Chapter 365 Moral kidnapping is the most disgusting (3. Subscription)

“What do you mean by this, hehe, rich people should be stingy”

“Unexpectedly you are like this Su Xinghe!”

“What is meant by affection, not doing it is duty, shouldn’t you give back to the society”

“Don’t forget the well digger, Su Xinghe, don’t forget how you got rich.”

“I think what he said is actually right. It is a good thing to help others, and it is also a duty not to help. Why should some people justly ask for donations from others”

“If you don’t understand the logic of some people now, if you are poor, others should help you”

“These people are so shameless now.”

There was a mess of porridge in the live broadcast room, and even on Weibo, there were soon hot searches about this matter.

It is clear.

Su Xinghe’s remarks caused a huge controversy.

“You mean you don’t like moral kidnapping very much”

Li Jing took a breath and asked Su Xinghe.

Instead of… let Su Xinghe talk about the contradictions between the rich and the poor, and then about the social system, it is better to let him talk about moral kidnapping and charity.

Although there will be controversies, at least… within the range that you can accept.


She is really tired now.

I knew that I would kill myself without asking for someone to interview Su Xinghe.

This is simply torture.

Although the topic and attention are very high, this guy is really too difficult to deal with.

“The word moral kidnapping is interpreted in a literal sense, that is… you put one thing on the moral high ground and blame others.”

Su Xinghe heard Li Jing’s words and chuckled a few times before speaking.

“For example, many people think that I should help those who are…have difficulties.

But the question is, why should they decide this matter?I am a rich man, but the question is not a bad guy.

Without relatives and no cause, I might be… soft-hearted and helped someone.

But that’s my own choice, whether to help other people or not, do I need to follow other people’s orders?”

“When taking the bus, some people will always say that we should give seats to the elderly and pregnant women. This concept is okay. After all, it is our traditional virtue to respect the old and love the young. But the problem is that some people give up their seats. No, why should I let it?”

“The world is warm, I know, and I am willing to help others.

But that… it must be my own thoughts, not instigated by someone who can only point at the keyboard behind the computer.”

Su Xinghe’s last sentence is categorical.

Li Jing was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

No one thought that Su Xinghe would say this when he was broadcasting.

But you have to admit that his words are indeed correct.

People’s own money and how they handle it is their own business.

Why should I listen to others gesticulating? “I kind of understand what the Star God means.

“He was right. Once, I was on the bus and gave a seat, but he didn’t even say thank you, and he felt that I was getting up slowly.”

“Well, I was in the night market, and an old man picking up a bottle, I thought she was pitiful, and kept the mineral water bottle for her, but when I turned around, her bag was picked up by her. If I didn’t find it in time, I lost my wallet and mobile phone. .”

“Now some people really don’t deserve sympathy.”

“Yes, it’s not that you are impoverished, others must help you.”

“It is love to help, and it is duty not to help, I think it’s right.”

“Those… guys who stand on the moral high ground and blame others are the most disgusting.”

“I remember what happened to Pan Yueming at the time. At that time, a lot of keyboard men attacked him. After the truth came out, none of those people apologized.”

“It’s not just Pan Yueming, do you still remember to teach with a knife?”

“I know, I know, what is that Xiaoxiao, right”

“Seriously, since that time, I have known that this society is really too realistic and too forgetful.”

… on Weibo, because it is a live broadcast.

Therefore, Su Xinghe’s interview fragments quickly circulated on the Internet.

The netizens were immediately shocked.

They didn’t expect it.

There are even public figures who will say these things.

“Hahaha, someone finally stood up and told the truth.”

“Yeah, I feel sick when I see those on the Internet… who do not move… asking others to donate their property.”

“Ethical kidnapping or something, it’s so hateful!”

“That’s the kind of person who doesn’t hurt back when talking while standing.”

“Regardless of….

Is it a rich person or a poor person? People’s money is hard-earned. Donate if you say donate, why don’t you donate your own property”

“Yes, I don’t understand why those people are doing this.”

“Furthermore, Star God has done good deeds. His previous music copyright income, as well as fairy tale book income, were all donated.”

“It is estimated that in the eyes of the caring people, he should distribute all the money to others for charity, so that it is in line with their wishes.”

“I don’t understand at all, really, why should I just let others do charity?”

“Charity should still be voluntary.”

The comments of netizens are on Su Xinghe’s side.

…For so long, everyone has really hated moral kidnapping.

There is also…Keyboard Man, which also makes netizens upset.


【Su Xinghe: I hate it.

Kidnapped by Ethics] This hot search became the number one hot search on Weibo in the shortest time.

Not only that, but the amount of reposts and comments quickly reached an unexpected number.

Even Su Xinghe himself did not expect that a few words of himself would resonate with so many people.

And here is the mushroom house.

Li Jing really felt that her heart was too tired.

Su Xinghe, this guy is really shocking and dying.

Regardless of….

What topic, when it comes to him, he will definitely be able to tell a heartbeat answer.

If this interview continues, sooner or later, I will be scared to death by him.

Thinking of this, Li Jing decided to change the topic.

She looked at Su Xinghe: “Xinghe, what are your plans next”


Su Xinghe smiled and said, “In fact, it’s nothing. I will contribute to a charity fund to help those… those who are really in difficulties and need to be helped.”

After a pause, he said again: “Moreover, I will formulate different help rules for different helpers.

For example, for those students who receive funding, they either choose to return the money to me after graduation, or they choose to help another student.”

As soon as this sentence was exported, the live broadcast room suddenly exploded! Please subscribe, ask for rewards, and how many votes! Please download Fei Lu Xiao to read the underlined version of the novel

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