Chapter 464 The Pyramid of Wealth (9, for subscription)

Su Xinghe’s appearance in Yanjing is a very important thing for many people.

Wu Jing Xie Nan these… relatives and friends naturally invited him to a party.

The Deyun Club simply sent the invitation to the house and invited Su Xinghe to listen to the cross talk.

Uncle Yu also sent a WeChat message to Su Xinghe, inviting him to visit his farm.

To be honest, Su Xinghe is still very interested in his place.

But these two days have to be with Qingqing, so Su Xinghe made an appointment with them to go another day.

Then there are some business matters.

Su Xinghe refused all of them and let his professional managers take care of them.

He asked himself that he is not a genius in business, and it is not… easy to run a company well.

If this is the case, it is better to hand it over to professional managers.

After spending a few days with Qingqing, Su Xinghe poured time out to participate in various entertainments.

Although he doesn’t like these things…, but those who invite him are close people, and Su Xinghe will definitely give him the face he should give.

Of course, these years, there are really not too many people who can give him face.

This is especially true in the entertainment industry.

……………………Yanjing, a villa in the western suburbs.

“Teacher Su, I can invite you, my place is really brilliant.”

Sitting across from Su Xinghe is a middle-aged woman with a big smile on her face.

Although a little older than Su Xinghe, when she faced Su Xinghe, she spoke very politely.She didn’t have the attitude of a big boss at all, but more like a small person.

Looking at her, Su Xinghe had a faint smile on his face, but in his heart, he sneered.

This woman is not easy! Her name is Wang Jinghua, and she is considered to be the first batch of brokers in China.

In the early 90s of the last century, he began to act as agents for some singers.

At that time, the content of the music circle was at the forefront of the system, and very few people realized what an agent was.

When she first came out as a broker, she only had more than 800 yuan in her pocket, and she had no fixed office space. She carried a bag and moved around. She was a typical “leather bag company”.

In 1993, at the invitation of Chen Daoming, Wang Jinghua transferred to the film and television agency and began to use the personal connections he had made before to become the agent of the stars.

The income of brokers is mainly divided into two ways: one is to directly participate in the sharing of star income, and it is a white-collar worker in the brokerage industry.

This kind of situation is relatively rare, and there is no definite standard for this division.

Wang Jinghua is…this category.

To put it simply, the brokerage company and the artist are divided into two to eight::, three to seven, 3: 70, and even five to five, and the broker takes the corresponding commission from the commission.

Celebrities are not the same in value, and the income of agents is also very different.

The other… category is… in the brokerage industry, for employees who receive a fixed salary from a brokerage company, the annual income of celebrities has no direct relationship with them.

Except in very rare circumstances, such as a celebrity’s worth last year, which suddenly reached 5 million this year, the boss will naturally consider a salary increase at his discretion, but in most cases they are paid a fixed salary.

An agent like Wang Jinghua, to put it bluntly, the more the celebrity earns, the more she earns.If the celebrity does not take the show, then she has no income.

This… is not… a fuel-efficient lamp. Back then, she was prominent in the circle, and she was directly attracted by the Huayi brothers and became Huayi’s vice president in charge of artist brokerage contracts.

As a result, within a few years, she directly led a large number of artists to join Chengtian Group.

And now, she has left Chengtian and is on her own.

Such a woman, through the relationship between Yu Feihong and Chen Shu, finds herself and hopes to meet herself. Su Xinghe is very curious about what she is going to do.

Wang Jinghua looked at Su Xinghe and said slowly.

Su Xinghe looked at her strangely, but…Unexpectedly, she was so direct.

But what does she mean by herself, enter the entertainment circle “Sister Hua, are you misunderstanding?”

Su Xinghe smiled and asked: “Do you think I need to enter the entertainment industry?”

“No, no, no, I didn’t mean that.”

Wang Jinghua was taken aback, and then shook his head quickly: “I mean, do you want to consider investing in the entertainment industry in the film and television industry? I think this industry is promising.”

!!! Su Xinghe was startled, then smiled.

He really didn’t expect that when Wang Jinghua saw himself, he was actually here to pull investment.

“Hehe, Sister Hua, you want me to invest in your company”

Su Xinghe looked at Wang Jinghua and said slowly.

Wang Jinghua nodded: “Yes, I’m here to pull investment.”

She was very frank, and then took out a document from her bag and handed it directly to Su Xinghe, and said to Su Xinghe: “This is the information of my current company. If you are willing to invest, then I am willing to give up the position of the major shareholder. ”

It can be seen that she is sincere and sincere.

In other words, for this meeting, this woman was fully prepared.

But Su Xinghe was not moved at all, and he didn’t even have the idea of ​​picking up the information.Instead, he looked at Wang Jinghua with a smile.

In a society full of filth, if kindness is useless, then fully armed.

Su Xinghe never intended to be a good man and a believer, because he knew very well that this is a world where wicked people dominate.

Facts have repeatedly proved that bad guys can commit heinous crimes and are unscrupulously proud.They are bad and shrewd.

If you want to live better, you can only be stronger than these bad guys.

Who is Wang Jinghua? Even if Su Xinghe is not familiar with her, she has heard of this woman’s name.

She wants to attract investment, in Su Xinghe’s view, she doesn’t need to find herself here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the gap between the two people is a bit big, so big that there is no intersection at all.

Think about it, a person with a net worth of tens of millions is not qualified to enter the circle with a net worth of billions.

In the same way, a person of Wang Jinghua’s level is worth a few hundred million.

This may be wealth that ordinary people cannot earn in a few lifetimes.

But in Zhao Fusheng’s eyes, there is not even one%%% of Facebook’s shares worthy.

This is the circle.

And Su Xinghe is one of the people at the top of the entire social wealth pyramid.

He is qualified to look down on anyone including Wang Jinghua!

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