Chapter 269 Can Su Xinghe play Go? (6/10 subscription required)

No one thought that Su Xinghe was so interesting in stand-up comedy.

Everyone feels fresh when they look at it.Compared with traditional cross talk, it is completely different.

Su Xinghe this.

It’s a bit similar to a talk show, but it’s very different.

In fact, Su Xinghe’s style of stand-up comedy is called Qingmen Haipai.

Those of stand-up comedy…traditional jokes, Su Xinghe had communicated with Guo Qilin, and found that most of those…the jokes have a strong sense of age.

Moreover, the artistry and story are also very strong.

I just performed it purely, there is no need to be so serious.

So, he simply chose this one.

Wait for Su Xinghe to finish.

The live broadcast room was incredibly lively.

“Haha, Su Xinghe is amazing!”

“I really, have you found out that every time you yearn for a live broadcast, the number of other live broadcast platforms is extremely small.”

“Isn’t it? Many anchors simply don’t broadcast live.”

“Nonsense, people are not stupid. Netizens at this time are all looking and yearning.”

“Haha, is this the popularity of Su Xinghe”

“It’s not just Su Xinghe, it’s very popular in his own yearning, plus the recent period of time, the topic is full, as long as you are not a lunatic, you know that it is better than possible.”

“Yeah, this Su Xinghe is really amazing, it wouldn’t be possible without him.”

“True all-rounder.”

“Teacher Su, I want to give you a monkey!”

“Teacher Su, please love me!”

A WeChat group.

This group was built by Teacher Huang, and every artist who came to participate was drawn in.

The beautiful name is to increase everyone’s feelings.

But everyone feels good, and you can chat and chat from time to time.

And this time, many people were bombed out.

Chen Shu: “This Xiao Su, knows a lot of things:”

Xie Nan: “Our second brother was hacked so miserably, hahahaha!”

Hu Ge: “Xie Nan, are you too happy to laugh”

Zhang Tianai: “My idol is really too talented!”

Guo Degang: “Seriously, Xinghe is a talent, it’s a pity not to mention cross talk.”

Yu Qian: “Hey, hey, don’t tell, don’t tell, they’re pretty good.”

The mushroom house is here.

The live broadcast naturally continues.

On the barrage, the audience is already crazy.

“Awesome! Star God is awesome!”

“Star God, please take my knees!”

“The last general, Wang Tiezhu, is willing to smoke and drink for the Su family for generations.”

“Haha, I feel that this video will get hot tomorrow.”

“Take a look tomorrow at the top search on Weibo now.”

“Su Xinghe has become the number one search again again!”

Su Xinghe finished talking about the…joke, smiled, picked up the phone, glanced at the barrage, and smiled.

“Thank you for your applause even though you are not at the scene. Seriously, I am not a professional. I just talk about it casually and make everyone laugh.”

Su Xinghe solemnly explained: “The art of sound, most of the jokes, are made up.”

After a pause, he chuckled and said, “But Wu Jing is real!”

Puff! Regardless of whether it was the people in the mushroom house or the audience watching the live broadcast, they all laughed.

This f*ck! Wu Jing is so unlucky! “Okay, I’ll be performing here today. I think the time is late, and if I continue, I guess the director will have to fight me hard.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to everyone: “We have a chance to see you again.”

Snap! While speaking, he patted the gavel in front of him.

This means that this paragraph is over.

……………………Mushroom House.

“Uncle Su, awesome!”

Guo Qilin gave Su Xinghe a thumbs up.

He was really convinced.

Su Xinghe said this stand-up comedian, although he can’t talk about the kind of…compared to his father…

But at the very least.

Not worse than myself, a person who has studied cross talk for more than ten years.

In other words, in the entire Deyun Club, there are not many that can be compared with Su Xinghe.

A layman can speak for this purpose, except for the two words… Niubi, he has nothing to say.

Su Xinghe didn’t care, waved his hand, smiled and said: “Okay, don’t wear a high hat for me, this is still running the camera.”

“That’s also a cow!”

Guo Qilin said excitedly.

Everyone laughed.

After chatting for a while, Huang Xiaochu suggested playing chess.

It happened that Liu Haoran would also play, and Huang Xiaochu said that he would play the next game with him.

“How are you doing?”

Huang Xiaochu asked Liu Haoran.

“not good at all.”

Liu Haoran said embarrassedly.

He is really not good at it, but… only learned it when he was a child.

“Then I will let you four 44 sons.”

Huang Xiaochu thought for a while and said to Liu Haoran, passing Heizi to him by the way.

According to the rules of Go, the player who holds the black will go first.


There’s no after that.

After half an hour.

Liu Haoran was won by more than a dozen people, and it was terrible.

“Haha, Haoran, you have to work harder.”

Huang Xiaochu proudly patted Liu Haoran on the shoulder and said.

Su Xinghe watched from the side, frowned, but did not speak.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn’t think anything was wrong.After all, Huang Xiaochu has always been known for his versatility.It is said that the guy’s Go level is also very good, and he seems to be an amateur.

…………But at this moment, Qingqing was not happy! The handsome little brother in her eyes was actually won by Uncle Huang! It’s too much! “Brother, you go, you help Haoran Brother revenge!”

Qingqing pushed Su Xinghe.

Everyone was taken aback.

Su Xinghe can play Go! “Xinghe, you can play Go”

Huang Xiaochu asked in surprise.

“This, understand a little, understand a little.”

Su Xinghe smiled, but waved his hand, turned his head and glared Qingqing: “This girl, what nonsense, how can I get off Teacher Huang.”

“A lie, you will definitely download it, you said, when you downloaded it online before, there was no…”

Qingqing said aggrievedly.

But before she finished speaking, Su Xinghe had already covered her mouth.

“Um…, Qingqing, brother helped you win Uncle Huang, let’s not mention the previous things, okay”

Su Xinghe quickly said to Qingqing.

The little girl rolled her eyes and nodded.

Su Xinghe let go of his hand with lingering fears, and said with a smile: “Haha, this, Qingqing is… I have a wrong memory. What I said when I used to brag was not true or true.”

But I don’t know why, Huang Xiaochu always feels that this guy didn’t tell the truth!: Ask for automatic subscription! Evaluation ticket! Today will continue ten more updates, please support a few! Please download Fei Lu Xiao to read the underlined version of the novel

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