Chapter 478 “The Wolf of Wall Street” (4, subscription required)

The movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” is based on stockbroker Jordan Belfort.

It tells the story of an ordinary person who was unemployed at home, and finally broke into the sky on Wall Street and became a financial crocodile.

The movie dramatizes Jordan’s crazy eight years of financial life, and the best and the worst happen at the same time.

Jordan’s “Life Mentor”

Hanna played an important role in Jordan’s fortune.

Hannah taught Jordan the principle: be happy in time, live in the moment.

Practicing in time, because no one can remain passionate about what they do all their lives, and only by relaxing themselves can you maintain the best state.

Only by living in the present can you use your best state to go all out.

Because reality is always cruel, it is not a bowl of warm chicken soup, but a bowl of chicken soup that needs excitement.

Hanna opened up Jordan’s new world.His principles became the rule of Jordan’s life.If you want to make money, you must learn to relax, and then go all out in the best state, at any cost.

However, Hanna taught Jordan the way to stay enthusiasm forever is to relax himself through medication and maintain his best condition.

Therefore, it is written in the script that the protagonist will use: forbidden drugs to relax and vent himself.

Looking at the script, Su Xinghe remained silent for a long time.

It doesn’t matter if it is swearing, but he is a little worried about this forbidden drug.

After all, the Asian side of the Chinese system is very concerned about this.

If you shoot in this way, it will be difficult to pass the trial in the Chinese department.

“Sue, what’s the matter”

Seeing Su Xinghe frowning, Martin Scorsese asked.

“It’s nothing, Mr. Scorsese, I’m just thinking about how difficult this script is if you want to pass the review in the Chinese department.”

Su Xinghe replied politely.

“You mean, it’s the plot inside”

Martin Scorsese was a little surprised.

“No, it’s about banning drugs…”

Su Xinghe quickly explained it to the old man.

Martin Scorsese was silent for a long time.

After a long while, he raised his head: “Then it won’t be released in Huaxi Asia.”

What! Su Xinghe was stunned.

He didn’t expect that the old man would be so resolute that he would rather give up the movie’s release in Huaxi Asia, abandon the box office of Huaxi Asia, and ensure the plot of the movie is complete.

Sure enough, these…artists have problems with their brains.

It can’t be judged by normal human logic at all.

“In that case, box office losses…”

Su Xinghe hesitated and said to the old man.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to think about the box office issue.”

Martin Scorsese said categorically.

For him, nothing is as important as his own movie.

Although the Huaxi Asian market is indeed very attractive, it is clear that in the heart of the old man, the pursuit of art is more important.

It’s right to think about it. When he is his age, making movies with him is purely for my own ideals, but the problem is, the old man doesn’t care, Su Xing is willing! After finally getting the opportunity to cooperate with the big director, it turned out to be like this.

Heart-stuck! Su Xinghe is all ill now.

But he also knew that this was impossible.

The reason why Martin Scorsese is sought after by many people in Hollywood is because he is filming…so.

Never compromise! In other words, it’s not like bowing your head in the commercial market! This is a bit troublesome.

“Su, if you feel that you can’t give up the Chinese Asian market, you can reject this movie.”

Seeing Su Xinghe look a little embarrassed, Martin Scorsese said.

He naturally understood Su Xinghe’s concerns.

The young man in front of him is one of the most appealing male artists in China and Asia.

To put it bluntly, if Su Xinghe’s film loses the Chinese Asian market, it will lose a lot of box office.

“No, Mr. Scorsese.”

Su Xinghe heard what Martin Scorsese said, but shook his head.

He likes this script very much. The process in which the protagonist turns from a statusless ordinary person to a cunning and sinister Wall Street wolf, and finally falls into the altar, really fascinates an actor.

If you can interpret this process, it is perfect to the extreme! “I accept this invitation.”

Su Xinghe looked at Martin Scorsese and said.


Martin Scorsese was a little excited and grasped Su Xinghe: “Thank you, dear Su, thank you.”

He is a director who cares about the quality of movies.

After the previous script was released, Martin Scorsese thought about it for a long time. He believed that the most suitable actor for this role was undoubtedly… Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe started as a villain.

What he is best at is…acting in this kind of inner evil role.

Therefore, Martin Scorsese specifically asked Jonathan for help and invited Su Xinghe to come to the United States to meet him.

It turns out.

Even just sitting there, Martin Scorsese was already moved.

He can feel that Su Xinghe does have that… temperament.

He must be able to play this role well!………….. The next thing will be much easier, Su Xinghe The pay was squeezed to 15 million U.S. dollars plus 5% of the box office share.

On this point, Martin Scorsese has no opinion.

In his opinion, the most important role in this play is… the male protagonist.

As for anything else, sorry.

It doesn’t matter! The old man feels that he can play well with a few groups that he promises.

In this regard, Su Xinghe can’t say anything.

But he is… very happy.

After all, although this grandpa’s phone may not necessarily be high at the box office, and because of foul language and drug prohibition, it can’t be released in many places.

But people can win prizes! He is like the king of sunglasses in Hua Xiya.

The two are the same kind of people.

They are all good directors, they are all very thoughtful and very level.

Actors cooperate with them, and their acting skills can get a qualitative leap.

But! The box office of these two films is not guaranteed. They may make money occasionally, but most of the time, they lose money.


Having said that.

This kind of film usually sweeps the major film festivals.

That’s right.

Su Xinghe even feels that next year he can book an Oscar nomination for best actor.

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