Chapter 288 Born to be a human, I’m sorry (8/10, please subscribe!)

Although I promised to participate in the recording of the “The Strongest Wisdom” program, the time will be one week later.

At that time, sister Zifeng’s college entrance examination was over, before Su Xinghe’s concert began.

Sujiang TV also knows it well.

I know that Su Xinghe is not the kind of person who lacks money, so the notification fee is not high or low, which is within the acceptable range of Su Xinghe.

On Xie Nan’s side, the child’s situation needs to be observed for a period of time, otherwise he will not call Su Xinghe in advance.

Now that Su Xinghe should come down, she can naturally take care of her son with peace of mind.

Soon, the news that Su Xinghe was going to participate in the live broadcast of the “The Strongest Wisdom” program was sent to the Internet through the audience who yearned for this side.

With Su Xinghe’s current popularity, it is no surprise that it is ranked first in the hot search.

Netizens are naturally hotly discussing this.

“Nine Zero Three”

It’s just that this time, most people are not optimistic about Su Xinghe’s decision.

“Seriously, I don’t think Su Xinghe should go to that show.”

“Yeah, they are all a large group of academic bullies, at the level of Su Xinghe, if you go to be defeated by someone, you will be embarrassed.”

“It’s not just this problem. The key is that he is now a substitute, and he only participates in one period. There is a live broadcast. If something goes wrong, it will be ashamed not to mention it, and there will be no chance of turning over the book.”

“That’s right.”

“Furthermore, a celebrity celebrity, even if you play Go well, it doesn’t mean you will be able to defeat those… Xueba.”

“Come on, no matter what, I bless the Star God!”

“Yes, no matter…

Whatever the Star God decides, I, as his wife, will support him.”

…There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and Su Xinghe’s super words soon became chaotic.

no way.

As the most popular artist on the Internet today, Su Xinghe’s every move can cause a huge response.

But he doesn’t care much about it himself.

For: Su Xinghe, he now only cares about whether he is happy or not.

As for the comments from the outside world.

If you care.

He wouldn’t have not opened Weibo for so many years.

You know, Su Xinghe basically didn’t play Weibo before participating in Longing.

The sky in the village.

The dark ones are always a little earlier than the urban ones.

Country life is probably so leisurely.

After dinner, a few people sat.

Sister Zifeng, who had been studying for a day, finally took a break, and had fun with Qingqing.

“Seriously, seeing these young people, well, life is really good.”

Teacher He watched Zifeng and Qingqing playing there, and said with a smile.

Huang Xiaochu also nodded: “Yes, New Year is great!”

Su Xinghe listened to them feeling there, and shook his head helplessly: “No, you two said so poorly, as if how old you are, it’s too much!”

Teacher He smiled: “Yes, we are not old people, we can also be very happy.”

But as he spoke, he was silent.

Huang Xiaochu on the side said with emotion: “Yes, we can also be happy.

But the question is, is our happiness the same as before, and is it as simple as Qingqing’s age?”

When he said this, he seemed to be asking himself, and he seemed to be asking everyone.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned by Huang Xiaochu’s questions at this moment.


Each one can say that he is very happy and happy.


The question is, are you really happy or maybe.

What I call happiness now is really what I want. This is a philosophical question.

Watching the two big brothers fall into deep thinking.

Su Xinghe smiled, and decided to unravel them, otherwise the atmosphere of today’s show would be low.

Seeing Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu, Su Xinghe spoke.

“Actually, I don’t think this matter needs a complicated explanation.”

Su Xinghe said to Teacher He: “Happiness is what happiness is…When you are hungry, you can eat steamed buns and meat.

When you need money, you happen to have enough money in your pocket.

It is… when you need it, you can be satisfied.

I won’t say anything about chicken soup, but I know that it’s really up to you whether you’re happy or not.”

What he said was from his heart.

In Su Xinghe’s view, happiness is actually…a state of mind 0…when a person has no worries about food and clothing, happiness is a mood.

When you are destitute, there are actually moments of satisfaction, which is also a way of happiness.

Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to entangle this kind of problem…

After all, we are born to be human, and we just live, sometimes it’s already very hard.

…………………… Su Xinghe’s words quickly aroused discussion in the live broadcast room.

“It’s really like that, happiness or something is actually up to you.”

“Yes, I want to say that I can’t eat, and I suddenly found a steamed bun. I must be happy.”

“Haha, if I have been unable to eat, I might not be in the mood to think about whether I am going to be happy soon.”

“The Star God is so powerful, he even understands philosophy.”

“I don’t think he really understands philosophy, he just understands life.”

“Yes, don’t forget, Su Xinghe is an orphan.

Since childhood, his experience has been more complicated than anyone else.”

“I think that what the Star God said was right. We should cherish every good thing in life, because for some people, living is already a very difficult thing.”


This time, no one blamed Su Xinghe.

Even the most picky ones in the live broadcast room…the audience, at this time also chose to shut up.

“Actually, each of us has experienced something like this.”


Galaxy is faintly authentic.

“When I was young, everyone hoped that their future would shine.

But when I grow up, none of my dreams can be realized.

It’s painful and sorry for myself.

And in turn complained about everything around him.

I have time to feel that I was born as a human being. I’m sorry, but I don’t think the world is worth it.”

“But, no matter what.

At this time, there are always some beautiful things that make us linger.

For example, the child’s innocent eyes, such as the warm care of family members, or even the smile given to us by a traveler passing by on the side of the road.”

that moment.

Su Xinghe’s words seem to have the power to warm people’s hearts.

Everyone in the whole live broadcast room fell into deep contemplation…:, please reward! Please subscribe automatically!

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