Chapter 422 Go to CCTV! (Please subscribe!)

Qingqing got up soon.

Su Xinghe made breakfast for her, accompany the little girl to finish her meal, and said to her: “Qingqing, you go to godmother’s house to play today, okay?”

Qingqing raised her head and blinked: “Why?”

“Sister Mi Mi was bullied, and my brother is going to help her get revenge!”

Su Xinghe said seriously.

“Okay, okay!”

Qingqing nodded quickly: “Are there any bad guys?”

In the little girl’s worldview, anyone who bullies the beautiful sister she knows is a bad person.

Su Xinghe…and didn’t correct her, nodded to indicate that she was right.

Qingqing suddenly became unhappy, waved her small fist, and said to Su Xinghe: “Brother, you go, you want to knock down those bad guys, you know?”


Su Xinghe smiled and nodded in agreement.

After eating, Su Xinghe sent Qingqing to Chen Shu’s house.

Chen Shu’s family was in Yanjing, and because the Spring Festival was here, he took both his parents over.

She has not been married for so many years, and the old man is also very anxious.

Chen Shu mentioned to Su Xinghe before that she planned to take advantage of this Spring Festival to tell the old man Qingqing’s life experience.

Su Xing 903 He has no opinion on this.

This was originally the housework of others.Although he is Qingqing’s guardian, he is not qualified to stop Chen Shu.

What’s more, Chen Shu also promised, just to let his parents leave no regrets, and did not intend to really recognize Qingqing again.

At least before Qingqing grows up, she doesn’t plan to do that.

Send the little girl to Chen Shu, greeted Chen Shu, and Su Xinghe left.

On the way, Su Xinghe called Yang Mi.

“Sorry…, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable.”

After playing four or five times in a row, they couldn’t get through.

It seems that Yang Mi is also very busy right now.

In desperation, Su Xinghe simply called Yang Mi’s agent Liu Jingyi.

Soon, the call was connected.

“Miss Liu, it’s me.”

Su Xinghe said.

“Teacher Su, what are you looking for?”

Liu Jingyi is a little messy there, many voices, they must be outside.

Su Xinghe slowed down and stopped on the side of the road, saying: “I just couldn’t get through with Yang Mi. Can you contact her, I have something to do with her.”

“Don’t mention it, she’s in the CCTV studio.”

Liu Jingyi said helplessly.

“CCTV Studio”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised: “Didn’t the show have been killed?”

Liu Jingyi smiled bitterly: “If you die, you have to think about a solution. After all, it is the Spring Festival Gala. If you can go up, it will be a great advantage.

I won’t talk about it, I have something to do here.”

Su Xinghe naturally understood what she meant, Yang Mi’s show was taken off, she must be thinking of ways to see if she can continue, there are too many relationships that require an agent to walk around.

“Well, let’s talk more when you have time.”

Su Xinghe didn’t talk nonsense, and hung up the phone.


He continued to call Yang Mi’s cell phone.

In the end, it still couldn’t get through.

This woman is really dead-headed! Su Xinghe shook his head helplessly, there is no way! After thinking about it, he turned the front of the car and drove towards CCTV.

If the mountain does not come, I will have to go to the mountain by myself.


The car came to the door of CCTV.

Because today is the day of the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast, there are only less than twelve hours left before the Spring Festival Gala is officially broadcast, and the entire CCTV is in a very nervous state.

A lot of fans gathered at the door, “Woo, it’s Jay Chou! It’s Jay Chou!”

“Oh my God, that’s Feifei, right? It must be Feifei”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

“Look here, look here!”

“Come on! Idol, come on!”

“Teacher Huang, Teacher Huang, look here.”

From time to time, entertainers pass by, those…fans scream with excitement, some ask for autographs, and some ask for photos.

I have to say that this time is simply a fan’s carnival.

After all, apart from… the Spring Festival Gala, there are very few opportunities to see so many artists gathered together.

Moreover, among these people, no one was late, and no one left early.

Everyone was in a hurry and was extremely nervous.

After all, this is the stage of the Spring Festival Gala! No one dares to neglect.

And Su Xinghe, slowly parked the car in the parking lot, glanced at the CCTV gate that was blocked by fans, and frowned.

“Can’t get in.”

Su Xinghe said to himself.

He is not a fool, and in his own situation, he must not be able to squeeze in.

Not to mention those… fans can recognize themselves, it is not easy for them to pass the gate guard alone.

After all, it’s the CCTV rehearsal stage, and the show will start live at 8 o’clock in the evening.At this time, don’t talk about yourself, even if other artists come, the door guard here is estimated to be impossible to let it go.

Moreover, at this time, if you show up rashly, it is easy for the outside world to send a bad signal.

Thinking of this, Su Xinghe rubbed his chin, thinking about it.

He took out his phone and started to check it online.

What he checked was the program list of this year’s Spring Festival Gala.

Because Su Xinghe intends to see, among his acquaintances, who participated in the Spring Festival Gala this year.

Don’t tell me, he did find one.

Huang Bo! That guy was invited to the Spring Festival Gala this year, and he was going to sing a song.

Su Xinghe felt helpless when he thought of that person’s voice.

When Lao Huang first debuted, he didn’t…take the line of an actor, he was playing music righteously.

Moreover, he even made a record! Shocked no! Huang Bo, wearing that…tight mesh top, sings pop songs and releases albums.

Tsk tsk! Su Xinghe actually feels spicy eyes just thinking of that scene.

However, Huang Bo’s music road is obviously not going well.After mixing in the bar on Yanjing side for a few years, he embarked on the road of actor.

Facts have proved that the West is not bright and the East is bright.

There is always a path suitable for people to walk.

Although his singing level is average, it is enough for a stage like the Spring Festival Gala.

As long as the sound is not too outrageous, generally speaking, the problem is not big.

Thinking of this, Su Xinghe sent a voice request to Huang Bo.

“Yo, who is this?”

After a while, Huang Bo’s voice rang on the phone, obviously very surprised: “Xinghe, why do you have time to call me?”

Su Xinghe didn’t go in circles, and said directly: “Are you on CCTV?”

“No, it’s coming soon, what’s the matter”

Huang Bo asked inexplicably and puzzledly.

When Su Xinghe heard this answer, his eyebrows were instantly delighted: “Don’t go in first, I have something to help you.”

I don’t know why, Huang Bo always feels that something is a bit strange.

Su Xinghe, what on earth want to do

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