Chapter 272 Why is he so good? (9/10 subscription required)

Fighting tiger brothers, fighting father and son soldiers.

This statement is naturally reasonable.

Although he knew that his junior brother actually didn’t have any reason.

But Zhang Xin nodded and agreed.

A professional chess player like him naturally has an exclusive account on the Go platform, and soon he logged in to his account.

Come to that room.

He saw Su Xinghe waiting there.

“This name…”

Zhang Xin murmured to himself.

no way.

The name Su Xinghe calls me your uncle’s account, which really makes people feel bad.

The game started again.

This time, Su Xinghe was black.

“Fuck, this is Zhang Xin’s seventh section”

“My God, it looks like Zhao Yang Wu Duan has found his senior.”

“Hey, there is a good show this time.”

“Yes, Zhang Xin’s seventh dan is no ordinary person, I feel Su Xinghe will lose.”

“Tsk tsk, it’s too cruel.”

“Yeah, professional 7th dan against an amateur, is it a bit of a sledgehammer?”

“I think it’s normal. After all, Su Xinghe won the fifth dan of Zhao Yang. His true level must be at the professional level.”

The gossip on the barrage is naturally invisible to Su Xinghe.

903 He is just playing chess with his mobile phone.

Surrounded by Huang Xiaochu, Liu Haoran and others.

Even Teacher He and Peng Peng, who don’t understand Go, simply projected the content of their mobile phones on the TV at home and watched the excitement.

This time, Su Xinghe did not use the traditional opening mode, but adopted the unusual Kobayashi style.

Soon, he discovered that the opponent’s chess power was not low, and it was stronger than that…Zhao Yang.


Su Xinghe smiled, but didn’t care.

In his opinion, it doesn’t matter who the opponent is.

Anyway… are defeated.

After half an hour.

White admits defeat.

It’s still the same routine.

Dragon Slaying! At this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Huang Xiaochu is stupid, as are Teacher He and others.

They were surprised that Su Xinghe won the professional players so easily, and not one, but two.

For others.

They were even more shocked that Su Xinghe, the so-called Go enthusiast, actually won Zhang Xin’s seventh dan! Moreover, it was a crushing victory.

This is simply awesome! At this moment, in the Asian Chess Academy of the Chinese Department.

Several people stood beside Zhang Xin.

There are his friends, and there is also Zhao Yang who has just arrived here.

Zhao Yang: “This, this guy is actually”

A young man next to him said, “Xiao Zhao, this is “Yes, Brother Zhang actually lost.”

“It surprised me that.”

Zhang Xin himself looked a little ugly at this time.

The so-called unexpected, in fact, it is just a reason.

He knew it very well in his heart.

The opponent’s chess power is definitely stronger than his own.

I am not a young man like Zhao Yang…unsteady in chess. It is not good to say that Zhao Yang may have a bad performance, but at the peak of his career, it is absolutely impossible for him to have that… situation.

But even so, this… who claims to be an amateur Go enthusiast, still has no power to fight back.

What this means is that the answer is simple.

This means that no matter how hard you try, you can’t beat the opponent.

This is really a gap in hard power.

There is no way to make up for it with time.

At this time, those onlookers in the room…the chess friends were dumbfounded.

If it is said that Zhao Yang’s failure might be a blunder, then Zhang Xin lost the game and let them realize.

It turns out that Su Xinghe is really amazing! “The Star God is awesome, he won again!”

“Haha, I took it.”

“Even Zhang Xin lost the seventh dan, what’s the situation?”

“This is also an amateur”

“But he is really strong, Zhang Xin feels completely led by the nose.”

“Yes, it’s too strong, the layout, to the official, there is nothing that is not strong.”

“To be honest, I feel that if he is serious, it is very likely that Zhang Xin’s seventh segment may not be able to hold on for so long.”

“Perhaps, you see how easy it was for them to win in the end.”

It is said that laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway.

There are so many chess friends, it is not that there are no people who understand.

Soon someone analyzed the gap between Su Xinghe and Zhang Xin in the entire game.

To put it bluntly, from beginning to end, this “I am your uncle”

They are playing chess with Zhang Xin in a relaxed manner, looking down.

This is embarrassing! Chinese Asian Chess Academy.

Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Xin: “Brother, this person is Su Xinghe, that’s… that… singer.”

“Isn’t it right, didn’t he write novels?”

“No, right? I remember being a screenwriter.”

“It seems to be an online novel writer.”

A group of people were talking about it.

Zhang Xin’s face is ugly: “Are you sure, this guy is Su Xinghe himself”

“It’s him out of ten.”

Zhao Yang nodded: “Otherwise, there is no such a powerful player in China.”

He meant that if there are such well-known chess players in China, it is impossible for these people here to not know them.

The circle of Go is originally small, but any professional level, even those who have just entered the professional game, know each other and are quite familiar, but no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, there is no one like Su Xinghe. A professional chess player with that style of chess.

“The level of this guy, at least………better than me.”

Zhang Xin gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

To be able to win against oneself effortlessly, at least have the strength of the peak eight stages, otherwise it will not be able to crush.

“So strong!”

Zhao Yang and the others took a breath.

If you really follow what Zhang Xin said, I am afraid that none of these people here today can beat Su Xinghe.

“What should I do, brother.”

Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Xin and asked.

“The matter must have spread out now.”

Zhang Xin gritted his teeth and said: “For now, I can only ask the master for help.”

Master these few people are all a little surprised.

Their teachers are all one person, and he is one of the strongest chess players in the Hua Department today, Ma Xiaochun, known as the Demon Sword.

Today’s Ma Xiaochun is ranked second in the world and is known as the first player in the Asian Go game of the Chinese family.

Even facing the world’s number one stone buddha, Lee Chang-ho, from Goryeo, he didn’t lose the wind.

It’s just that these people are really hard to imagine.

Su Xinghe, he is just an amateur of Go. He is already so strong that he needs to alarm the master. How strong is that guy: evaluation ticket, ask for reward, ask for automatic subscription support.

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