Chapter 276 Super iron plate? (4/10 subscription required)

When things have reached this point, the live broadcast naturally cannot continue.

To know.

When a wild boar appeared in the camera lens, the director’s heart almost jumped out of his throat.

This f*ck! A group of artists, if something happens in the wilderness, selling themselves will not be enough to compensate others.

He simply stumbled and ran to the back mountain with someone.

But the next thing.

It was beyond everyone’s expectation.

Su Xinghe shot the wild boar with three arrows! The effect exploded in the live broadcast room.

Even so, after the director arrived, he ordered the program group to stop the live broadcast.

“Everyone is okay”

After closing the live broadcast, the director asked the artists.

This is the most important thing.If any of these people has something to do here, whether it is on Hunan Satellite TV or the “Longing Life” program, it will be directly pushed to the forefront.

At that time, other competitors will be rude.

There is no doubt about this.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, director, don’t worry.”

Zhang Jiayi smiled and waved.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Yu Hewei and Pan Yueming also nodded together.

As for Peng Peng, Liu Haoran, and Dalin.

These three young people have already studied how thick the skin of the wild boar is, and how many such things can be done.

“Teacher Su, thanks to you for being here.”

The director said to Su Xinghe in shock.

Today, thanks to Su Xinghe, he went up the mountain with a bow and arrow.

When I think of this, the director feels that his legs are a little weak, and it is almost like a feeling of going crazy.

Su Xinghe took a sigh of relief and waved his hand: “Director, don’t talk, let me relax.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”


Everyone laughed.

To be honest, Su Xinghe’s performance just now makes people seem to see the invincible God of War.

But now.

His appearance, on the contrary, makes everyone feel that this person is very real.

“Let’s go down the mountain…”

The director thought for a while and said to everyone: “This is left to the program team to deal with. If the wild boar is handled, I will ask someone in the village to deal with it. Do you think it will work?”


Su Xinghe also understands the director’s meaning.He is almost frightened now, for fear that these people will have another accident.

The group quickly left here and returned to the mushroom house.

Back to the mushroom house, Huang Xiaochu and sister Zifeng naturally asked for warmth again.

On the contrary, it was Qingqing, and it didn’t feel much.

In her opinion, her brother is invincible in the world.


[Su Xinghe three arrows shot a wild boar] disappeared, boarded the hot search on Weibo.

The news came out.

Netizens are crazy.

This year, there is such a fierce man unexpectedly.

Moreover, he is actually a person in the entertainment industry.

This is too ridiculous! After all, the video and screenshots are there, this can’t be faked.

The guy Su Xinghe actually did it! And even within the shouts, there was still a discordant voice.

People with animal protection organizations said that Su Xinghe was killing wild animals indiscriminately.

“Wild boars are precious wild animals. The relationship between humans and nature should be harmonious. With fewer and fewer wild boars like this, why does Su Xinghe have to shoot wild boars?”

“Yes, I think under the circumstances, Su Xinghe could choose to injure but not kill.”

“Yes, or you can try to make a fire and drive it away.”

“You can also frighten it with a group of people, maybe it will be scared away.”

“Really, there is no love at all!”

“You guys have something wrong, co-authoring that… when you are alive and dead, Su Xinghe has to consider how to protect animals.”

“Human life is a matter of life, it’s all like this, and you still want to protect animals. Are you brain-dead?”

But even so, someone contacted the program team shortly afterwards and expressed serious concern about the killing of a wild boar by Su Xinghe.

For these people, they don’t care what life and death situation you face at the time.

They have only one idea.

That is, you must follow my rules, otherwise, you are a heresy.

Su Xinghe quickly learned the news from the director.

“Director, open the live broadcast.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while and said to the director.

The director was a little strange, but still agreed to Su Xinghe’s request.

Soon, the live broadcast started.

In front of the camera, Su Xinghe said faintly: “Hello everyone, I heard that someone on Weibo expressed dissatisfaction with…I shot that wild boar, thinking that I was killing innocent people indiscriminately.”

The audience is a little curious.

You know, Su Xinghe’s temper is not…so amiable.

This is very clear as an old audience who has been watching Su Xinghe for many times, or has been paying attention to Su Xinghe.

This guy is… the temper of a donkey.

as predicted.

The next moment, Su Xinghe directly said: “It is the safety of the lives of the people behind me, not the so-called animal protection.

You guys…Idiots, don’t be confused about the relationship between protecting wild animals and human survival instinct.

Protecting animals is not fake, but the premise is that we humans must be able to survive.

You can’t even protect your own life, I will protect your uncle’s wild animals!”

Damn it! The live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

No one thought of it.

Su Xinghe’s attitude is so tough.

He completely ignored the…

He even attacked them publicly.

“Big Brother Su! You are amazing!”

Sister Zifeng admires Su Xingnuo’s good river.

“Yeah, that’s how it should be.”

Peng Peng also nodded.

To be honest, they also felt that there was something wrong with those people’s words at first, but they didn’t find the key point.

On the contrary, Su Xinghe’s words reminded them.

Even with these words, many netizens began to reflect on the classics.

Over the years, animal protectionists have been advocating that animals are good friends of humans and that humans should treat small animals well.

But the problem is that these people protect cats, dogs, and all kinds of wild animals.

But he never said to protect chickens and ducks.

They only protect the animals they like, and it doesn’t matter whether it will affect other people’s lives.

It’s just that, in the name of kindness, these people have never been disadvantaged before.

But today, they met Su Xinghe, a super iron plate.

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