Chapter 271 Sweeping professional chess players (8/10 seeking subscription)

Zhao Yang really did not expect that a whiteboard trumpet would dare to challenge himself.

This guy, I’m afraid it’s not sensationalizing.

But just when he was going to quit.

I saw that the other party typed a line on the screen.

“Why, professional players, there are times when they are afraid of amateur players”

Damn it! This is unbearable! At this moment, a large group of onlookers have gathered in the room.

Zhao Yang suddenly felt that he could not retire.

This is going to be spread. Doesn’t it mean that I was scared away by an amateur who just posted a Weibo to mock Su Xinghe at night, and now shrinks, it is really embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yang didn’t talk nonsense, just click to start.

Both sides settled.


Five steps.

Ten steps.

Twenty steps.

At the beginning, Zhao Yang didn’t feel anything.

Those who watched the game didn’t think there was anything.

In their view, this is a very ordinary game, step by step, without any innovation, even as if they are playing a guided game.


When that… newcomer,, fell the twenty-first step, everything changed! “Fuck! This step is too awesome!”

“This layout is invincible!”

“It’s over, Zhao Yang will lose.”

“No, Yangshen is a real professional player.”

“Really lose, this black chess is extraordinary.”

“Yes, the antelope hangs its horns, it’s amazing!”

Originally, black chess was on the defensive, but with such a move, the entire game changed.On the contrary, black chess became the attacker, while Zhao Yang’s white chess became the one in trouble.

Having been messed up by this step, Zhao Yang tried hard to save himself.

After a few steps, he found incompetent that he no longer had the power to recover.

Wrong step! Wrong step! A few minutes later.

After one of his own dragons was slaughtered.

Zhao Yang abandoned his son and gave up.

I am your uncle who wins! The barrage is instantly quiet.

“The name.


“But he won!”

“Yeah, Zhao Yang, the fifth stage, actually lost!”

“Really, this person is not the trumpet of a great god, right”

“It’s possible.”

Many people can’t believe this fact.

Although Zhao Yang is a professional five-dan, he is not the top group of professional chess players.

But he is the champion chess player of this year’s National Youth Championship.

To put it bluntly, among the young players of the Hua Department, Zhao Yang’s strength is definitely among the top.

But now, in the face of a new whiteboard account, he was even beaten back by someone, even in the middle of the game, he was slaughtered by the dragon and abandoned his son to admit defeat.

This guy, who on earth Zhao Yang didn’t leave the room, but typed on the public screen.

“Who are you”

“I am your uncle.”

“How do you scold someone”

“I said, my name is your uncle!”


Zhao Yang was speechless, and it took a long time to understand what this line meant.

“I ask you, what is your name, and which senior is it”

He thought the opponent was a senior player in the Go circle, and he was joking with himself.

“Hehe, I said, I’m a Go enthusiast, don’t you still say tonight, let me not challenge your profession with hobbies?”

Su Xinghe replied with a smiley face.

Damn it! Zhao Yang’s whole person is not good.

This guy turned out to be Su Xinghe! At this time, the number of people watching the battle in the room has exceeded one hundred thousand.

This is the number of people online.

Especially when Su Xinghe typed that line, these…Go lovers were all excited.

“Fuck, it’s Su Xinghe!”

“What, real or fake, Su Xinghe, that…star”

“Hehe, it was really him just now, too awesome!”

“Su Xinghe is the one who conceded defeat in Zhao Yang’s fifth stage!”

People who like Go are not necessarily unpopular.

Especially Su Xinghe has become so hot recently, everyone naturally knows.

I also know the Weibo posted by Zhao Yang not long ago and what happened in the “Longing for Life” program.

Now it seems that Su Xinghe was obviously irritated by that Weibo and came to find a place.

But the problem is.

Can he really win Zhao Yang steadily…in the game room.

Zhao Yang: “Come again”

Su Xinghe: “Good.”

With much attention, the second set began.

This time, Zhao Yang took the black first.

Because of the previous defeat, this time, he was particularly careful.

At each step, I thought carefully, for fear of being hit by Su Xinghe’s strategy.

In contrast, Su Xinghe.

But it is completely opposite to Zhao Yang’s style.

He doesn’t seem to need to think about it at all, and basically makes a decision to settle in a few seconds.

Moreover, Zhao Yang felt that this guy’s chess approach was a bit weird. It was different from the players he usually came into contact with… Had to respond.

No surprises.

After an hour.

Zhao Yang lost again.

This time, the dragon was still slaughtered.

“Thank you! Su Xinghe typed on the public screen.

Damn it! Zhao Yang’s whole person is not good.

This person is too Damn it, which is equivalent to stamping his own face under his feet.

No! Can’t bear it! “You have the ability to wait for me here.”

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and typed on the public screen.

He didn’t care whether he would be seen by others.

What if there are tens of thousands of people watching in the game room, if this place is not found, the professional chess world will be laughed to death.

A dignified professional player unexpectedly lost in the hands of an amateur. Zhao Yang lost his face, and the professional chess world can’t afford to lose it! Su Xinghe smiled and typed: “Okay, I’ll wait for you to move and save the soldiers. Find.”

Exit the room.

Zhao Yang directly dialed his senior brother’s phone.

“Yangyang, what’s wrong”

His brother is called Zhang Xin, who is a seven-dan Go game.

Ranked 36th in the world rankings this year, Guonuo’s Haonei ranked 16th in the top professional chess player. He entered the professional circle at the age of fifteen and fifteen. At the age of nineteen, he defeated the legendary player of Goryeo and became famous in the first battle. , Entering the professional peak, the chess style is known for its fierce, offensive chess player.

Although it is not Jiudan, everyone knows that Zhang Xin will be able to become Jiudan sooner or later.

If Zhao Yang is the rising star of the Chinese Asian Chess World, then Zhang Xin is… now the backbone of the Chinese Asian Chess World.

Even if it is Zhao Yang himself, if he is playing against Zhang Xin, his winning rate is less than 10%.

Therefore, in his opinion, if the senior brother goes out, it is basically a good deal to deal with Su Xinghe.

“Brother, there is someone who rants, saying that an amateur chess player is no worse than a professional chess player. Can you play a game with him and teach that… arrogant guy!”

Zhao Yang said to Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin laughed as soon as he heard it.

“What’s the matter, you lost to others”

Obviously, this brother, there is something in the words!: There will be more in a while, please subscribe!

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