Chapter 278 Real body exposure! (6/10 subscription required)

Wen is no first, Wu is no second.

This is true from ancient times to the present.

The title of chess saint is not…everyone is qualified to call it.

At least.

So far, no one has dared to claim to be so in the Asian country.

After all, people who play Go have their own intelligence and calculation ability, which is absolutely terrifying.

It is not… so easy for these extremely smart people to admit that they are inferior to others.

And now.

As the recognized first person in the Chinese Asian Go world, Ma Xiaochun even publicly stated on the TV program that Su Xinghe is qualified to become a chess master.

What the hell is going on? “Teacher Ma, you, are you kidding me?”

Huang Xiaochu asked in surprise.

Even if Teacher He and others don’t understand Go, at this moment, when they hear the word Chess, they are all confused.

To “Nine Zero Three”

Those in the live broadcast room… viewers, those who don’t understand Go are at a loss.

And those who understand Go are already crazy! “Is the chess saint Ma Xiaochun crazy? What qualifications does he have to say that Su Xinghe is the chess saint”

“Yes, a little baby who is still stinky, who claims to be a chess sage!”

“Won a five-dan, a seven-dan, just talk about a chess master, Ma Xiaochun is always confused.”

“I think he was trying to put gold on the face of his precious apprentice.”

“Something’s wrong, Ma Xiaochun seems to know Su Xinghe, and the few people behind, look at the nine dans, it’s clear that they have… a calm expression.”

“Yes, there must be something in it!”

“Wait and see how he explains.”

……..Mushroom house here.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly, facing the doubtful eyes of everyone, his face calm and composed.

“Old horse, you cheated me again.”

Looking at Ma Xiaochun, Su Xinghe curled his lips and said, “I’m not interested in being a professional chess player.

Besides, no one can win me, it’s boring…”

Damn it!!!! Everyone is not calm anymore.

Regardless of….

It was the people in the mushroom house or the audience in the live broadcast room.At that moment, they all felt that Su Xinghe was too arrogant.

Unexpectedly, after Su Xinghe said these words, the people of the Chinese Asian Chess Academy had a calm expression.

Ma Xiaochun smiled helplessly.

“No, Teacher Ma, Xinghe, so.”

Huang Xiaochu asked in surprise.

“It’s more than strong.”

At this moment.

Defeated by Su Xinghe, Zhang Xin Qidao, who has been silent for a long time, said, “I was so stupid before that I dared to provoke Teacher Su.

After being taught by my master, I learned that Teacher Su was invincible back then.”

!!!Everyone was even more surprised when they heard this title.

Really or not! Su Xinghe still has such a side for a while, everyone’s curiosity has all been hanged.

They are really curious about what is going on.

“Come on, stop talking nonsense!”

At this time, Su Xinghe interrupted Zhang Xin’s seventh paragraph: “I said, Lao Ma, are you coming back, did you let me teach your apprentices?”


Ma Xiaochun admitted frankly, nodded and said: “We old guys have brought our most proud disciples. You can give them some pointers. Even if you make a contribution to the Chinese Asian chess scene, how about it? ”


Su Xinghe nodded: “I am a Chinese Asian, and I have an unshirkable responsibility.

But speaking of it, you are really true. Back then, I told you that you must work hard on the officials, otherwise you can’t beat the stone of Goryeo. In the end, you are… I like to play layout there, and I have not been able to play with him for so many years. It really disappoints me…”

!!! The viewers in the live broadcast room don’t know what to say anymore.

Su Xinghe, how many hides… Secretly listening to his tone, it seems that he has also played against Lee Chang-ho, the world’s number one Go player, the stone Buddha of Goryeo! Could it be that he hasn’t lost Ma Xiaochun and there is already speechless, Su Xinghe is really the same, and he will complain about others when he catches the opportunity.

“Okay, don’t talk about old horses.”

At this time, Gu Li Jiudan on the side said: “You treat everyone like you. If we have your ability, we won’t be beaten by you.”

“Yeah, Hua Shiya, Dongying: The top chess players of the Three Kingdoms of Korea have been beaten by your Shibanqi, you guys are not humans.”

Other people also complained.

Fuck, everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

Especially the Go enthusiasts in the live broadcast room, their brains will be down at that moment 0………”When was Shibanqi played?”

“Playing to let first, that is to say, all the top nine dans in the country have lost to Su Xinghe!”

“Fuck! Sweep the three major Go powers”

“I heard it wrong, I must have heard it wrong!”

“Yeah, Gu Li is not drinking, what does it mean to be beaten by Su Xinghe?”

“This f*ck! If everyone plays chess with him, they have to be let go first, doesn’t it mean that he is the real first player in Go”

At that moment, everyone only felt that they seemed to be dreaming.

Mushroom house.

The words of a few nine-dan chess players left everyone at a loss, and even Huang Xiaochu was a little dizzy.

What the hell is going on. Fortunately, Liu Haoran was younger and more courageous, and asked Zhang Xin Qiduan: “Um…, Teacher Zhang, can you explain to us and the audience friends?”


Zhang Xin Qiduan has also participated in some programs, so he naturally understands that he needs to explain himself at this time.

“About ten years ago, in an International Go Invitational, all the top players from Huaxi Ya, Dongying: and Goryeo were gathered.

Teacher Su just… appeared at that time.

At that time, it was because during the meal, there was a verbal conflict with the two chess players of Dong Ying, so he went to the hotel where the chess players stayed and challenged each other’s players one by one.”

“The result is naturally obvious. Within three days, Dongying: All super first class 1.

The 7 players all became his defeaters.

The most horrible thing is that they are playing Juban Chess, wheel battle!”

Zhang Xin said in seven segments, looking at Su Xinghe, showing an expression of admiration: “This incident soon alarmed the top chess players of our Chinese Asian Chess Academy and Korea Chess Academy.

My master and them, as well as the superb chess players led by Li Changhao, all challenged Teacher Su!”

“As a result, within a month, everyone failed!”

“Every time in Jufanqi, Teacher Su has won, and all the scores are six to zero.”

“Since that time, he has also become the only one who can go down with Hua Xia, Dong Ying:, the super-class players of the Three Kingdoms of Korea and give way first.”

With the words of Zhang Xin’s seventh paragraph, the barrage of the entire live broadcast room was instantly quiet.

: Flowers! Please fight!

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