Chapter 362 Sorry (please subscribe)

The early morning sun rises from a section of the horizon.

The warm and welcoming sun shines on the mushroom house.

No recording today.

Su Xinghe didn’t get up early either.

The night before yesterday, I rushed to Yanjing overnight to deal with Liu Zhu’s affairs, and then returned to southern Yunnan by plane from Yanjing. I was still at the airport for an interview.

After returning home, he fell asleep directly.

When I got up in the morning, Su Xinghe glanced at Weibo and was helpless.

Overnight, there were a lot of inexplicable people under his Weibo.

“Star God, I am also a fan of yours. My father is sick. I wonder if you can lend me half a million and pay you back when I have the money.”

“Star God, I’m sick, I ask you for help, our family has no money to see a doctor, so I can only come to you.”

“I am a fan of your books, you are so good to fans, can you lend me tens of thousands of dollars to see a doctor”

“My doctor said it would cost 100,000, and 100,000 would be enough. You are not short of that money, please help me!”

Yishui’s help post.

Some people borrow money without even saying the reason.

Anyone who has… 09 claims to be Su Xinghe’s ten-year-old fan, and does not say the reason, but says that he is sick and needs help.

Others simply posted their bank card number directly on Weibo, waiting for Su Xinghe to make money.

Seeing these news, Su Xinghe couldn’t laugh or cry.

What makes him even more helpless is that because these people are asking for help, his fans dare not say anything.

Everyone is a little curious.

“Where are so many people”

“Who and who are you here, why are they sick”

“It must be fake, this group of people took advantage of the fire to rob, ah”

“It’s not necessarily true, maybe it’s true, can the Star God help?”

“You are stupid, so many people, where can you help? The Star God does not open a bank, and even if the Star God has money, he does not help. Whoever posts a post and sends a bank card account has to call them. Why does money have this truth!”

“How to deal with this matter”

“I don’t know, look at Star God’s own decision.”

After reading these comments, Su Xinghe shook his head helplessly.

Human heart! When he first helped Liu Zhu, he knew that this situation would definitely happen.

After all, human nature is often the scariest thing in the world.

Don’t suffer from lack and unevenness.

as predicted.

Soon, because the message for help sent by Su Xinghe has not been ignored, some people become angry and angry.

“What a shit star god! I know bragging all the time! If you want me to say, he is a good-looking hypocrite! Hehe, the fans are women, and they are beautiful, so they can help, and tens of millions of rehabilitation expenses are willing to pay, I will borrow Is it fun to double standards even if 100,000 won’t work? Bah! Laozi won’t…fan you anymore!”

“Yes, he just… watch that girl float, what do you have to do with two people.”

Immediately there were other people who asked for help who were ignored.

Damn it! Now, Su Xinghe’s fans quit.

“Do you know how to talk? Only Ai is a fan of his debut. She has been supporting the Star God for so many years. What kind of green onion are you, dare to say that to her.”

“Yeah, why is this person so shameless now!”

“Helping you is a sentiment, not helping is a duty, you are so awesome when you ask for help, you are sure that you are not mentally ill”

“If you want me to say, these people should be arrested and interrogated one by one. If there is a false situation, all of them will be accused of fraud!”

“Yes, you should check them out.”

“Yes, just do it!”

There are everyone on the Internet.

Among Su Xinghe’s fans, there is also Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

Immediately someone who is good at hacking technology locked those who asked for help.

Soon after.

A shocking scene happened.

A fan of Su Xinghe posted a long Weibo.

“I am a network security technology, and I have been a hacker in the early years. I admit that I am not a good person.

But to be honest, I’m really just curious.

When the location was first locked, my purpose was to confirm if these people really needed help.

If it is true, I will help them react to the Star God.

After all, I didn’t know before that there are so many Star God fans on the Internet that are in trouble and need Star God’s help.

But what surprised me was that many people in it weren’t the situation they were talking about.

Such as this person.

He claimed to be from Nanhu. He was hospitalized in Nanhu Hospital. He was terminally ill and needed half a million for help! As a result, I investigated and found that the address of this guy is in Yanjing, and this person is a fresh graduate.

There are many such situations.

To be honest, I originally didn’t want to publish your true information, but now I feel that I should publish it, and I want you… Everyone needs to be responsible for what they have said!”

As soon as this Weibo was published, there was an uproar on the Internet.

No one thought it turned out to be this result.

Even Su Xinghe himself did not expect that he had not had time to do something, someone had already done it for himself.

My fans are really awesome! …..The matter has reached this point, and there is no need for Su Xinghe to respond in person.

Of course, among those… those who ask for help, there are indeed people who need help.

But this matter cannot be solved by Su Xinghe alone.

With a population of more than one billion people in China, the people in need are like the crucian carp who crosses the river. Even if 903 has the ability, how many people can Su Xinghe help, let alone.

When he does charity things, he has always held a reckless mentality.

But no matter what, since someone asked for help, Su Xinghe called someone to collect the information of these people, and then forwarded it to the local Red Cross and the civil affairs department.

This is the normal solution channel.

Helping the emergency does not help the poor.

This is what Su Xinghe has understood in his life.

But even so.

This matter still triggered a lot of discussions on the Internet.

How should charity public figures face moral kidnapping, how to deal with all these problems, has become a topic of discussion.

As the center, Su Xinghe, of course, has been mentioned many times.


No one thinks Su Xinghe is wrong, but everyone is curious, what Su Xinghe thinks about charity.

After a while, someone contacted Su Xinghe through Mr. He’s relationship.

The purpose is naturally to do an interview for Su Xinghe.

And the content of the interview is… about charity.

Teacher He originally planned to refuse for Su Xinghe.

But unexpectedly, Su Xinghe agreed.

Because he also happens to have a lot to say.


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