Chapter 447 Su Xinghe who performs miracles (5, for subscription)

Can Su Xinghe fly a plane, don’t say, he really does.

After buying a private jet, he learned how to fly a plane for a period of time.

Although it is not 100% successful, he can still fly simple small airplanes.

But the problem is.

This is not the kind of…small airplane! What a serious Airbus! What should I do? The airplane’s altitude keeps dropping! The sirens in the cabin sounded continuously! The crew and some enthusiastic passengers are still working hard in the cockpit, and the dead horse is regarded as a dead horse. The living horse doctor experimented with the above buttons one by one.As a result, the airplane descended a little faster than before, and the hatch almost opened.

Of course, there is a safety lock there. It is impossible to open it without opening the insurance, but it is also very dangerous.

The layman is… the layman, it’s not a matter of luck! The cabin swayed from left to right! Su Xinghe stood there with a blue face.

The passengers are aware of the current situation, and some people have begun to write suicide notes.

“Mom, oooooo, are we going to die”

Said a four or five year old girl.

“Children who don’t know how, someone will definitely save us!”

The mother held her daughter tightly.

The little girl was surprised: “Really, will Uncle Superman come to rescue me?”

The mother shed tears silently, “Yes, it will, you are so cute, Uncle Superman will definitely come.”


The little girl with two pony tails turned to the other passengers and said, “Don’t be afraid, Uncle Superman will be here soon!”

The conversation between a mother and a child made everyone feel sad.

Seeing the child laugh innocently, no one clicked, only sadness in his heart!……Su Xinghe was also moved by this conversation.

At this time, Xu Shanzheng came over with Zhang Hanyun.

“Xinghe, have you written a suicide note?”

Xu Shanzheng said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe looked blank: “What to write a suicide note?”

There is no god in Zhang Hanyun’s eyes: “Can you still see this situation, none of us can survive.”

Su Xinghe gave her a look, “What if we survive, let’s make a bet, I promise everyone is safe!”

Zhang Hanyun found a place to sit down, listless, and absent-mindedly said: “Okay, bet, if you can land alive, I will let you kiss!”


Su Xinghe blinked and said, “Where do you kiss?”

Pointing to his sexy red lips, Zhang Hanyun said: “Okay?”

“Okay, that’s a deal!”

Su Xinghe actually doesn’t have much confidence.With this bet, he is actually cheering himself up.

Zhang Hanyun ignored him after saying that, and typed with a mobile phone, as if he was writing a suicide note.In fact, this kind of suicide note is at most for myself.If the plane crashes, the phone may be innocent.

Everyone’s behavior now is just thinking about your own life before you die.

“Mom, my son is not filial, I’m sorry, I take care of you!”

“What you said, it’s not good for mom. If it weren’t for me to take you to Hengdian for a tour, we wouldn’t have encountered this kind of thing, oooo, it’s mom who hurt you!”

“Mom, stop talking, don’t blame you!”

The conversation between a mother and a child made many people cry!…the cockpit.

The communication device here can only communicate with the inside of the cabin. I only hear the sad voice from the flight attendant: “Dear passengers, I apologize to you on behalf of all the crew members. I’m sorry… it was caused by our negligence. After this hijacking accident, the sea is now visible below. We have tried our best. The plane will crash into the sea in two minutes. I’m sorry…”

The cabin was silent.

I don’t know who took the lead. Almost everyone cried! After fighting with the gangsters for so long, I wanted to make a bright light, but who wanted to end up with the same result? In the cockpit, the crew and a few helping passengers also Did not say a word.

In this case, no one loses confidence.

At this moment.

Su Xinghe walked in: “Let me try.”

Everyone looked surprised.

Su Xinghe shrugged: “I have my own private jet. Although I haven’t flew a passenger plane before, it’s a small plane… .”

“Now you have to drive manually. It is impossible for people who have not gone through several years of professional training and practical training…”

The flight attendant explained to Su Xinghe.

“I’ll try it, anyway…you won’t, will you”

Su Xinghe said calmly.

0 The sea outside the glass is getting closer and closer, and soaring seagulls can see it.If this kind of flying bird hits an aircraft engine, they will also be a dead end, and flying at low altitude itself is extremely dangerous.

It is estimated that it will only take a minute or two before the plane crashes.

Sitting in the position of the pilot of the plane, Su Xinghe checked the surroundings, then found a button on the controller and pressed it hard.

!!! The flight attendants next to me were all scared and stupid. Brother, what do you mean? At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: “The pressure in the cabin is relieved! The pressure is really relieved!”

The so-called pressure relief naturally refers to the air pressure inside the aircraft.

The cockpit has become completely unrecognizable after the fight, and there are wires with sparks, and then fall rapidly from high altitude.If the pressure is not safely released, the aircraft may explode before being pulled up to the height.This possibility must be avoided.

… Immediately afterwards, Su Xinghe found the manual throttle again.

The speed of the plane suddenly increased, but the caring people noticed that although the trend was still falling, the speed of the plane’s descent seemed to have slowed down.

Just when there were 500 meters left.

Su Xinghe yelled: “Get Laozi up!”

In the next moment, the plane that was about to crash unexpectedly flew up miraculously.

Fuck, he actually did it! The passengers and crew members in the entire plane looked at Su Xinghe dumbfounded.

This f*ck! This f*ck is simply… a miracle! A living miracle! “Hahahahahaha, we are saved!”

“Saved, saved!”

“It’s awesome! It’s awesome!”


“Mom, there really is a Superman.”

“Yeah, yeah, Superman really does.”

“Thank you so much, thank you, Teacher Su, thank you.”

“Long live Teacher Su!”

“Husband I love you!”

“Hahahahaha, don’t die, it’s great!”

A group of passengers who had survived a desperate situation yelled one after another.

For them, this experience is simply too exciting.

And Su Xinghe also took a breath.

Good risk! Almost finished! How many

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