Chapter 448 The airport leader is crazy! (6, subscription)

In fact, Su Xinghe did not know that the entire Yanjing International Airport was already in a mess at this moment.

Ten minutes after the plane took off, the last time they received news of the plane was the sound of fierce fighting and screams from the cockpit.

No one knows what this means! The leaders of the ground command center are almost crazy.

Just now, they received a message that they detected the real-time position of the plane, and it was actually above the Yellow Sea! Fuck! The course deviation has been very large.

“How’s that? Did you get in touch?”

The leader in charge of the ground command of the airport asked the opponent with a serious face.

“Contacting, but we found that the other party seems to be pulling up.”

“Pull up”

A group of leaders looked at each other.

“Continue to join “Nine Zero Three”

Network, try every means to contact.”

The leader gritted his teeth and said.

Not only him, but all the people present here have very serious expressions on their faces.

This is an airplane, and an inattention can cause the airplane to crash and kill! Suddenly, the mobile phone of an airport worker nearby rang.

Well, the eyes of a group of leaders all looked at him.

The man was almost crying, so many leaders at the airport were there, answering the phone by himself, he was crazy! But at this moment, he was stunned.

Holding the phone, under the stern gaze of many leaders, he actually picked it up, and also turned on the hands-free: “Hey, Chen Yu, it’s me, what’s the matter, what happened, why did your flight deviate? The route is so far”

!!!This! All the leaders were stunned.

Chen Yu, isn’t that the name of the flight attendant on the plane that lost contact? “Director Zhou!”

The flight attendant over the phone uttered an excited shout, and there seemed to be people around cheering: “Great, great, finally got through!”

“Get in touch!”

“Yeah, great.”

“Quickly ask what’s going on”

Everyone was so excited.

At this time, the person in charge of the airport walked over quickly and said in a deep voice, “I am Zhao Guanghua, what is your situation now?”

Chen Yu naturally knew who Zhao Guanghua was, and his voice was crying, and he quickly explained: “After we took off, we encountered a gangster who stabbed the safety officer and the driver and rushed into the cockpit.

He had two accomplices who held us with weapons.

Later, we all worked hard and injured the gangsters outside the cockpit.

Leader, will the police catch us? Later, the cockpit door was closed, I didn’t open it for a long time, and then it was pried open. Driving is affected…”

!!! Chen Yu’s introduction has greatly changed the expressions of these leaders.

It turned out to be a hijacking! When the plane lost contact before, everyone had a very, worst assumption.

Hijacking is naturally one of the ideas.

Now it seems that good luck! The hijacker was actually controlled.

The person in charge thought about it a little, and said in a deep voice: “You have handled it very well, because of your route problem, we have locked your position, and there will be other flights to navigate for you soon, you just need to follow them.

In addition, tell the passengers on the plane, thank them for their heroic fighting, the robbers deserve their crimes, and you are all heroes!”

Beep beep! The phone has been disconnected before the voice is over.

The leader holding the phone looked strange.

He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Wait…! Just now, Chen Yu said that the driver and the co-pilot were all stabbed by the gangsters and were in a coma.

Moreover, the entire cockpit of the plane, due to the co-pilot’s fight with the gangsters, was also beaten in a mess and messed up, and the equipment was damaged a lot.

So, the autopilot system of the aircraft has been completely damaged.

With that said, who is driving the plane and fucking? The few big leaders looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, and suddenly there is an inexplicable premonition in my heart.

…The leaders panic, Su Xinghe is even more panic! What it feels like to bend in the sky in an airplane, to be honest, he doesn’t want to experience it at all , Even if I look at the buildings on the ground now…the gradually smaller buildings are very fulfilling, he doesn’t want to experience this feeling 0…This is so scary ! But now there is no way.

The two pilots were all in a coma, the blood in the whole body, and the rest of the crew, but…I wanted to help, but when I heard about flying the plane, all their heads shook like a rattle.

What an international joke! If they really know how to fly, they wouldn’t let Su Xinghe, a layman, try it before.

“No, what shall we do next”

Su Xinghe was driving the plane while arguing with Xu Shan who was sitting next to him.

That’s right.

The others went out, only two of them were left in the cockpit, and there were two other flight attendants.

“I don’t know, otherwise, let’s find a place to make an emergency landing”

Xu Shanzheng is also a layman, gritted his teeth and said.

Su Xinghe shook his head decisively when he heard the words.

His knowledge reserves are still there.

Unless it is a last resort, it is absolutely impossible for him to choose the method of forced landing to land.

At this moment, the flight attendant who had been calling rushed in.

“It’s saved! It’s saved!”

The flight attendant said to Su Xinghe: “Teacher Su, we are saved!”

“Say quickly, say it quickly.”

Su Xinghe naturally raised his eyebrows and asked quickly.

“I contacted the airport, and they will contact the nearby airline 1.

Class 7 is here to guide us, and then we can follow them.”

The flight attendant introduced to Su Xinghe.

Leading Su Xinghe was startled.

Then he understood what the flight attendant meant, and thought about it: “Then do I have to raise the plane?”

What he thought was very simple.This thing is like overtaking.No matter the altitude or speed of his own aircraft, he is not on the same channel as others.How can someone wink his eyes to lead the flight attendant, although Su Xinghe said the truth is not correct. It’s wrong, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with this.

Su Xinghe didn’t care too much. Since the leader said so, he didn’t say anything, and pulled the plane up again with his feet! Go home! No one can stop him from going home! Please read the underlined version of the novel, please Download 飞卢小

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