Chapter 465 Gangster visits

“Do you know what financial freedom is”

Lying on the bed, Su Xinghe suddenly smiled and asked Ying Bao.

Confused, Ying Bao said casually: “Financial freedom, isn’t it just having money, there is a lot of money.”


Su Xinghe laughed, but was noncommittal.

“What’s wrong, it’s not right”

Seeing his reaction, Ying Bao said puzzledly.

“Of course it’s wrong.”

Su Xinghe touched her hair, sniffed the scent on it, and said with a smile: “In a broad sense, you are right to say that. financial freedom.”

Ying Bao rolled her eyes, and for this guy, she is really used to it now.

Once upon a time, in her eyes, Su Xinghe was so high and unattainable.

But after becoming her own man, she discovered that this guy is really narcissistic sometimes and makes people speechless.

Su Xinghe naturally didn’t see Ying Bao’s eyes. He smiled and continued: “Actually, financial freedom, for most people, is…you have the power to say no.”

“Say no”

Ying Baoxiu frowned slightly, but did not speak, but thought about Su Xinghe’s words.

Obviously, Su Xinghe’s words made her think of a lot of things.

Su Xinghe smiled and said nothing, he believed that Ying Bao should have understood what he meant.

To be honest, the so-called financial freedom is really…so.

Financial freedom refers to the state in which people do not need to work hard for money for living expenses.

Simply put, the passive income generated by a person’s assets must at least equal or exceed his daily expenses.If it enters this state, it can be called financial freedom.

In Su Xinghe’s view.

Financial freedom is the right to say no.

Let’s make an analogy.

If you are talking about a business, if you look at someone who is upset and financially free, you can stop talking, even if you lose money, it doesn’t matter, because you don’t care.

But people who are not financially free must talk about it.

Because if you don’t make money, you have to lose money.

…………..No words for a night.

In the morning of the next day, Ying Baofei went to Hengdian to film, while Su Xinghe stayed in Yanjing.


Wang Jinghua still couldn’t bear it, and sent an invitation to Su Xinghe through Yu Feihong and Chen Shu again.

This time, she invited Su Xinghe to Shibei Culture.

After all, anyway, in her opinion, if Su Xinghe, the company’s situation, can be inspected on the spot, he may be able to change his mind.

To be honest, Wang Jinghua has thought about it for a long time, and has been looking for it for a long time. The most suitable person to invest in ten different cultures is…Su Xinghe.


Except for him, no one can withstand the suppression of his peers in the circle.

It was beyond her expectation.

For: Su Xinghe actually agreed to this invitation.

That afternoon.

Su Xinghe took a car and appeared at the headquarters of Shibei Culture.

When he appeared at the gate of Shibei culture, everyone was stunned.

“Hi, this is Su Xinghe”

“Oh my God!! This is too exaggerated.”

“This caravan, I’m afraid it doesn’t have twenty cars, look at those… black suits…”

“Tsk tsk, people’s ostentation is really awesome!”

“This is what he really is.”

“Haha, that’s right, people are rich, writing and acting are just hobbies.”

“Envy, a winner in life.”

“It’s not…, when can I have such a scene.”

“Wake up, a few dishes, drink like this at noon”

A group of employees from ten different cultures chatted there.

For them, Su Xinghe’s existence is too far away.

Think about it, if someone next to you is a rich person, maybe everyone will make fun of him.

But if this person is not only a rich person, but also a very rich person, then I am afraid that there is really no so-called hostility towards this person, and only worship.

The most obvious example is… the so-called Papa Ma’s statement, and what kind of national husband is there.

“Welcome to Teacher Su.”

Standing at the door, Wang Jinghua smiled.

For her, since Su Xinghe agreed to come to the company to take a look, it means that he is interested in investing, which is definitely a good thing! “You are welcome, Sister Hua.”

Su Xinghe smiled and nodded, led by Wang Jinghua, walked into the office building.

“This is our artist department…”

“This is the planning department…”

“This is the department responsible for publicity…”

While walking, Wang Jinghua personally introduced Su Xinghe.

Following her introduction, from time to time, the person in charge of that…department stepped up and told Su Xinghe about the specific functions and performance of his department.

Obviously, for the arrival of Su Xinghe, the entire Shibei culture has made serious preparations.

Su Xinghe listened to their introduction, very serious, and nodded from time to time.

It can be seen that he is also very interested.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jinghua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of….

Because of what, as long as Su Xinghe is willing to communicate with himself.

If you are afraid, you will be embarrassed.

It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice 903, no matter…

What a eloquent person is most afraid of… encountering a deaf person who can’t hear people, because then you are tantamount to playing the piano to the cow, and the hero is useless.

Fortunately, Su Xinghe is not that kind of person.

Although I don’t know why his attitude has changed, for Wang Jinghua, this is undoubtedly something that is enough to make her rejoice.

In fact.

For the entire Shibei culture, the recent days are really sad.

You know, not many people know about Su Xinghe’s rejection of Wang Jinghua.

But many film and television companies are really suppressing ten different cultures.

Often a group of artists participate in interviews for film and television dramas or advertisements. Once they hear that they are artists from ten different cultures, someone will start to make trouble.

Even if you can’t get that opportunity, you won’t let artists of ten different cultures get that opportunity.

Perhaps the top stars do not matter, but for second, third and line artists, this suppression really affects their development.

This is also the main reason why Wang Jinghua would rather give up his position as a major shareholder and also introduce a strong figure like Su Xinghe.

Her idea is very clear, that is… to use Su Xinghe’s identity to make those guys completely honest.

After all, everyone knows that Su Xinghe is famous for protecting shortcomings.

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