Chapter 425 New product? (For subscription)

Soon, the princess left the lounge with Yang Mi.

The most powerful thing about the Queen is her musical talent.

You can question her emotional life, but in the field of music, you have to admit that the strength of the princess is there.

Don’t talk about the bullshit made by talented people from the Jiangshan generation, just now…the newcomers in the music world, come out whatever, in front of the princess, there is nothing.

After only listening to Su Xinghe humming it again, the princess actually wrote down the tune.

She can be sure that this is definitely a rare good song.

Su Xinghe, this guy, is a real cow! But the tunes alone are not enough. If you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, you need an accompaniment tape, so the princess hurriedly took Yang Mi to record the accompaniment. She has her own personal connections. This little thing is still a problem. Not big.

The only question is… can the director group ever give it.

at noon.


Yang Mi and the princess walked for a long time, Su Xinghe was idle and bored, playing on the phone for a long time, and finally just wandered out.

He can’t leave now, if he needs to advise himself, he still has to follow.

Before Yang 09mi left, she deliberately told him not to leave.

Seeing that Boss Yang treats himself so well and unlocks countless shares, Su Xinghe will naturally not leave.

Su Xinghe walked in the studio and was naturally seen by many people.

“Who is this guy, so handsome!”

“So leisurely”

“Hey, familiar, this, isn’t this Su Xinghe”

“Su Xinghe, real or fake”

“Don’t say it, it’s really Su Xinghe, why did he come, there is no show for him”

“Let’s take care of ourselves, and our show will be coming soon. Be smart and don’t make mistakes.”

Everyone talked a lot, and naturally they knew what happened in the morning, and they also understood that Su Xinghe came to CCTV at this time, and it was definitely not a stroll.

Just this guy’s temper, if it really makes trouble, it will definitely be out of control.

At this moment, Su Xinghe suddenly saw someone.

In his early twenties, he was very young, with small eyes, and very handsome. It was the…Korea idol singer Han Shengli.

He was being interviewed by a reporter at the moment, and he was haunting a bunch of Korean, and Su Xinghe couldn’t understand it either.

Because this person is… one of the factors that caused Yang Mi and the others to not be able to stage the Spring Festival Gala. Su Xinghe naturally looked at him a few more times, but he didn’t like it in his heart. The little nose and small eyes, where so many brain fans like it, it doesn’t matter. ….

Su Xinghe will be very hostile to what Han Shengli looks like.

Why not why! Who made him a Korean?

“Ms. Su”

At this time, a surprised voice was behind Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe was taken aback, turned his head, and stood by the reporter who had interviewed him.

That was a female reporter. Because filming and recording were not allowed, she only took a pen and a notebook.

“It’s really Teacher Su, why don’t you have you on the show, oh, I understand, it’s because of that song that you came to help Yang Mi and the princess write a song, and the princess and Yang Mi can still work this time? Can’t be on stage”

The reporter was also a clever man, with a quick brain, and quickly raised a lot of questions.

Su Xinghe is not stupid, and shook his head quickly: “I’m sorry, no comment.”

“Hey hey, Teacher Su, just say a few words.”

The female reporter hurriedly said.

“I really don’t know anything.”

Su Xinghe talked a few words and left.

The female reporter was helpless, thought for a while, and wrote a title on the book-“Su Xinghe mysteriously appeared in CCTV No. 1 studio, Princess Yang Mi may have a new work”.

……………………One o’clock.

Yang Mi called, but the person who spoke was the princess, obviously they were together.

The princess said: “Teacher Su, I asked Mi Mi to send you an accompaniment. It was temporarily driven out by me and her team. You give me an evaluation.”

Su Xinghe said: “Okay.”

The accompaniment was sent, and he listened carefully.

In the end Su Xinghe commented: “I think it’s too monotonous, isn’t it a little less musical instruments? It’s a bit simple.”

The princess thought for a moment, “You mean it’s not impossible to be more three-dimensional, but in terms of time…”

At this moment, someone nearby was talking.

After a pause, the princess said: “Okay, we have to keep improving, so we can make it better.

What advice do you have is the song you wrote, after all, you have the most say.”

Su Xinghe smiled, and he waited for the words of the princess.

This song was one of the most classic Spring Festival Gala songs in his memory in his previous life.After watching the Spring Festival Gala for decades, he certainly knew how to score it.

Thinking of this, Su Xinghe opened his mouth and said, “That’s what I think. The first few seconds are… at the beginning of the melody, can you add a drum?

You don’t have to use drums, anyway…a very light…percussion sound is fine, and then the formal melody is entered, and then the latter part is replaced by a piano…”

This is… ten minutes.

After a long time, Su Xinghe hung up.

Two o’clock.

The last rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala is over.

The actors and staff who participated in the performance are all eating, eating, resting, and waiting for the results. Until the end, no one knows what will happen to the list of programs. At the last second before the start of the party, they may be taken away. The show, it’s not that there is no such 903 precedent.

Then, the princess and Yang Mi hurried back.

“How about it”

Su Xinghe asked.

“Go, I have already contacted the director team.”

Yang Mi said.

“I’ll go too”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

“You are the original author, of course you have to go.”

The princess smiled.

She said that, but…That’s right, Su Xinghe nodded and followed them upstairs.

Come to a meeting room.

The director group of the Spring Festival Gala is discussing the issue of the program here.

A certain deputy director said: “As long as the time error of each show does not exceed three seconds3, it will be fine.”

The director nodded and said, “Time is okay.”

“Yes, if nothing happens, I can be sure.”

A female assistant said.

The chief director is an ordinary middle-aged man, wearing very earthy clothes, and does not have the spirit of ordinary farmers in the countryside. If he walks on the street, people who don’t know him will never think that this person will be the chief director of this year’s Spring Festival Gala. , Is also one of the most famous party directors in China.

“Then the existing programs are probably set, there is no need to adjust.”

The director said.

After hearing this, the princess smiled and said, “Director, forgot us again”

With this sentence, everyone in the conference room looked at them.

: Seeking subscription! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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