Chapter 299 Call the street by name (3/10 for subscription)

Su Xinghe’s words are like a thunder for the audience.

The audience’s eyes lit up instantly.

The hottest news on the Internet today is not the news that Li Baojian questioned Su Xinghe’s hype! It seems that Su Xinghe is planning to go back.

In Mushroom House, Su Xinghe faced the camera, hehe smiled and said, “For… those who question…I can only say that you are right.

Longing is indeed…a fake show.”

The audience in the live broadcast room was at a loss.


“What’s the meaning”

“False show, what are these words?”

“What is Su Xinghe talking about”

…In fact, not only the audience, but even Teacher He and others are at a loss.

Su Xinghe was talking about what he was talking about. He pointed to the pavilion in front of him, and pointed to the orchard and the sea of ​​flowers in the distance. When shooting in the wild, everything in front of me was done by the program team with special effects. That’s it, this pavilion is actually a big green cloth.”

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

f*ck! Do you really think of us as idiots?

“Then many friends are curious, why in your eyes, everyone is still sitting in the pavilion.

Let me explain this to everyone. I have a friend, and his name is Wu Jing…”

Everyone laughed.

People who are familiar with it naturally know the relationship between Su Xinghe and Wu Jing.

Su Xinghe said: “Everyone who has heard me say stand-up comedy before knows that I have a very good relationship with him. He is a classmate of my elementary school, yes, that’s… the one whose head is stuffed into the desk…

Later, this man went to college to major in computer science, and he also designed an accelerator, which is…the kind…that can take away all the planets. It’s old and powerful.


“As for me, I specifically asked Wu Jing to ask him to help and do some post-processing.”

Su Xinghe pointed to the camera and said: “Friends in the live broadcast room, you can’t see the real environment we are in, because this is a studio, and the surroundings have been taken away by Wujing!”

Fucked off! This is a live, live broadcast, it’s not a special movie.

Besides, Wu Jing is… an action actor, he knows a computer! How come the audience in the live broadcast room didn’t understand what Su Xinghe was talking about, they all laughed so hard.

Su Xinghe looked at the people in front of him again, one: “Um…, I really didn’t hide it, everyone, or let’s admit it.”

Huang Xiaochu nodded: “Okay, we are indeed in the studio without us.”

Teacher He also said solemnly: “Yes, cough cough, we are in a huge studio, in fact, the fruits you see… are not real, we don’t have it. eat……”

“Yes, yes, what pavilion, mushroom house, it doesn’t exist.”

Song Yi on the side also nodded.

Jin Chen, Tang Yixin and others were already lying on the table laughing.

This is absolutely self-deprecating! This kind of joke is generally not easy to use, but I didn’t want to be played so well by Su Xinghe.

It seems that Su Xinghe didn’t counterattack in the face of…

Su Xinghe is self-deprecating on the surface, nonsense. This is in the studio. The picture is all dependent on the help of Wu Jing, a computer master. Human brains have no common sense! The audience in the live broadcast room has already laughed crazy.

“Hahahaha, I’m so ridiculous, f*ck Wujing feels like he can do everything.”

“Yes, run away with the planet…, it’s “Wandering Azure”, right”

“Haha, Su Xinghe is awesome!”

“Oh, what can I do? The Star God said that, the Korean stick Li Baojian, would you believe him? Just his IQ, I think I am longing for a TV series movie.”

“But to be honest, the Star God is really gangster, and he is taunting Li Baojian.”

“Nonsense, used to that bastard!”

“Kneel to the Star God, awesome! Still so domineering!”

“From the very beginning, I didn’t believe what Li Baojian said. Who is Su Xinghe? If someone cares about these…Fame and fortune, they won’t hide so many identities. They have been so low-key for ten years. .

If you don’t say anything else, just talk about his musical talent. If you want to hype, you dare to say that he is now worse than Jay Chou. Li Baojian is really the wrong person.”

…After a wave of ridicule, just when everyone thought that Su Xinghe might have to change the topic.

He spoke again.

Su Xinghe stood there with a big smile on his face: “I’m hyping, I’m lying.

To be honest, I was taken aback. You discovered my secret behavior. Really, you are so awesome! You can discover the secret that I have painstakingly hidden! Could it be that you are a fairy in the legend”

“Hahaha! Here comes Li Baojian!”

“Really been waiting!”

“Li Baojian is a idiot!”

“Yes, even questioning the Star God, he is a fool!”

A wave of rhythm quickly appeared on the barrage.

Su Xinghe continued: “I also know that my fans on the Internet, as well as many friends, are arguing with this…Koryo friend’s supporter.

In fact, I think it is okay for everyone to discuss, but we must pay attention to the use of words, and we must not speak harshly. After all, people are not from the same country as us, and it is normal for cultural and ideological differences to be different.”

What does this mean? Everyone was stunned.

Why Su Xinghe also promised Li Baojian.

At this time, I saw Su Xinghe look serious and said in a preaching tone: “Seriously, those… netizens who insulted Mr. Li Baojian, ask yourself, do you really understand Li Baojian? Have you seen his works? Have you heard his songs? Do you know what kind of person he is in his life”

Damn it! It’s so atmospheric, it’s true or false. Just when everyone was stunned, Su Xinghe sighed and said, “To be honest, when you are like me, after reading his works and getting to know him, You will discover a truth!”

“Li Baojian, it’s a magical thing, ah!”

!!! Fuck! At that moment, everyone, including the people in the mushroom house, was all dumbfounded.

next moment.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded!: Ask for subscription, ask for reward! Evaluation ticket!

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