Chapter 364 Discussion on charity (2, subscription required)

As the so-called killing and punishing the heart, in fact, doing interviews is the same.

most of the time.

Whether it’s a reporter interview or a host interview, why doesn’t it seem not enough…exciting.

In the final analysis, it is because everyone is too polite.

I dare not ask many key questions, and dare not say the sharp part.

In the end, the interview became boring, and the audience looked bored.

They like to see visits like Li Jing.

In the live broadcast room, along with Li Jing’s questions, the audience was quite happy.

“Sure enough, Li Jing’s interview is interesting.”

“Haha, this question is awesome!”

“It has to be Li Jing.”

“Su Xinghe’s expression has changed.”

“A question that is too sharp, I guess it will be difficult for the Star God to answer this time.”

“Indeed, I also think there is a problem with the Forbes… ranking list. What kind of messy ranking is this.”

……………………Mushroom House.

Hearing Li Jing’s question, Su Xinghe laughed helplessly.

“Why, this question, is it difficult to answer”

Seeing Su Xinghe not speaking, Li Jing smiled and asked.

Su Xinghe shook his head: “It’s not that it’s difficult to answer, but I’m thinking. You can understand what I mean by how to say it.”

9 After thinking about it, he said, “You can understand that.

Forbes’s ranking, what he is based on, is, to a certain extent, relatively correct.”

“Relatively correct”

Li Jing keenly sensed the meaning of Su Xinghe’s words.


Su Xinghe nodded: “For example, Forbes’s celebrity list, if you want to be on this list, what you consider is exposure and income.

The income includes pre-tax income from entertainment industry activities such as film and television works, advertising endorsements, sports, competitions, book publishing, etc., which is not deducted from the brokerage company, the supervisory unit, and the personal investment and business income of celebrities is not included. The final data has undergone proper rounding operations.”

As he said, he shrugged: “Who can guarantee that this data is true”

Everyone was startled.

It’s kind of interesting! “Look, I now have shares in several companies. Some of the shares of these companies are controlled by me through offshore companies, and some are through cross-holding parties. How many shares do I have on Facebook? …, it is also not open to the public, how do these people measure the value of my shares”

Su Xinghe saw Li Jing’s expression and explained: “So I said, the list, just look at it, otherwise you dare to let the Forbes boss confront me openly”


Li Jing was speechless.

Not to mention whether the boss of Forbes will pick up Su Xinghe’s stalk, but Su Xinghe’s remarks, she is still confused now.

The netizens in the live broadcast room, it’s…I have some understanding of what Su Xinghe said.

“I understand what the Star God means. He thinks that the Forbes… ranking list has a lot of moisture.”

“Speaking of it…Yes, how can these wealthy people put their wealth on the surface? Forbes’s… data is based on approximate estimates. It is indeed a bit false. .”

“Haha, it’s not fake, I just think it’s too boring.”

“Don’t say anything else, Forbes dare not publish many hidden rich people.”

“It’s not that I don’t dare, but people won’t let it.”

“That’s right, like the Star God, if you publish his information, and people sue you, you have to lose money.”

“But to be honest, how much money does the Star God have?”

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is now increasing.

In the live broadcast room on Mango’s side, it was revealed on Weibo that Su Xinghe was being interviewed by Li Jing, and quickly exceeded 80 million and moved towards 100 million.

The mushroom house is here.

After listening to Su Xinghe’s words, Li Jing remained silent for a long time.

She has interviewed many political and business celebrities, and there are also many big stars in the entertainment industry.

But few people are as candid as Su Xinghe.

He doesn’t seem to have any taboos, and what he said is very exciting.

“Then how much money do you have now?”

Li Jing thought for a while, decided to change her question and asked Su Xinghe a very sharp question.

“I have no idea.”

Su Xinghe heard this and shook his head calmly and said: “My wealth is increasing every day, and it is impossible for me to follow the progress of every project.

Therefore, I have my team to manage. Every once in a while, they will report to me and tell me how my wealth has increased during the recent period.”

!!! Everyone is speechless.

f*ck, the wealth management of this wealthy person is different from ordinary people.

For people, money is just a set of numbers that keeps increasing or decreasing.

“Haha, Xinghe, do you know that, I think it’s so depressing for you to talk like this.”

Li Jing said: “Don’t you know that many people who have worked hard for so many years may not even make as much money as you make in a day”

“That’s not my fault either.”

Su Xinghe laughed: “I can’t say that I made a lot of money. It was a mistake. I also rely on my own ability to get to the present.”

“To be honest, I have always found it ridiculous about things like Qiufu.”

“The amount of wealth…If it is to be a measure of a person’s good and evil, then it is really the sadness of the society.”

Li Jing looked at Su Xinghe and listened to him chatting there.

She felt more and more that she couldn’t keep asking.

Because she is keenly aware that Su Xinghe’s words hide some things that need harmony.

This guy is definitely not the kind of ordinary rich man who has no brains.


Li Jing feels that even if it is a rich person, Su Xinghe’s bones, for the definition of wealth, for the definition of certain phenomena in this society today, if it is said, it must be shocking to the world.

“Then what do you think about charity? I saw that after you helped your fans, many people asked you for help, and some people were exposed. It was deliberate deception.”

Li Jing shifted the topic to where everyone cares most.

“This question, haha, is actually very simple.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, and said with a smile: “There are too many people in need. Why should I help those who… It is a duty, there is no rule that says that the rich must do charity.

I really hate those… moral kidnappings, and I do not intend to accept such shameless behavior.”

As soon as this sentence was exported, the live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

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