script and read it.

The Wolf of Wall Street.

It looks like it’s about finance.

Su Xinghe’s first reaction was… this drama should have something to do with finance.

After all, Wall Street is a well-known financial center in the world.

Just look at the name of this script, it should be a work about finance.

After reading it, Su Xinghe really confirmed his previous guess.

This “Wolf of Wall Street” is indeed an interesting movie.

His protagonist is a Wall Street stockbroker, and this person did have a prototype before, and even published a book.

The purpose of Martin Scorsese is…through this movie, to show the audience the ugly side of Wall Street…

This movie is kind of interesting!

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