Chapter 449 Gambler Su Xinghe (1, for subscription)

It turns out.

No one can stop a man who wants to go home.

Soon, an airplane appeared in Su Xinghe’s field of vision.

The other party has been there: flying in front of him, obviously guiding him.

Following this plane, Su Xinghe finally found the way forward.

As the plane gradually landed, the airport tower was visible in the cockpit field of vision.

All kinds of fire trucks and ambulances are all on standby below.

If you think about it, you can guess that at this time, there must be tens of thousands of people on the ground watching them.

In the plane.

The flight attendant looked at the declining height outside the window and pressed his lower lip tightly and muttered: “It’s just the last step, it’s just one step away, come on!”

The flight attendants around them were all pale and nervous.

Some of the passengers closed their eyes and some were crying in a low voice.

It seems that they have prepared for the worst.

Even the flight attendant, at this time, I really can only think of resignation.

As a crew member, she knows exactly how risky the plane is about landing, but there is no way.Now on the entire plane, only Su Xinghe can drive the plane up.

Su Xinghe looked a little unreliable, and there was always a feeling of treating the plane as a car, but since the 2009 incident, everyone can only pray that he can succeed, otherwise, once the plane dashes out of the runway, it will be a plane crash. The end of the game.

At this moment, Su Xinghe is actually very anxious.

Even if he is a person with a big heart, he is very nervous at this time.

After all, the lives of hundreds of people are all held in his hands! If you want to say that you are not nervous at all, then Su Xinghe is bragging, even if he knows that the system will protect him from death, the problem is that the entire aircraft People, hundreds of lives, because they are gone, Su Xinghe estimates that he will live in guilt for the rest of his life.

Taking a deep breath, Su Xinghe tried to calm down.

He recalled the process he wrote down when he was studying on a small plane, first looking for the landing gear button.

After clicking it, he waited silently there.


This button is not broken! When he saw the reminder that the landing gear has been released…, he was relieved. Fortunately, the button is not broken and the landing gear can still be opened. Then he has only one thing to do That’s it, just… slow down and find the longest runway to descend.

Today’s aircraft have a blind landing system, which can be achieved with instruments.

But firstly, Su Xinghe didn’t understand this, and secondly, many of the meters were broken and couldn’t be operated at all.He could only recognize and judge by naked eyes and feelings.

Fortunately, the degree of automation of passenger aircraft is very high.Under normal circumstances, all controls are trimmed.Even the rudder is simulated, not from the load ratio of the rudder surface, so it also reduces the difficulty of Su Xinghe’s operation to a certain extent.

Landing! Su Xinghe gritted his teeth thinking of this.

He knew that he could no longer hesitate.

Hovering over the airport for two times, Su Xinghe got out of the situation at the airport and opened the in-cabin call and said to everyone on the plane: “Friends, I am ready to start in a minute. Everyone is ready, stockings, high heels, glasses, etc. Throw away everything as soon as possible.

I can only promise to do my best and wish us well”


He shut down the communication directly.

At this time, nothing more is of no use.

Let it be your fate!………… on the ground at this moment.

Perimeter of the runway.

Some of the people in the ground command center are still staying at the tower, and many others can’t wait to come out. Looking at the plane overhead, they all raised their throats, and the leaders opened their eyes and tightened their whole bodies. Bent, the police and doctors are all on standby urgently.

The plane is getting lower and lower.

It’s about to come down.

But here comes the problem.

Now this posture is too weird! “No, not at such an angle, so down, the nose of the plane will land first.”

“The speed is too fast, it is troublesome, the buffer distance is too short, and the speed has to be reduced.”


“How to do”

“It’s over!”

Seeing that the plane was about to crash, everyone was yelling! The passengers on the plane also saw the terrified and sad eyes of the ground personnel. Several flight attendants looked at each other with tears, and they understood that they are not good enough! Still not good, obviously they have worked hard. After so many times, why do you still want to die! People are very sensitive at the moment before they die, and they think of a lot of things. They think God is too unfair! They are not reconciled! They don’t want to die! Just off the ground At two hundred meters, Su Xinghe also noticed that the angle of the aircraft was wrong.It was not what he wanted, but the aircraft suffered a lot of airflow resistance when it landed at a low speed, which caused the fuselage to deviate from his expectations.

In addition, Su Xinghe has never had experience in operating this kind of passenger aircraft. The nose is too low. If this continues, I don’t know if the nose landed first or the landing gear landed first. The crisis is imminent! At this point, Su Xinghe’s expression changed slightly. He knew that this would not work, there was no time! One hundred and eighty meters! One hundred and fifty meters! In an instant, Su Xinghe exhausted all his strength and yanked the fuselage upward.

Come up here! Come up! Just a little! A little is enough! Boom! The plane has touched the ground! This sound almost made Su Xinghe’s soul frightened, and the entire cabin was violently bumped, as if it was about to fall apart and explode.

this moment.

Su Xinghe closed his eyes in shock and did not dare to look. After waiting for a second, he opened 903’s eyes and found that the cockpit was okay, and the nose was okay. At the most critical moment of landing, the balance of the fuselage made him pull back for a lifetime. This can really be said to be a miracle, and 80% of it is only a person like Su Xinghe who is fearless and fearless can do this kind of miracle, because if an experienced driver encounters this situation, it is estimated that he will choose Start the horsepower to let the plane take off again and try to land again in a better posture, but that method is not suitable in this case, because it is too low, and the plane may not be able to pull up, but because of that…after accelerating the landing Can’t stop! Su Xinghe did it! But the danger was not relieved…

The plane was stumbling forward on the runway. It was obvious that the speed when it landed was not well mastered. It was too fast. The landing point chosen before was also very bad. It was only half of the runway, and the line was still a bit slanted. The take-off and landing runway, but diagonally rushed into the open space on the side, and further ahead is…a passenger plane and terminal building that stopped early.

The fuselage kept shaking, and Su Xinghe was also overwhelmed, but he was still trying to slow down.

The voices of the passengers and crew on the plane were endless, and they all felt dead.

This time is very short, but this time is also very long.After a century, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The plane finally stopped!

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