Chapter 466 The wolf is coming (seeking subscription)

Ten different cultures, meeting rooms.

The oval meeting room is full of people on two long rows of seats.

On one side is the management team headed by Wang Jinghua in Shibei Culture.

On the other side, Su Xinghe and his team of lawyers and managers.

“It can be seen that the development is very good.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Wang Jinghua.

A group of executives from ten different cultures secretly rejoiced in their hearts. It seems that this… should be very satisfied with the company’s situation, otherwise he would not say so.

Before Su Xinghe came, they had a meeting, and naturally they knew that this… is not an ordinary so-called star.

Singer, actor, writer, music creator…Various identities are there.

But what makes everyone jealous the most.

It is undoubtedly the identity of this…super rich man.

Many young people who are just out of campus always like to say a word.

“Is it great to have money?”

People who can say this kind of thing have probably not experienced a real beating.

Because it’s rich, it’s really amazing.

At the very least, the amount of wealth… determines a person’s confidence when facing the difficulties of birth, old age, sickness and death.

It’s like these people here, if they are unemployed or don’t make money for a year or two, they may not care.

Because one by one, at least… they are worth several million, or even more.

But for most employees, not going to work for a year or a half can easily bring their lives to a complete breakdown.

And even these…Executives, if they encounter a problem that requires millions of dollars to solve, they may be at a loss.

But Su Xinghe doesn’t need to consider that question.

His wealth is so much that he can ignore those…risks.

The same reason.

If Su Xinghe invests in ten cultures, the vitality he brings to this company will be unmatched by others.

Just when everyone thought that Su Xinghe was going to lead the next negotiation, he laughed.

“Sister Hua, I won’t be involved in the next thing…”

A group of people were stunned.

What do you mean by not participating in this f*ck Wang Jinghua’s expression also changed.

She didn’t expect that Su Xinghe had brought so many people here, but she hadn’t made up her mind to invest in ten different cultures.

Then why did he come here? “Isn’t it…”

“What does it mean”

“Just kidding”

“This, what is this going to do, there is clearly something wrong.”

“No, what’s the matter with this star god, I don’t mean either”

“Something’s wrong, it doesn’t seem to be.”

A group of people were discussing, their eyes looked at Su Xinghe.

No one understands, what he is.

Su Xinghe smiled, stood up and said: “I have something else, you guys continue to talk.”

Everyone was stunned, just watching Su Xinghe get up and leave.

When he was gone, everyone reacted.

Fuck! Su Xinghe seems to have agreed to buy Shibei Culture.

“Su Dong just…likes to make jokes.”

At this time, a middle-aged man with a serious expression faced Wang Jinghua and said, “Mr. Wang, let’s talk about investment.”

!!!At that moment, Wang Jinghua only felt as if he had been hit by a happy cake.

…………..Su Xinghe doesn’t plan to bother about the rest.

There is a sequence of hearing about the truth, and there is a specialization in the surgery industry.

What kind of person he is, he knows in his heart that it is easier for him to leave matters to professional managers than to deal with them by himself.

The risk is also smaller.

Su Xinghe left, and his huge team of bodyguards naturally followed him.

A group of people left ten different cultures mightily.

This made the reporters guarding the door a little surprised.

Many people are aware of the recent predicament of Shibei culture, and naturally they also know that Wang Jinghua is asking for help everywhere.

It’s just that they didn’t expect Wang Jinghua to find Su Xinghe on the head.

Suddenly, following media reports, this news quickly fermented in the entertainment industry.

[Su Xinghe joins ten different cultures! Join forces!] [The No. 1 agent of Hua Xingya deserves his name, Wang Jinghua signs Su Xinghe!] [Su Xinghe, ten different cultures join hands, the wolf is coming] on Weibo.

Fans of Su Xinghe were all shocked.

“True or false, the Star God wants to join the ten different cultures, why?”

“Yeah, I don’t understand either. Obviously Ten Don is just a brokerage company. Star God does not lack any film and television resources. He is not a professional actor either.”

“Isn’t it to collect money”

“Speaking of the one who collects money…, do you have a brain? What status and status does Su Xinghe need to collect money?”

“Yes, there is something wrong, the Star God will be short of money”

“I heard that it seems that the ten different cultures are in trouble, so I want to pull the stars into the group.”

“It’s possible, maybe the shares were given, so let him join.”

“Haha, in this case, the Star God can’t retreat, right?”

“Crow’s mouth upstairs, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Yes, yes, crow’s mouth, bah bah bah!”

“I believe in Su Xinghe, he won’t quit, he can’t bear me.”

Fans have everything to say, but everyone hopes that Su Xinghe can come out and clarify.

But it’s a pity.

They waited a long time.

Su Xinghe still did not make any statement on this matter.

Even more, he didn’t even bother to post on Weibo besides…

The melon-eating people were so anxious that they wanted to dig the ground three feet to find Su Xinghe.

But many of his old fans are very calm and composed.

Nuo’s good Weibo is already a big face.

I think back then, this product was the master who announced his withdrawal from the entertainment industry without saying a word.

Now this little scene is really nothing.

Very quickly.

Just as everyone was talking about it, an announcement was officially issued in terms of ten different cultures.

But the content of this announcement surprised everyone.

[Notice of Shareholder Change of Shibie Culture…] A change in shareholder information has made Shibie Culture a hot search.

the reason is simple.

Because people discovered that the major shareholder of Shibei Culture has changed from Wang Jinghua to an investment company headquartered in the Cayman Islands, and the name of this company, translated into Chinese, is Galaxy Investment!!!! At this moment, the whole Huaxiya’s entertainment circle shook!

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