Chapter 423 If you are thirsty for songs (subscription required)

Fifteen minutes later.

Parking lot near CCTV.

Huang Bo looked at Su Xinghe helplessly.

“No, you are not kidding me”

When Lao Huang was in a hurry, the dialects of his hometown came out.

Su Xinghe laughed and said to him, “Just take me in.”

“No, you are such a rich man, can’t you just go in?”

Huang Bo looked at Su Xinghe blankly.

Just now Su Xinghe asked himself to sneak him in, which really shocked him.

This is not a joke! Sneaking people into the CCTV studio, and it’s still the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala.

If something goes wrong, it will be a big trouble if you can’t eat it.

“low profile.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Huang Bo: “I want to see Yang Mi.”

“I see.”

At this moment, Huang Bo knew what Su Xinghe meant.

He naturally knew about Yang Mi, and he also learned some news from Weibo.

In this matter, some people on CCTV are a bit too much.

No wonder Su Xinghe can’t see it.

According to his temper, he didn’t directly fire on Weibo, which is enough to give CCTV’s face.

The song of the Mid-Autumn Festival can’t be sung on the Spring Festival Gala. What kind of shit logic is this! I don’t make sense at all, OK? Thinking of this, Huang Bo nodded to Su Xinghe: “Okay, you will change your clothes later, dress more tightly, and bring Hold my assistant’s work card and go in with me.”

Although the Spring Festival Gala is rigorous, everyone brings many attendants, but an assistant can still bring them.

What’s more, now Huang Bo is a real movie actor, and he is also quite famous in the domestic film circle.

The minimum respect is still to be given.

Ten minutes later, Su Xinghe followed Huang Bo into CCTV’s No. 1 studio.

In the wide hall, at this moment, there are all noises.

“Props, what’s the matter with props”

“The makeup artist here, come here, come here.”

“Light, see if he is asked here.”

“Hurry up, hurry up, the last dress rehearsal is coming soon, you are the fourth singing and dancing, ready at any time.”

“Don’t move, stop, just keep it like this.”

“Pay attention to the posture, pay attention to the posture, and that’s it for a while.”

“Remember, you must be steady when you are on stage, and you must not make mistakes.”

“Yes, we can’t make a mistake.”

“It’s the last one, we must do it well, or it will be taken away!”

“Yes, my hands are shaking now.

Big stars such as Yang Mi and Princess Wang were temporarily cut off from the show, we are…………unknown, but……”

“Shhh, keep your voice down, don’t talk about it.”

The hall is very messy, with guitars, singing, and people. There are too many people in the venue. There is no separate training space for so many people. Tension and excitement can almost be seen on the face.

After all, this is the Spring Festival Gala! This halo is too big! Basically 90% of people are attending the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. Naturally, it is impossible to be as calm as those… In fact, speaking of it, even a star who has been to the Spring Festival Gala more than once may be nervous when encountering such a scene, because the pressure is too great.

What’s more, there are precedents of the princess and Yang Mi. The programs set by the program list may not be shown in the end. Maybe they have really got the last minute of the live broadcast. Only then can they know whether their programs can be played, and the competition is real. cruel.



rest area.

There are too many people coming and going.

Su Xinghe was wearing a coat and wrapped tightly, and no one recognized him.

I searched here without thinking, but I couldn’t find the location of Yang Mi and the princess.

No way, Su Xinghe doesn’t know the situation here.

After searching for a long time, he finally stopped a little actor who was passing by: “My kid, have you seen Yang Mi?”

The young actor was not very young. He was taken aback when he saw Su Xinghe, and then said in surprise: “You are Qingqing’s brother, you are Qingqing’s brother!”

!!! Su Xinghe is speechless.

Dare to feel that I borrowed the light of that girl from Qingqing.

“Um…, kid, can you tell me where I can find Yang Mi”

Su Xinghe still asked patiently.

The child nodded: “Just turn left in the fourth room ahead. I saw her and Aunt Wang concubine together.”

The studio is such a big place, it’s normal for actors to meet.

Su Xinghe nodded when he heard the words, and after thanking the other party, he walked towards the lounge.

……………… No. 1 studio, lounge.

0Because it is the Spring Festival Gala, it is very messy here, there are a few mirrors on the wall, and clothes and props are piled on the ground.

Yang Mi and Princess Wang sat there chatting.

The princess looked at Yang Mi and smiled and said: “I’m sorry, Mi Mi, you are considered to be tired by me.”

“Sister Fei’s words are out of the way.”

Yang Mi shook her head: “It’s not your own problem. Didn’t you say it? Our songs don’t match the temperament of the Spring Festival Gala. Han Shengli is now a popular idol and an international friend. It’s normal, normal, and basic operations.”

The princess laughed at herself, and said with a wry smile: “Yes, people are getting old, they are no longer popular, they are incomparable with international friends.”

As she said, she looked around and said casually: “Before, I was invited by someone. I didn’t think it was interesting. Now, standing on the stage, I know that, in fact, I still feel nostalgic for the stage. .”

………… “Otherwise, let me see if I can think of a way, let’s add it to another team”

Yang Mi said.

“forget it.”

The princess shook her head: “No need.”

She has her pride, a dignified generation of queens, cooperated with Yang Mi because the two people sang this song together since the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and Su Xinghe was willing to sell the song to herself at that time, also because of Yang Mi.

Now that she is asked to cooperate with others again, the princess is really reluctant to do so.

Tian Hou also wants face.

“Hey, speaking of it, this director group is really, can’t you tell me in advance?”

“Yeah, it’s too late to hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily. If we say that the song should not be the scene, we can find someone to re-arrange a song.”

“Sister, if you have been in the music scene for so many years, and you know so many musicians, ask them to see if there are any… suitable songs.”


I called yesterday and there was basically no suitable one.

And even if there is a song, I am not satisfied with the demo.

Compared with “When will there be a bright moon”, it is far behind.

Seriously, Mi Mi, if the quality of the previous song is not as good as the quality of the previous song, what’s the point of the two of us going up?”


“Otherwise, you can contact Su Xinghe”

“He guesses it’s choking, writing songs requires inspiration, and in such a short period of time, even if it is him, there is nothing he can do about it.”

The two women were talking quietly there. There were few people here, so they didn’t worry about being heard.

: Seeking subscription! Seeking reward! How many votes! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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