Chapter 476 Some money can’t be earned (2, subscribe)

Su Xinghe is a smart man.Since he is a smart man, he will naturally not fail to see the problem.

Although I don’t know if Song Qingshu is the problem of Yanjing culture itself, or someone is behind it, Su Xinghe will not agree to let himself thunder.

“Reject him.”

After thinking about it for a while, Su Xinghe said to Xu Shanzheng.


Xu Shanzheng hesitated: “Otherwise, let’s postpone it for half a month.”

After all, if the box office of tens of millions of dollars a day, if you really refuse it directly, you will still feel a little pain in your heart.

That’s all real money! Whoever it is, it will hurt.

Watching the money there, but not earning it, will not feel comfortable.

Su Xinghe shook his head when he heard the words: “No need, half a month and a month “Nine Zero Three”

it’s the same.”

In his opinion, it is indeed the case.

You extend the release date by one month, and extend the release date by half a month, the purpose is actually to make money.

In the eyes of the outside world, this is a sign of unwillingness.

Since I want to refuse, it’s just normal.

“You tell Song Qingshu.”

Su Xinghe looked at Xu Shanzheng and said to him seriously: “If he wants to extend the release date, I will publicly develop Weibo to resist this.”

“Don’t be so cruel!”

Xu Shanzheng was taken aback at the time.

Su Xinghe is too tough.People just made a suggestion.He actually wanted to reject the other party in this way.

Could it be that he was so disgusted with that behavior and Xu Shanzheng was a little puzzled, Su Xinghe said calmly: “It will be released for a month, no matter…

How much…at the box office, that is the benefit we deserve. No one will make irresponsible remarks about it.

No one in the industry can have an opinion, who let their movie hit our schedule.”

Xu Shan nodded, expressing understanding.

“But if we extend the release date, it would be breaking the rules.”

“The rules are destroyed once, and they can be destroyed twice.”

Su Xinghe said indifferently: “I don’t want to be pointed at my spine, saying that I have smashed the jobs of countless people just because I was full of food for one person.”

Xu Shan was stunned.

He found that he didn’t even have any words to refute Su Xinghe’s words.

Because what Su Xinghe said is really the truth.

According to the method described by Yanjing Culture, it really made money and lost word of mouth.

“I see, I will call him now.”

Xu Shanzheng nodded quickly.

Su Xinghe’s words, he must be listening.

………….. Soon, Fang Yanjing Culture, the publisher of “I’m Not the God of Medicine”, is announcing that the movie will be released as scheduled and will not follow the outside world. As guessed, extend the release date.

This is a joint decision made after negotiations between the producer and the distributor.

As soon as the news came out, all the media were shocked.

You know, although it has been a week since the release of “I’m Not the God of Medicine”, today’s daily box office still maintains at around 80 million.

As long as the release date is extended, at least… it will be able to reap more than two billion yuan in the box office.

But they actually gave up like this! This is not a decision that ordinary people can make.

For a while, everyone’s eyes were focused on Su Xinghe.

Obviously, this matter needs an explanation from him, the producer and starring role.

Su Xinghe is no nonsense.

I posted a Weibo directly.

“The green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, goodbye rivers and lakes.”

As soon as this Weibo was posted, everyone understood what he meant.

Obviously, Su Xinghe has already set his goal on the lower movie.

“Boss is mighty!”

“Sure enough, domineering! This is the aura of the Star God!”

“Yes, there is no need to postpone it.”

“It’s so ruthless to be able to give up so much money!”

“Mighty and domineering!”

“I look forward to your next work!”

“Teacher Su, I think I can actually play a role.”

There are people who say everything, but most people still appreciate what Su Xinghe did.

After all, no one is a fool.

Su Xinghe’s approach clearly does not intend to become a tool of capital.

The audience fans naturally don’t care. People in the circle have a higher evaluation of Su Xinghe…. “Smart people.”

Huayi Brothers headquarters.

Wang Zhongjun.

Said meaningfully to his younger brother Wang Zhonglei.

What he said is naturally Su Xinghe.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect him to be so sober.”

Wang Zhonglei said solemnly.

This is what he said in his heart.Seeing the movie box office of “I’m Not a Medicine God” is getting higher and higher, even if it is him, he is a little bit frustrated.

This box office is too high! If history has already been created, if we continue to harvest like this, it will really be offensive.

Even, he had discussed with his elder brother before that if Yanjing Culture continues to extend the release date, even if Hua Yi offends Su Xinghe, he will secretly stumble.

After all, no one wants to see such a situation.

A phenomenon-level work that occupies the summer file is itself a backlog of living space for other film works.

As a result, I never expected that Su Xinghe himself would be so sober and not be influenced by the issuer: his own thoughts.

“You touch it.”

Wang Zhongjun.

Said to the younger brother: “Look at whether he needs investment, or what plans he has next.”

“Brother, what do you mean…”

When Wang Zhonglei heard the words, he was a little surprised.

“We can’t afford to offend people like Su Xinghe. If that’s the case, we should simply lower our posture by one.

At 7 o’clock, become friends or partners with him and make money together.”

Wang Zhongjun.


He is an extremely smart person.When Feng Da just started making comedies, he saw the benefits of this and decisively established Feng Dagang as the director of Huayi.

With that series of so-called Feng’s comedies, Hua Yi made a lot of money.

And now.

Wang Zhongjun.

Obviously, I have realized that no matter what, Huayi is impossible to beat Su Xinghe.

Since you can’t become an enemy with the other party, you must become a collaborator so that you can be best for yourself.

Of course, this may be a bit ugly for Feng Dagang and some people in the Beijing circle, but in Wang Zhongjun.

It seems that it doesn’t matter.

Let the word of profit be the head, let alone the face, even if he is to sing praises to Su Xinghe now, it is not impossible.

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