Chapter 298 Go back directly (2/10 for subscription)

When Su Xinghe knew about this, it was already noon.

He originally planned to go back to sleep and get up in the morning to cook.

As a result, there was an accident halfway, and the traffic jam was blocked for almost two hours. When he returned to Manyuan Village, it turned out to be three o’clock in the morning.

I slept drowsy all morning.

At noon, Su Xinghe only got up.

“Brother, you are up!”

Qingqing saw Su Xinghe go out and threw into his arms with a smile.

“Yeen, good.”

Su Xinghe smiled and rubbed the little girl’s head.

Then he looked at the girls: “How do you feel about cutting bananas?”

“Don’t mention it, we are almost exhausted.”

Song Yi said with a smile: “I said Teacher Su, you have been asleep until now. It seems that you don’t know the news on the Internet, right?”

What news Su Xinghe is at a loss.

Picking up the phone, he glanced at Weibo and found what Song Yi said.

Show off wealth and hype hiring fans, Su Xinghe directly laughed.

However, he didn’t speak immediately, and 09 checked Li Baojian’s information casually.

Then, the news about Goryeo.

[Goryeo historians said: Goryeo’s history is the longest in Asia. The Goryeo Empire once dominated Northeast Asia.

】【The Dragon Boat Festival was invented by Korea, and a professor from Korea University announced his research results.

】【Korea Yonsei University announced: After a systematic study, it is proved that the Hua Department is the earliest territory of Korea.

】After reading the news one by one, Su Xinghe couldn’t laugh or cry.

This magical Goryeo, no matter…

In which world, it turned out to be so weird.

Watch these news.

And those…Han fans who abused themselves on Weibo, Su Xinghe frowned.

Since someone is looking for a dead end, don’t blame yourself for being rude.

Inside the live broadcast room.

The audience saw that Su Xinghe finally saw the news, and the audience quickly broke out.

“Star God saw it, haha, this time Li Baojian is finished!”

“Seriously, these Koreans are really criminals.”

“Isn’t it? I’m talking about world powers, cosmic powers all day long.”

“That…Li Baojian is even more disgusting, earning our money, and still smearing Su Xinghe, really not a human being.”

“Still hype, Star God needs hype”

“Yeah, there is really a problem with the brain. With Su Xinghe’s worth and status, people have the hype and pull sister Zifeng together. Li Baojian, I think his brain is flooded, and I am thinking about the heat.”

This matter has been divided into two factions on the Internet.

One side is naturally Su Xinghe’s supporters.They hope that Su Xinghe can clarify this matter and hope that he can prove that he is not hyping.

On the other side, naturally, there are Li Baojian’s fans, and those…Hahan.

“Xinghe, how is it, did you see Li interviewing?”

Huang Xiaochu came over and asked with a smile.

Li Baojian Su Xinghe blinked: “Who is that?”

Damn it! Show! Barrage laughed instantly.

Regardless of Su Xinghe’s fans or passersby eating melons, he was very satisfied with his answer.

That’s right! You are a Korean second or third, line artist, at best, you are a familiar face in the Chinese Asian system. What qualifications do you have to let me Su Xinghe know you want to be hot! Give Laozi a big deal! And Li Baojian in the live broadcast room Fans are not happy anymore.

This group of National People’s Congress came to watch in the live broadcast room in the morning, just…waiting for Su Xinghe’s response, but unexpectedly, Su Xinghe came to say who it is. This is simply ignoring Li Baojian! It is tolerable, who is intolerable ! “Su Xinghe Get Out of the Entertainment Circle!”

“You don’t even know our sword Ouba, Su Xinghe, what kind of artist are you”

“You can’t help yourself, Su Xinghe, quickly quit your yearning.”

“I see, I yearn for this show to be over sooner or later, so I can only participate with Su Xinghe.”


…………………… Su Xinghe naturally saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, after all, he Holding a mobile phone inside.

With a smile, Su Xinghe said to Huang Xiaochu and the others: “Let’s do it, since everyone has worked hard all morning on farm work, after eating, I will show you a show, how about it?”

Everyone looked at each other, a little surprised.

What kind of situation is it so good? Su Xinghe is actually going to perform.

Wait…! Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He, who are familiar with Su Xinghe, flashed in their minds, and suddenly understood something.

This guy, it looks like he is going to fight back against Li Baojian! But the two of them… don’t have any comments on this, anyway, Su Xinghe is the one he yearns for, and it is also involved. To sister Zifeng.

Regarding…that…Korean people, although Huang Xiaochu and others are not good at expressing their status due to their status, it does not mean that they will not support Su Xinghe in other ways.

“Okay, I think it can.”

Teacher He nodded and smiled.

Huang Xiaochu also clapped his hands and said, “Xinghe’s stand-up comedy is very good. Before, Dalin and Teacher Guo liked it very much.”

No matter what, since Su Xinghe is going to fight back, they must support it.

Although the girls are a bit inexplicable.

But they are all strange and clever people.

They knew what happened in the morning, otherwise Song Yi would not take the initiative to tell Su Xinghe.

Now that Su Xinghe is about to perform a show, a few people vaguely guessed something.

“Okay, I want to watch Teacher Su’s show.”

Tang Yixin was the first to react.

Jin Chen also nodded: “Teacher Su, do you want to help?”

“Yes, we can all help.”

Yang Xiaozi said.

Song Yi simply chuckled: “Otherwise, let us be fans for you.”

Groove! It’s so stupid! Everyone who watched the live broadcast was instantly shocked by Song Yi’s words.

This girl really dared to say anything, she didn’t save Li Baojian a bit of face.

Su Xinghe smiled and waved his hand: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, let’s eat first.”

Everyone naturally has no opinion.

Soon, they ate cold noodles made by Huang Xiaochu.

After eating, everyone sat in a row and sat in the pavilion, waiting for Su Xinghe’s performance.

Su Xinghe didn’t talk nonsense, turned back to the room, changed his clothes and came out.

“Ahem, um…, thank you for your support. This is the second time we talk about cross talk.

Everyone knows that as the person with the most fans in the industry, I am still very stressed!”



Everyone else has seen cross talk and started booing Su Xinghe.

This guy always likes to brag.

But Su Xinghe seemed to have not heard it, and continued with a smile: “Before, I talked about cross talk once, and everyone thought it was pretty good, and then the clicks were also very high, and the ratings were also very good.

Some people like to be scolded by others, but some just say that they are all liars. How can you see so many people?

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

Fuck! This is going straight to Li Baojian! :, please subscribe! Ask for automatic subscription! Ask for rewards! Please download Fei Lu Xiao to read the underlined version of the novel

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