Chapter 287 Invitation of the strongest wisdom (7/10 seeking subscription)

Regarding his IQ, what Su Xinghe didn’t say is that when he participated in the Mensa Club test, he set a record.

An answer to all questions correctly, and the shortest time to answer the most comprehensive record.

According to the test results, Su Xinghe’s IQ is as high as nearly three hundred.

But this kind of thing, I didn’t want to talk about it in the show.

People will not believe it.

On the contrary, there will be people who will hold the bar and let themselves prove it.

The most indispensable thing on the Internet is… Leverage.

Things like proving that you are your father’s son are just those…Keyboardman likes to do.

The live broadcast continues.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He quickly changed the subject.

They chatted about Peng Peng’s relationship that hadn’t been exposed for a long time.

Since this guy talked about his girlfriend, he never…Zhang Luo anything about kissing scenes, in the words of Teacher Huang, the silly son has grown up and he knows that he is shy.

At this moment.

Su Xinghe’s phone rang.

Taking a look at the caller ID, it turned out to be Wu Jing.


Although he was in front of the camera, Su Xinghe answered the phone.

“Brother, do you have time, do me a favor.”

On the phone, it was not Wu Jing, but Xie Nan.

“You said, I’m free.”

Su Xinghe nodded quickly.

If it were Wu Jing, he might still taunt that guy a bit.Since it is Xie Nan, then forget it.

To his family, Su Xinghe’s patience has always been very good.

“Is such that.”

Xie Nan explained to Su Xinghe: “I received the announcement of Sujiang TV’s “The Strongest Wisdom” program. As a result, our family Wu suddenly fell ill. I can’t make it now. If you have time, can you help me participate? One issue.”


Su Xinghe was startled.

He is…heard of that show, but the question is, isn’t it a quiz show? Xie Nan, a host, used to join in the excitement! “I just make up the number. That’s it.”

Xie Nan explained with a wry smile.

With her introduction, Su Xinghe finally understood what was going on.

It’s actually very simple.

Seeing that Blue Whale Satellite TV and Shonan Satellite TV have made rapid progress in variety shows.

This makes Sujiang Satellite TV very unhappy.

As a result, they also revised their program.

This season’s “The Strongest Wisdom” not only uses a live broadcast method, but also invites a large number of guests to participate.

some of.

There are all kinds of online celebrity beauties and handsome guys, such as artists like Xie Nan.


These people are all for making up the numbers, and the real show can attract people, or those…smart players.

This point, the program team is still very clear.

After all, it is compared with Shonan Satellite TV and Blue Whale Satellite TV.

Sujiang Satellite TV is already far behind.

So, they have high hopes for this show.

Originally with Wu Jing’s current status, Xie Nan undoubtedly didn’t need to receive such announcements.

But the problem is that the person in charge of the production company of this show, who knew Xie Nan well back then, helped her.

Therefore, for the sake of this favor, she took the announcement.

But now that her son is sick, she naturally can’t go away.

But after all, I promised others before, and now I am changing my mind, which is a bit inappropriate.

After thinking about it, she thought of Su Xinghe.

If Su Xinghe did not participate in the yearning, she would definitely not trouble Su Xinghe.

But since he even wanted to participate, it didn’t matter to participate in a “The Strongest Wisdom”.

“okay, I get it.”

Su Xinghe nodded: “Give my phone number to the program team and ask their producer to contact me.”

Since it was Xie Nan’s business, he would definitely help.

Put down the phone.

Teacher He asked strangely: “Who?”

“Xie Nan.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “I might take her place in “The Strongest Wisdom”!”

Fuck, everyone was stunned.

Su Xinghe was going to participate in “The Strongest Wisdom”! The audience in the live broadcast room was all excited.

Someone was questioning Su Xinghe’s IQ just now, and now he is really dozing off and giving pillows.

“Star God! Go and participate, we’d rather you stop one more day!”

“Yes, you must discuss your own IQ.”

“Haha, it’s kind of interesting, to compete with the smartest group of people in the country, Star God, you are going to heaven!”

“Yes, I also think the Star God is too awesome!”

“Next, is the moment to witness the miracle.”

“To be honest, I don’t have much confidence in Su Xinghe. After all, although he is talented, he…thinks about logical thinking.”

“Idiots, you guys, have you forgotten that Star God is the first person in the Go world?”

“!!! Yeah, I almost forgot about it!”

The audience in the live broadcast room began to talk about this.

But in general, everyone is still looking forward to Su Xinghe’s participation in the show “The Strongest Wisdom”.

to be honest.

For a long time, everyone has watched Su Xinghe screaming for the wind and rain in the yearning, but in fact, they have been a bit aesthetically tired.

In their opinion, if Su Xinghe has the opportunity to show himself on other shows, it would be an interesting thing.


…………Su Xinghe’s phone rang.

It’s an unfamiliar number.

“Hello, it’s Mr. Su Xinghe.”

The other party introduced himself straightforwardly: “I am Li Yang, the producer of the program “The Strongest Wisdom”.”


Su Xinghe smiled.He knew very well that Xie Nan should have given her his phone number.

“That’s the case, I have passed Xie Nangou. In addition to… her notification fee, we will give you an additional notification fee, which counts as us. The cost of inviting you to participate in this program.”

Li Yang said happily.


Su Xinghe nodded.

He is not a fool, and there is no reason not to send the notice fee to the door.


With the popularity of myself now, I promised to go to their show, that is to increase their popularity.

It is… because of Xie Nan’s face, otherwise Su Xinghe would not have agreed to participate in this type of show.

It’s not that I can’t see this level of programs.

It was because Su Xinghe felt it was meaningless.

What about a group of school tyrants, in his eyes, they are nothing more than chickens.

If they had full firepower, they would not be opponents at all.

And this kind of variety show, that’s something.

First of all, Su Xinghe really doesn’t matter.

However, since I can have the opportunity to prove my strength to those who question myself.

Su Xinghe doesn’t mind letting them know what a real genius is!

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