Chapter 277 grandmaster? (5/10 subscription required)

Su Xinghe’s video of the animal protection organization quickly aroused heated discussion on the Internet.

It’s just that this time, few people support those people’s claims.

Because Su Xinghe said nothing wrong.

At that time, there were six or seven people behind him.

In this situation.

If Su Xinghe hesitated a little bit, let the wild boar slow down, give up the confrontation with the Tianlong, and attack the crowd instead.

The result will be an unimaginable tragedy! At that time.

Su Xinghe’s only choice is to use all the weapons around him to attack the wild boar and fight for himself and his companions to survive.

To put it bluntly, when you can’t even save your life, what about the animal protection program group, including a group of guests, have spoken on Weibo to express their support for Su Xinghe.

Yu Hewei: “I respect animal protectionism, but at a moment of life and death, I approve of Su Xinghe’s approach.

Thank him for protecting us all.”

Pan Yueming: “If at that time, Teacher Su hesitated even for ten seconds, I can’t guarantee what will happen later, so I thank him.”

Peng Peng: “I don’t care whether wild boars protect animals or not. I’m just fortunate that I survived.”

Guo Qilin: “My life is gone, what about protection”

Teacher He: “I don’t know any wild animals, I only know that Xinghe desperately saved me when it was the most dangerous!”

A series of news quickly gained public approval.

This time.

Even the mainstream media did not criticize Su Xinghe’s behavior.

Everyone is very clear.

Su Xinghe’s choice at the time was actually the most basic human response.

If you change to an ordinary person, it may not be better than him.

It’s even easy to make mistakes.

…………..At the time when such discussions were in full swing, the mushroom house ushered in a group of people.

“Hey, there are guests.”

Peng Peng was the first to spot the guests on Hualu at the door.


Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He didn’t know who the person was, and they were all a little curious.

They originally thought that today there is only Yu Hewei and others.

But now.

Why are there another group of people here?

That’s right.

On the opposite side of the flower road, a total of seven or eight people came.

Damn it! This is too much.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a little curious.

“what’s the situation”

“It won’t be those… animal protectionists come”

“Probably not, how can they have such speed.”

“That may be true. You can’t make sense of the logic of those people.”

“Haha, I feel that this is somewhat reasonable.”

“No, you see, the few people walking in the front are not young anymore, and they are all men.”

“Haha, I think what you are suggesting.”

…. With the speculation of the audience, the group of people finally appeared in front of the camera.


Huang Xiaochu was the first to go out.

He knew those few people! They were a few nine-dan players in the Chinese Asian Go world, and the leader was the first Chinese Asian Go player Ma Xiaochun.

Following him, in addition to his disciple Zhang Xin Qidan, the rest are also the backbone of the Chinese Asian chess scene.

Four 44 nine dans, with four 44 disciples.

What is this for? Can it be said that they are here to smash the scene. After all, last night, Su Xinghe won two other apprentices.

“Teacher Ma, why are you here”

As a Go enthusiast, Huang Xiaochu met Ma Xiaochun at the beginning.

The others were stunned.

Fortunately, what happened.

While saying hello to Ma Xiaochun, Huang Xiaochu introduced to everyone: “I would like to introduce everyone, this is Ma Xiaochun 9th Duan, this is Chen Qingzhi 9th Duan, this…”

Introduce it in a circle.

Everyone understands now.

It’s been a long time.

These few turned out to be the most famous Go players in Huaxiya today.

“What do you mean, is it because I defeated the apprentice and the master came to the door?”

“I think it’s possible.”

“Haha, let’s see what the Star God will do this time.”

“I said, Star God shouldn’t be so arrogant.”

“Originally, the Star God was not blamed for this incident, it was obviously that… Zhao Yang’s fault.”

“Yes, he himself despises us… lovers, it’s reasonable!”

“But why shouldn’t so many people come together”

Everyone is very curious and don’t understand what is going on.

On the contrary, it was Su Xinghe, the person involved, with a calm face.

There is no meaning to worry at all.

Even sister Zifeng next to him squeezed a cold sweat for him.

This group of people is the top group of people in the Chinese Go circle! In the last ten years, all the honors that the Chinese Go field has won in the field of Go are they!… …..Can Su Xinghe be able to win against such an opponent, but in the next moment, they saw that Ma Xiaochun, who is known as the number one player in the Asian Go of the Chinese family, stepped forward to Su Xinghe.

“Smelly boy, meet again.”

What’s the situation! Then.

What surprised them even more happened.

Su Xinghe curled his lips and said helplessly: “Lao Ma, how come you are so bad at teaching apprentices?”

Damn it! The whole mushroom house is dumbfounded! As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they are even more confused.

What the hell is this, Ma Xiaochun’s next sentence made them even more confused.

“Come on, let me introduce to everyone, this guy should be the only person in the world who is qualified to be called a chess saint!”

Chess sage!!! The moment I heard these two words, the live broadcast room exploded! If it weren’t for Ma Xiaochun who said this, he is recognized as the first Chinese player in the Asian Go game. At this moment, it is estimated that people in the live broadcast room will easily speak. Scold the street! A young man under thirty years old, how can He De be called a master of chess, don’t say, he Su Xinghe is just an amateur Go enthusiast, do you know what the real way of Go is: recent plot? I also know what’s wrong, don’t you guys like this and have any comments, please give me pointers in the book review.

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