Chapter 270 Can you play Go? (7/10 subscription required!)

The chess game began soon.

This time.

Huang Xiaochu cautiously did not choose to give in.

Su Xinghe takes the black first.

“How long did it take to learn”

Huang Xiaochu asked.

Su Xinghe smiled and made a sharp point: “It didn’t take long for me to play by myself.”

Huang Xiaochu raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

The two played fast chess and didn’t think about it too much.

Although I can’t understand it, Teacher He and others still feel the solemnity of the atmosphere.

The audience in the live broadcast room has long been calm.

In the live broadcast room with tens of millions of people, there are naturally some who understand Go.

Although the start was not so obvious, by the middle of the game, someone had already noticed something wrong.

“Fuck! The Star God is a powerful step.”

“Yes, I feel that Teacher Huang is not as good as Su Xinghe.”

“Su Xing “Nine Zero Three”

He’s chess path is too stable, no matter how Huang Xiaochu attacks, it is of no use.”

“Yes, I feel Teacher Huang is going to lose.”

“Obviously, strength is not a rank.”

“If it weren’t for Teacher Huang’s face, I guess Su Xinghe would have won.”

It didn’t take long for Huang Xiaochu to give in decisively.

Among amateur chess players, he is also quite good.

Although I can’t see how good Su Xinghe is at first, it’s not that he can’t feel it because people care about his own face.

“I lost.”

Huang Xiaochu said to Su Xinghe.

“Concession, concession.”

Su Xinghe laughed, but he didn’t seem very proud.

According to his level, defeating such an amateur player as Huang Xiaochu is really nothing to be proud of.

“No, you kid, you don’t know a little bit, you are at a professional level.”

Huang Xiaochu said helplessly.

He can still tell the gap between professional chess players and amateur players.

“Teacher Huang passed the award.”

Su Xinghe waved his hand quickly and denied with a smile.

“You, always like to hide and tuck.”

Huang Xiaochu glared at Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe laughed and said nothing.

When the live broadcast reached this place, it would naturally come to an end.

…………..When things have reached this point, it is actually normal.

However, Su Xinghe is now very popular.The news that he defeated Huang Xiaochu in Go was quickly searched by fans.

[Go genius Su Xinghe] quickly became a hot topic.

Fans, naturally they like them when they talk.

Soon, someone stood up against it.

The speaker is called Zhao Yang, a young professional player who just won this year’s Chinese Asian Go Youth Championship and became a professional fifth-dan.

He posted a Weibo, but…He didn’t insult Su Xinghe, but said that there is a big gap between professional players and amateur players.

It is not that you can claim to be a talent if you win an amateur chess player.Please do not use your hobbies to compare with our profession.

The news spread quickly.

Many Go enthusiasts leave a message below this Weibo.

“Yes, I think Teacher Zhao is right.”

“Yeah, many people always think that I can go up, but if you really go up, you may not have those two things.”

“Haha, I think you are talking about the national football team.”

“I didn’t say it, but for the national football team, I really can do it. Anyway… three to zero.”

“Seriously, what Zhao Yang said is correct. Su Xinghe may be considered good among amateur chess players, but I feel that compared with professional chess players, it must be a lot different.”

The mushroom house is here.

Su Xinghe soon learned about this.


Huang Xiaochu is not happy anymore.How can Zhao Yang look down on amateur chess players so much at his young age.

If it weren’t for these…Go enthusiasts, where are their…professional players, who would like to watch Su Xinghe’s games? ………. It doesn’t matter.

“Well, Teacher Huang, there really is no need to be angry.”

Su Xinghe laughed.

“No, Xinghe, you must help me teach him a lesson.”

Huang Xiaochu gritted his teeth and said to Su Xinghe.

Ah, Su Xinghe looked at Huang Xiaochu in surprise.

But after thinking about it, he decided to give Huang Xiaochu this face.

“But I’m looking for someone to challenge me directly, isn’t it inappropriate?”

Su Xinghe said.

“That… Zhao Yang likes to play chess online, you can register an account and challenge him!”

Teacher He looked at the phone for a long time, and suddenly said 0…Yes! Another not calm.

Su Xinghe shook his head helplessly, found the client of the Internet Go platform on his phone and started downloading it.

Soon, the game is installed.

Su Xinghe opened the software and took a look, not to mention, this software did a good job.

It is indeed the largest Go platform in the country.

“This is much more interesting than when I played it back then.”

Su Xinghe said to himself.


Liu Haoran was a little strange.


Su Xinghe smiled slightly and started to register an account.

After the registration is completed, he can enter the remaining areas of the entire platform except for those…high-segment areas.

At this moment, many people are shouting in the message bar in the public area of ​​the software.

“Are you from the novice zone!”

“Novice level, ask for a similar opponent!”

“Mengxin, please take me with you.”

“Amateur 7th dan, I beg the master to abuse the Internet speed, don’t let the child!”

“Haha, I won five sets in a row and got promoted!”

As the largest online Go platform in China, the atmosphere here is still very good.

At the same time, Zhao Yang was bored holding his mobile phone and logged in 1.

7 platforms.

As the first young professional chess player in China today, he still has a lot of attention. Just after landing, it caused everyone’s discussion.

And Su Xinghe, also saw this person.

After thinking about it, Su Xinghe tinkered with the phone for a long time and directly entered a high-segment room.

Then, he sent an invitation to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was holding his mobile phone, but he saw someone invite him to the game.

I subconsciously agreed.

As a result, after entering the room, he noticed it.

This guy turned out to be a newcomer on the whiteboard who had no record in the game.

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