Chapter 286 Are you a squid who loves diving? (6 requests for subscription)

Regarding the concert, naturally, we have to wait for Zifeng’s college entrance examination to end.

After all, according to Su Xinghe’s idea, in fact, he intends to let the four people who yearn for the family cooperate with him.

Although the pre-sale has been opened, he has not yet determined the official time.

It is temporarily set on July 16th.

Because that day is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

“By the way, Xinghe, I think your codewords are very diligent these days.”

When Huang Xiaochu occasionally went upstairs to look for Su Xinghe, seeing that he had been working hard on codewords, he naturally knew what he was doing.

“Yes, I plan to spend two or three months,,, with these books at hand, the ones that should be finished.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “I am a responsible author.”

Bah! Hearing this guy’s shameless words, the book fans in the entire live broadcast room were about to vomit.

He still has a responsible author! You have so many novels that you can only prove that you are the eunuch chief in the legend! When it comes to the online literature circle, the most responsible author is definitely not you Su Xinghe.

But if you talk about being the most shameless author with no conscience.

The three words Su Xinghe must be on the list! “Why, Brother Su, which book are you planning to finish recently?”

At this time, Peng Peng asked weakly from the side.

He is really suffering lately, the ones that Su Xinghe exposed before…In the vest 903, almost all of them are broken, only the “Cultivation Chat Group” is still: update.

Although the update speed is very fast, Peng Peng feels that something is wrong with 10,000 words a day.

Because Su Xinghe hides in the room with code words very fast.

According to Qingqing, her brother can play seven or eight thousand words an hour.

And now.

Su Xinghe spends time on codewords every day, up to four hours to five hours.

In the rest of the time, what is he writing “Oh, I have a book called “The Lord of Mysteries”, and these two days are about to end.”

Su Xinghe shrugged and said calmly.

Anyway… he has finished writing the end of the book, and he is not afraid of readers scolding himself.

Puff!!! Peng Peng just sprayed it! And the readers who were still smiling are also dumbfounded.

“Fuck! What the hell “Lord of the Mysteries” was written by the Star God!”

“The squid who loves diving, it’s you”

“Oh my God!!! I really took it!”

“Hahaha, I’m crazy, no, I have hallucinations, how could Su Xinghe write novels in the style of Crusoe? Oh, he’s already talking nonsense.”

“Hehe, I don’t believe it!”

“Yes, I don’t believe it either! Su Xinghe has the ability to show the backstage!”

“Yes, you have the ability to expose the backstage!”

In the live broadcast room, a lot of fans of the book “Master of Mysteries”.

To know.

For fans of novels, following their favorite novels is undoubtedly a particularly happy enjoyment.

On the contrary, I was naturally told that my favorite novel was about to end.

That kind of taste is unimaginable to others.

It’s like now.

These readers suddenly felt that they seemed to be watching a TV series, but the TV series accidentally reached the last part, and seeing the progress bar couldn’t hold it.

Moreover, this news was actually told by the director.

Heart-stuck! Su Xinghe, this guy, is simply…animal! And this side of the mushroom house.

Even if Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He didn’t understand the novel, they knew what happened when they saw Peng Peng’s expression.

Su Xinghe seems to have pitted a large group of people.

“Um…, Peng Peng, that book, very famous”

Seeing Peng Peng’s heartbroken expression, Teacher He asked cautiously.

“Teacher He, that is the #1 book on the Venus China website.”

Peng Peng smiled bitterly: “The squid who loves diving is a famous creative god on the Internet. The subject matter of each book is different, and the content is also very novel. In addition to being…mysterious, There is nothing to criticize.

But I didn’t expect it to be Brother Su’s vest!”

!!! Teacher He was helpless when he heard what Peng Peng said.

Su Xinghe, how can he expose a vest casually, it’s so powerful! “Xinghe, how do you grow your mind? Where can you get so much inspiration?”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said to Su Xinghe: “I think you should test your IQ, your brain is really terrifying.”

“I am a member of Mensa Club.”

Su Xinghe shrugged upon hearing this.

Mensa Club Peng Peng and Teacher He are at a loss.

On the contrary, Huang Xiaochu was a little surprised: “Really, you guy, so fierce!”

Inside the live broadcast room.

There are also a lot of question marks on the barrage.

What is the Mensa Club?Seeing that everyone was confused, Huang Xiaochu simply became a commentator, why the teacher explained to Peng Peng, and the audience in the live broadcast room.

“The Mensa Club was founded in the 1940s in the 1940s. It is an international organization. The biggest feature is that the club uses IQ as the only criterion for membership.”

Huang Xiaochu said slowly: “The slogan of the Mensa Club is to develop human intelligence, to develop and study human intellectual instincts, characteristics and uses.

Provide members with valuable intellectual stimulation, opportunities for communication and development.”

Everyone was startled.

Teacher He subconsciously asked: “This means that only smart people can join this club.”

Huang Xiaochu nodded: “Yes, basically I want to join this club, IQ is almost 150:.”

One hundred and five Peng Peng blinked and closed his mouth silently.

He has taken an IQ test, and although it is over 100, it is still a bit worse than the standard of Mensa Club.


Teacher He stuck out his tongue.

Although I still don’t quite understand it, just listening, I think it is very powerful.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room, the audience is helpless.

“This guy turned out to be a member of Mensa!”

“Uh, please answer from God, is Xiaochu Huang right?”

“Yes, Mr. Huang is right. The Mensa Club is just… an ordinary organization. Being able to join proves that this person has a high IQ.”

“To put it bluntly, this is a club for smart people”

“Well, you can think so too.”

“I don’t think it is so exaggerated, and Su Xinghe is talented, he said he is a member of Mensa Club.”

“Furthermore, Mensa Club is nothing great, I think it’s average.”

The dispute on the barrage was soon seen by Su Xinghe.

His brows frowned, he was really bored with… those…

This group of people, it seems that they really need a lesson.

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