Chapter 424 When it comes to writing songs, Laozi is not convinced by anyone! (For subscription)

“I’ll just write it.”

Su Xinghe walked into the lounge and said lightly.

!!! His words immediately shocked both Yang Mi and the princess.

The two turned their heads almost at the same time.

“How did you come”

Yang Mi blurted out.

“Mr. Su”

The princess saw Su Xinghe who was heavily armed, and was a little surprised.

Su Xinghe took off his scarf and nodded with a smile: “Sister Fei, hello.”

“How did you come”

Yang Mi walked quickly to Su Xinghe and asked in surprise.

“Nonsense, can I not come to such a big thing.”

Su Xinghe said to her angrily.

Your own woman, naturally, does not need to be so polite.

Looking across the two people, the princess showed a thoughtful expression.

Although she has a proud personality, she is not a fool.

Some East “Nine Zero Three”

Xi, as a person who came by, she saw it clearly.

She has worked with Yang Mi so many times, and her attitude towards the opposite sex is still fresh in the memory of the princess.

It’s nothing to say nothing, there is almost no such a relaxed state as it is now.

Thinking of this, the princess spoke and said to Su Xinghe: “Mr. Su, you just said, you come to write a song.”

Yang Mi also looked at Su Xinghe and asked, “Do you still have songs in your hands?”

Su Xinghe smiled: “Of course, writing songs is not a problem at all.”

“Written lyrics”

Yang Mi was a little surprised.

“No, I thought about it temporarily on the road.”

Su Xinghe said frankly.

“Where’s the tune”

The princess asked.

“I also thought about it temporarily.”

!!! Both women are helpless.

What use can this hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily?

Su Xinghe knew what they meant and explained: “I only saw the news in the morning, so I didn’t have much preparation.

Calling Yang Mi couldn’t get through, but I still asked Miss Liu about the specific situation.

Just come in this work permit, and let Huang Bo find someone to get it for me.If he doesn’t bring me in, I won’t be able to come in.

To be honest, I am very upset now. The director team is playing like this, it is clear that… If you don’t put me in the eyes, why my song will not be the scene.”

Hearing what he said, the princess laughed and looked at Yang Mi with a faint smile: “Is that right, then I can count on you.”

To be honest, the reason why she didn’t agree to find Su Xinghe for a song before, to a large extent, was also because Su Xinghe was not very good at dealing with.

It took a lot of effort to buy the copyright of “When Will the Bright Moon Be?” before.

Therefore, the princess had this idea.

As a result, Su Xinghe took the initiative to come to the door.

Ha ha.

This is really a different treatment! Yang Mi was taken aback when she heard the words of the princess, and then said: “Yes, I’m sorry.”

Pretend! You just continue to pretend! When did you look at them faintly when you were embarrassed with me, Su Xinghe said: “This matter is for you two, but I wrote the previous song after all.

Now that I have been taken down, I still say that because it is a Mid-Autumn Festival song, it shouldn’t be the scene, I feel very uncomfortable.

As you all know, I am a person with no great abilities, but I am still good at writing songs, poems, and novels.

Although it may not be the first in the country, I think that most people are not as good as I write, right?”

The princess and Yang Mi were speechless.

Although Su Xinghe said this a bit crazy, but I have to say it.

The talent of this guy is there, and he does have this ability.

“You write words and music by yourself”

The princess asked Su Xinghe with some uncertainty.

Su Xinghe nodded: “Yes.”


The princess does not believe it, but she is very interested. With her decades of music experience, anyone who dares to speak such big words is either a madman or a genius! But obviously, Su Xinghe is not a madman, he is a genius, and he is still recognized Genius! “Sister Fei, look at that”

Yang Mi asked the princess.

After all, she was a monk halfway through, and Su Xinghe’s relationship with her is there, this matter depends on the opinion of the princess.

The princess shook her head, “I don’t know what song I want. I can’t hear it without a small sample. I can’t judge whether your work is suitable.”

“That way, I will write the words now.”

Su Xinghe said.


The princess nodded, and then said to Yang Mi: “You accompany me to the bathroom.”

She meant to give Su Xinghe time to write songs and scores.

“No need.”

Su Xinghe waved his hand: “I can write now.”

Now the princess and Yang Mi are stunned.

They thought Su Xinghe was joking just now, but they didn’t expect that this guy was actually on the way, so they thought of a song and came out 0…What is the situation? Su Xinghe is not nonsense, just here. I found a piece of paper and pen, lowered my head and started writing there.

Of course, what he wrote is naturally the lyrics.

The princess and Yang Mi looked at each other with surprise.

“Affi, I…”

At this time, a person walked in at the door and was about to speak with his mouth open.

As a result, the princess waved her hand and silenced the other party.

The person here is her agent.

When he saw Su Xinghe, the man’s eyes lit up.

It turns out that she also went out to contact other musicians before, hoping to temporarily help Princess Wang and Yang Mi find a good song.

It turned out that there was some good news, and I saw Su Xinghe as soon as I entered the door.

She knew Su Xinghe.

She had seen Su Xinghe’s talent in the song “When Will the Moon Be”, not to mention all these years. Although Su Xinghe’s status in the Chinese music scene is not as high as that of a top queen like Wang Hao.

But in fact, everyone knows that because he retired for ten years.

If it hadn’t been for those ten years of dormancy, Qi, the guy in front of him would have become a singer of the heavenly king like Jay Chou.

However, even those…Tanzi knows that you can deny Su Xinghe’s music status, but you absolutely can’t deny his musical talent.

Because this guy has proven with countless classic songs, in the matter of song writing, his ability can be called the top three in the Chinese music scene.

After a while, Su Xinghe put down the pen in his hand and handed the piece of paper to the princess 1.

: “Sister Fei, look at the words.”

The princess didn’t even look at it, and smiled and said: “Don’t look at it, in terms of words, even Jaylen is full of praise for you, naturally I have nothing to say.”

She is telling the truth. After all, as a well-known creative king in the Chinese music world, even Jay Chou said frankly when he mentioned Su Xinghe’s ability to write lyrics. opponent.

The real key is the tune.

It is useless for a song to have good words, and it needs to have the right tune so that it can impress the audience.

Su Xinghe smiled and began to sing.

After a few minutes.

In this lounge, a burst of uncontrollable laughter suddenly broke out.

And the owner of this voice turned out to be the princess who has always been unsmiling! What the hell is going on?

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