Chapter 363 Amazing speech (for subscription)

Mushroom house.


Su Xinghe sat there.

Opposite is a middle-aged woman.

Her name is Li Jing and she is a very famous host.

In the early years, it was even more popular than Teacher He.

It’s just that people now focus on interview shows.

This time, it was precisely because she was familiar with Teacher He that she entrusted the relationship and obtained Su Xinghe’s interview rights.

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

Li Jing’s opening remarks were very polite.

“Don’t don’t don’t, Sister Li Jing, you’re just being polite.”

In front of the camera, Su Xinghe had a gentle smile on his face: “I grew up watching your show, just call me Xinghe.”

“Hahaha, you say that, I suddenly feel a bit old.”

Li Jing also laughed.

Because it was a live broadcast, Mango made a special topic with Douyin.

At this moment, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room seems to have reached more than 60 million, and there is a continuing upward trend.

“Xinghe, you place a lot of thoughts when it was first arranged.”

After the greeting, Li Jing took the lead to ask.


Su Xinghe nodded calmly: “I am a person who pays much attention to the quality of life.

Especially after I achieved financial freedom, this is even more so.”

He did not answer Li Jing’s question directly.

But Li Jing didn’t plan to give up like this.

“I heard that many people on the Internet have speculated that your place, at least… it cost five million, is it true?”

Li Jing smiled and continued to ask.

Before starting the live broadcast, she asked Su Xinghe if there were any… questions that she couldn’t ask.

Su Xinghe thought for a while and wanted to tell her everything except Qingqing’s life experience.

That’s why Li Jing is so sure.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was very happy when they heard Li Jing’s question.

“Haha, it really is Li Jing, who has been chasing after a problem.”

“A real interview, Star God can’t avoid it…”

“I guess the whole place, at least…six or seven million,!”

“Impossible, just those…flowers and grass cost millions, and those…musical instruments.”

“According to your statement, wouldn’t it cost tens of millions”

“Impossible, isn’t Su Xinghe too boring, spending so much money to decorate a rural residence.”

“Yes, no matter how rich it is, it won’t be so wasteful.”

All of a sudden, there are people who say everything.

Everyone is discussing whether Su Xinghe will be so boring.

……..Mushroom house here.

Su Xinghe smiled helplessly when he heard Li Jing’s question.

“Sister Jing, don’t we have a good deal, don’t ask questions about it.”

Su Xinghe laughed.

Li Jing blinked: “Yes, I changed the question.”

!!! Su Xinghe is helpless.

These… the old host is really amazing, and this eloquence is definitely unstoppable by ordinary people.

“With five million, it is estimated that even the sea of ​​flowers will not be able to be made.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, and finally said calmly to Li Jing: “A lot of the things here are specially shipped from abroad. If they all add up, it will be almost 100 million.”

Damn it! At that moment, the audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

f*ck! One hundred million! Even someone with…imagination never expected it.

Su Xinghe actually spent 100 million on a farm.


Li Jing took a breath of air and looked at Su Xinghe in surprise: “This farm was built for a hundred million yuan.”


Su Xinghe nodded: “Because I was with my children, I thought that there might not be any new plans in the last few years, so I took this place as my long-term residence to build.”

What he said was from his heart.

When Qingqing was still young, Su Xinghe wanted to lead her to live in an environment suitable for her growth, so he chose Manyuan Village.

“To be honest, your number is completely unexpected to me.”

Li Jing smiled and said, “I feel that you, a person, don’t value money very much, right?”

“It’s hard to talk about being indifferent.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Humans, there must be pursuits in life.

In the war years, I was eager to make merits and achievements.

Now, the goal of most people is to be able to lead a good life for themselves and their families.

I’m an ordinary person, so my original idea was…make more money and be able to live more comfortably.”

“So you are making a lot of money now!”

Li Jing said with a smile.

“Haha, sister Jing, your joke is not funny at all.”

Su Xinghe said frankly: “How much money I have, many people on the Internet are already guessing, right?”

This is the truth, if the most discussed topic on the Internet is…how much money does Su Xinghe have.

In the eyes of many people, Su Xinghe is definitely the richest person under the age of 30 in the Chinese family.

But I don’t know why, there has been no media coverage of this aspect.

“Then do you mind telling the audience friends, how much wealth do you have?”

Li Jing asked Su Xinghe.

“This question, it is difficult for me to answer you.”

Su Xinghe looked at Li Jing calmly and said: “In fact, those on the Internet…the statistics on wealth are actually wrong.”

After a pause for a few seconds, he said seriously: “To be precise, the so-called Forbes Rich List, in my opinion, is…a nonsense joke!”

Hiss! Not only Li Jing who was present, but even the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

What does Su Xinghe mean? What is the Forbes ranking? Is it a joke? He doesn’t recognize this. You know, it is the most authoritative ranking in the world.

“What’s the matter, what does the star god mean?”

“Fuck! Is it an official complaint from the super-rich, haha, that’s interesting.”

“Yes, the Star God is so interesting.”

“I feel so happy that this show is going to explode!”

“Someone is already talking about it on Weibo.”

“Sure, this level of wealthy people, although we Huaxiya have, but it is the first time for someone as young as Su Xinghe and willing to be interviewed.”

“I really envy it!”

The audience talked a lot, and Li Jing from the mushroom house took a deep breath to calm herself down.

In any case, as a veteran who has been in the host industry for many years, she will not let Su Xinghe lead her by the nose.

The interview rhythm of the entire show must be in your own hands.

This is the real interview.

“Can you tell me more specifically, Xinghe.”

Li Jing looked at Su Xinghe and asked slowly: “I’m very curious, why the Forbes rankings in your mouth are nonsense jokes, because they didn’t rank you in.”

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