Chapter 300 怼人 is a technology (4/10 seeking subscription)

“Hahaha, that’s awesome, the Star God is mighty!”

“No more, my stomach cramps from laughing.”

“Su Xinghe is too funny, this turn is too fast, I can’t stop the car.”

“It’s really shameless! Swearing!”

“Su Xinghe, you are so embarrassed by Hua Xiya that you insult an international friend.”

“Hehe, does the surname Li match?”

“Also international friends, come and come, fans of Li Baojian, do you have anyone to climb the mountain together”

“Yes, follow me to climb the mountain?”

A war of words broke out in the live broadcast room again, and there has even been a trend of spreading towards Weibo.

And here is the mushroom house.

Because of Su Xinghe’s sentence or something, a group of girls all smiled and bent over.

Tang Yixin was laughing at the table.

Yang Xiaozi laughed.

Jin Chen covered his face and kept on: shrugging his shoulders.

And Song Yi, holding his stomach with a smile, was about to cry.

Not to mention other people, the whole program group was laughing wildly.

Because this episode was broadcast on the Internet, the scale issue does not need to be considered, so the director is…It doesn’t matter.


Li Baojian publicly questioned his desire to hype with Su Xinghe on the Internet, which in itself made him very unhappy.

Laozi finally filmed a variety show that is currently the hottest in the whole China department. You questioned me whether I really took 903 Laozi seriously. “Ahem, that… Galaxy.”

At this time, as the elder of the program group, Huang Xiaochu spoke with majesty: “Pay attention to quality, how can you curse?”

Scolding Su Xinghe looked surprised: “Teacher Huang, what you said, I didn’t scold anyone.

I’m talking about things, don’t you know what it means. In our Chinese, things correspond to north and south, god horse things, and these four words mean that the horse of god horse carries things, indicating that this person Have endurance and be able to move forward with heavy loads.

I’m complimenting Mr. Li Baojian.”

Puff! Everyone couldn’t hold back, and burst into laughter again.

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed crazy.

This is really a god-like explanation!…… “Director, do you want Teacher Su to pay attention to the scale”

On the side of the program group, the assistant director whispered to Su Xinghe.

“Need not.”

The director shook his head: “Anyway, it is broadcast online. When this clip is edited, don’t put it on the TV station.

In the evening, just don’t broadcast this episode.”

The assistant director nodded, she was just… to remind, after all, this is her responsibility.

And to be honest.

Li Baojian’s behavior is a positive provocation for the entire “Longing Life” program group.

Now that the show is so popular, these people can get a lot of benefits.

Now Li Baojian jumped out to question.

That is tantamount to clearly moving everyone’s cake, not to be hated.

That’s weird.

What a wise Korean! Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Actually, I have a lot of affection for the country of Goryeo. I know a lot of Korean friends, really.”

“I have a Goryeo friend named Li Baoku.

Some time ago, because of acting in a TV series about car accidents and cancer, it suddenly became popular.

This person, after the first red, just talk.”

“Last month, when Li Baoku came home, his two-year-old son was shaking in front of him.

My son is young, so I’ll talk to him in a while: Dad, Dad.

Li Baoku is still: angry, just say: I’m not your father! With a puff, Li Baoku’s daughter-in-law knelt down: Husband, I was wrong!”

Puff! Everyone laughed again.

“Hahaha! Husband, I was wrong!”

“This f*ck! It’s too bad!”

“Sure enough, this is Su Xinghe!”

“I have a friend series…”

“It feels miserable to offend Su Xinghe!”

Although Su Xinghe didn’t name him by name, anyone with a discerning eye knew that he was mocking Li Baojian.

Everyone was full of emotion.

This literate person cannot be offended as expected.

Otherwise, you will be randomly compiled into the paragraph, and there will be no burial place in minutes, and it will be notorious.

Such as Li Baojian.

It’s… the best example.

This guy is probably going to be autistic now.

But it’s not over yet.

Su Xinghe continued: “I read the Internet before, and there were a lot of questions about me, thinking that I was hype to show off my wealth, and I also hired a lot of fake fans!”

Here comes the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

If they were just appetizers before, then Su Xinghe is undoubtedly responding to Li Baojian’s doubts positively at this moment.

Then, they saw Su Xinghe say naturally: “I think that the gentleman was right. I did such a thing, show off my wealth, hype myself, hire fake fans, and let the fans get the day after tomorrow. Take the college entrance examination…”

The barrage in the live broadcast room was lost.

“what’s the situation”

“What does the star god mean?”

“What does Su Xinghe want to do”

“Su Xinghe, this is persuading.”

Everyone was stunned.Unexpectedly, Su Xinghe admitted so frankly that he was hyping and showing off his wealth.

In fact, the group of people in Mushroom House, including the program crew, are also confused.

What kind of medicine this guy sold in the gourd turned out to be speechless the next moment.

Because just in front of the camera lens, Su Xinghe suddenly picked up his mobile phone, and while pretending to be typing, he whispered in a voice that everyone can hear: “Thank you, please tell Mr. Li, I have already admitted my mistake, please make the hype Settle the balance.”

!!! The hype of the last paragraph is silly for everyone! Fuck,! Su Xinghe, this guy, really dare to say anything! On the bullet screen, a good bullet screen flashed the screen instantly.

Netizens all know that Li Baojian did this for hype and to rub Su Xinghe with the current yearning heat.

But it’s a pity.

This time, his opponent is Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe shrugged and continued: “Seriously, dear audience friends, fans, please believe me, really, I am for… big health care, ah, no, Mr. Li Baojian, I respect it very much, because I In my heart, he is a very professional artist.”

The audience became curious.

Su Xinghe actually praised Li Baojian again, this is not right! “Dear audience friends, you should really ask, I have seen it on the Internet, Mr. Li Baojian has a fever of 62 degrees, and he insists on going on stage because of the waiting of many fans. Singing, with powder fractures in both legs, I still practice tap dancing. I practice for 40 hours a day. I have 50 billion fans in the world, but I am never proud. A charity performance is held on February 3 each year. Collect all the donations to children who can’t afford to go to school in Switzerland. You only see his glorious side… but you don’t see the extraordinary hard work behind him. This is not fair!”

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

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