Chapter 273 You can’t play him! (1 request for subscription)


Chinese Academy of Asian Chess.

As a unit directly under the General Administration of Chinese Asian Sports, it is a comprehensive training base and competition venue for Chinese Asian chess sports, and directly manages the national Go team, chess and chess national team training tasks, and undertakes various domestic chess activities. , The task of major international competitions.

It can be described as a master like a cloud.

At this moment, these masters are all speechless.

“Lost! I actually lost!”

“Zhang Xin lost, this is unlikely, right”

“It looks like a real master!”

“What should I do, should I go to Jiudan?”

Everyone is talking about it.

And Zhang Xin simply stood up and walked towards another chess room.

There is the place where his teacher Ma Xiaochun and other nine-duan players play chess.

Until now, I can only ask Master for help.

Who made this surname Su be so strong?

Neither he nor the younger brother are opponents of others.

Moreover, it was still lost under the full view of everyone.It was really too far in strength and was completely crushed.

When he came to the door of the chess room, he knocked gently three times.

“Come in.”

A voice came from inside.

Zhang Xin and Zhao Yang walked in together.

Come to a middle-aged man and bow together.



“Haha, you are here to move rescue soldiers”

Unexpectedly, their master Ma Xiaochun was actually laughing.

Zhao Yang and Zhang Xin looked surprised.

What do you mean, why is the always serious master smiling so happily?

“Master, you don’t know, that person is… an amateur, he…”

Zhao Yang was anxious, so he opened his mouth and planned to say a few words.

In the end, he hadn’t finished speaking, Ma Xiaochun had already coldly snorted: “What happened to amateurs, you probably don’t know. Ten years ago, our group of old guys was severely taught by an amateur. once.”

!!!Following Zhao Yang and Zhang Xin in, the group of chess players from the Chinese Asian Chess Academy standing at the door were all dumbfounded.

No one thought that there would be such a thing! “Lao Ma, you fellow, what are you talking about…”

“Yeah, yeah, you are too much!”

“That was Lao Chen’s sad thing, and he was beaten to give way first.”

“Hehe, it seems like anyone here was not let by him first.”

Several veteran chess players started talking, but they frightened the group of young people at the door.

The so-called Jubanqi is a cruel mode of Go.

It adopts a lifting system. The black chess is not closely matched, and the first and second moves are exchanged. When the difference between the winner and the loser is four games, the loser is dropped by half first. It’s letting go first.

But that was all a long time ago.

I have never heard of it. In the last 20 years, someone has played ten games! “Okay, don’t you play with that…”

At this time, Ma Xiaochun spoke, and said to a group of young people: He can’t be offended.”

No one who plays Go is a fool.

Ma Xiaochun’s attitude, coupled with the attitude of the surroundings.

Suddenly, a seemingly wild answer appeared in the hearts of these young chess players.

Damn it! Um… Su Xinghe, wouldn’t it be the fierce man who beat the entire Chinese Asian Chess Academy to the first, right? “By the way, he is in Shonan now, so let’s shoot some variety shows.”

At this time, Gu Li next to Ma Xiaochun asked in Jiuduan.

“Yes, Teacher Gu.”

Zhang Xin nodded quickly.

He thought that Gu Li was going to take revenge.

In the next moment, Gu Li’s words left him speechless.

“Let’s go over and take a look, let that guy teach these newcomers by the way.”

Gu Li smiled and said.

Fuck, Zhao Yang and Zhang Xin are all dumbfounded.

The group of people behind them were also stupid.

Isn’t that awesome? Su Xinghe!…………..In fact, not only the people from China Chess Academy, but also the mushroom house. , Huang Xiaochu and others were also dumbfounded.

“Xinghe, the two just now, are both professional players”

After the chess game was over, Teacher He asked inexplicably.


Su Xinghe smiled.

“Yes, the one in the front…is the fifth section of Zhao Yang, and the one at the back… should be his senior brother, Zhang Xin’s seventh section.”

Huang Xiaochu muttered to himself.

Then, he looked at Su Xinghe: “Xinghe, this is what you said.”


Su Xinghe nodded naturally: “Be humble, I just like Go, of course I know a little.”

!!! Everyone is speechless.

At this time, the most important thing they want to say.

That’s… please be your own person! f*ck! Two professional chess players are in front of you, and you don’t even have the power to fight back. You are so embarrassed to say that you only know a little about Go, which makes those… …. For those who have been immersed in this way for decades, how can the feelings of “do it, do it.”

Su Xinghe waved his hand and said to everyone: “It’s too early, let’s rest early, and we have to visit guests tomorrow.”

Everyone smiled, and then they scattered and rested.

Obviously, Su Xinghe is reluctant to say more about this aspect, and naturally no one dumbly asks.

…As for Xiaoqingqing.

She has been educated by Su Xinghe, and she is not allowed to talk about the game of Go, otherwise, she will not be allowed to video with her godmother Chen Shu.

Qingqing, who has become accustomed to falling asleep every day while Chen Shu sings nursery rhymes to her, is of course obediently obedient.

They don’t know.

On Weibo, at this moment, it has been completely messed up.

[Su Xinghe sweeps the Chinese Asian Chess Academy!] [Zhang Xin Zhao Yang is not low Su Xinghe!] [Amateurs are stronger than professional chess players] In the top 20 Weibo searches, there are three pieces of news in this regard.

“Fuck! What’s the situation?”

“Su Xinghe won two professional chess players! My goodness!!!”

“Zhang Xin is the seventh professional, my god, I lost to Su Xinghe.”

“Really, it’s not a joke.”

“Really, the video has already flown out, and Su Xinghe has admitted his identity.”

“I’m really convinced, Star God is called a hobby”

“Are there any mistakes?”

…It is…in this case, one night passed.

the next morning.

When Su Xinghe got up, he was stopped by the show crew before he went out for a run.

“Ms. Su, there is a situation, I need to communicate with you.”

The director said to Su Xinghe.

Frowning, Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

What can be done this early in the morning: beg for automatic subscription! beg for rewards! how many votes!

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