Chapter 467 Hu Ge’s worries (1, ask for subscription)

Galaxy Investment, as long as it is not a person with a brain problem, the first reaction is that this matter must be related to Su Xinghe.

But the problem is.

Su Xinghe himself did not admit that there was only one announcement on the Shibei culture side.

The reporters are very dazed about what to do.

Fortunately, netizens with magical powers helped these reporters solve their problems.

Those…netizens have found a list of some companies controlled by Galaxy Investment in the country through clues. The companies on the big theater line are the same.

in other words.

Galaxy Investment is really Su Xinghe’s industry! For a while, the entire Internet shook! “This is too awesome, Su Xinghe is going to be an entertainment giant”

“The Next Huayi”

“What are you kidding about, how could the Wang Brothers compare to the Star Gods.”

“Yes, how much money does the Star God have? The two brothers of the Wang family are just good at playing capital games. Can’t they be compared with Su Xinghe? There is no comparison at all.”

“I think so too.”

“But to be honest, 93 always feels that Wang Jinghua is playing a big game this time!”

“It’s not that she is playing big, but she can’t help it.”

There are people who say everything, and even media reporters have begun to discuss this matter.

In the midst of the disturbances, the new promotional video of “I am not the god of medicine” was officially released.

This time, it was mainly Su Xinghe’s editing in the ballroom.

At the same time, there were also cameo shots of Sun Honglei and others.

Soon, this propaganda film once again triggered a huge discussion.

Netizens left messages one after another.

“I saw Huang Bo!”

“Haha, there seems to be King Sun Yan.”

“Yes, yes, Huang Lei went too.”

“I also saw Zhou Xun.”

“Yeah, why do you feel so many stars”

“Yes, Su Xinghe is really strong!”

“Haha, you see the door, Wu Jing also appeared as a policeman inside.”

“It’s so interesting, I seem to have seen Wu Jing and his son.”

“This is simply an All-Star lineup!”

Soon, netizens launched an activity to find celebrities and began to find their favorite artists in the promotional film.

Not to mention, this event has once again increased the popularity of the movie.

After all, these celebrities themselves are very famous on weekdays, and this time, Su Xinghe holding the limelight of ten other cultures, the popularity seems to be bursting.

They naturally also want to get attention.

Besides, Su Xinghe’s current status is there, enough to make a cameo in his movie, which is also a matter of face.

I really know why people can say that the brothers and brothers like Su Xinghe don’t see those…the newcomers who just debuted, even if they are about the same age as Su Xinghe, open their mouths to repost Su Xinghe’s Weibo on Weibo. Bo, yell Teacher Su to be awesome! What is the purpose is to hope that Su Xinghe pays attention to himself, even if he just says that so-and-so acting is very good and very developed, then for them, it is the sound of nature.

This is the most obvious manifestation in Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng.

Both of them were in small companies before, and if they wanted to get resources for filming, they had to rely on their own relationships to find them.

But now, many investors simply take the initiative to come to the door.

Even many veteran actors in the circle are willing to cooperate with them.

The reason is naturally because of Su Xinghe.

They all know that they are close to Su Xinghe.At this time, a good relationship may be formed, and maybe there will be a chance to cooperate with Su Xinghe anytime.

This is the famous God of Wealth.

So far, no matter…

As a director or as a screenwriter, Su Xinghe has never made a money-losing work.

Not only that, his works not only have a high box office, but also have a good reputation.

This alone is enough to make all filmmakers rush to him! …………..Su Xinghe For this situation, it is …………Very calm.

He himself had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and he has not responded to those… comments on the Internet before, and there are hopes that these news will ferment.

Su Xinghe is not a fool, he is not bad at hype, just disdain.

The speed of time is very fast.

In a blink of an eye.

It’s May.

It’s getting closer and closer to the release date of “I’m Not the God of Medicine”.

Of course, before the release, pre-sales and screenings must be carried out.

“Xinghe, what will happen to the box office this time?”

Sitting in Su Xinghe’s villa, Hu Ge said with some worry.

He has been anxious lately.

As for the reason, it is naturally due to the problem of movie box office.

Although it is not a small piece of fresh meat, the previous movies that Hu Ge participated in…The movies, without exception, all failed miserably at the box office.

This is definitely an unacceptable thing for him.

After all, he is not the kind of little meat…without acting skills.

This kind of thing happened several times, and his confidence was damaged, but it was very great.

That is to say, this script was written by Su Xinghe, and if you change it to someone else’s work, maybe Hu Ge may not dare to act.

After all, even if he is not a box office poison, he has no successful movie works.

For this kind of actors, although no one said anything on the surface, in fact, everyone has a default rule.

Basically, no director or investor is willing to use it.

It’s not like it was two years ago.

Everyone is not clear about the ability of traffic stars to monetize.At that time, many investors felt that as long as they are hot artists, they can make money.Adding a traffic star to the movie will have a super high topic and the box office will definitely be good.

As it turns out, they think too much.

Regardless of….

What kind of traffic star is it, as long as it has something to do with traffic.

So after it is reflected in the film field, it is…two characters.

Push the street! And it’s still a big push! This principle is similar to Hu Ge.

Hu Ge’s concern, Su Xinghe is understandable.

After all, there are more failures, and people will always suffer from gains and losses.

This is especially true of Hu Ge.

He is working hard to transform and let himself complete the transition from an idol to an actor.

For this reason, even self-destroying the image.

If this is the case if the movie fails, Hu Ge will probably say goodbye to the movie completely.

That was a situation he didn’t want to see.

“Don’t worry, it’s not as exaggerated as you think.”

Su Xinghe patted Hu Ge on the shoulder and said.

Speaking of this, he is confident.

At the very least, in the eyes of Su Xinghe, there is no reason for the drama “I am not a medicine god”.

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