Chapter 268 Su Xinghe’s stand-up comedy (5/10 begs for subscription!)

After a lively dinner, the content of this paragraph will naturally end.

The flow of variety shows is like this.

Many people feel that the show is very compact and lively for more than an hour.

But in fact, it was edited.

But not… everything can be done in that short time.

The table book that I yearn for here was originally very strict, but because of the addition of Su Xinghe, the scope of the table book has become very broad.

Just like today, Qingqing commanded Dawei to go up to the tree to pick coconuts, but there was no Taiwanese version.

But the more so, the audience was very happy to watch it.

In the Internet age, there are no idiots at all.

It is easy for them to tell if it is performed according to the Taiwanese script.

It’s just that everyone usually looks…

Just like the reader’s father who writes a novel, a chapter is a few cents, and what people see is… a mood.

As an author, the only thing that can give back to readers is… to write a good novel seriously and update a little more.

Next, of course, I yearn for the most popular part of the audience.

After the meal, chat about the story.

“Today I will tell you a 903 stand-up comedy.”

Su Xinghe stood in front of the camera, wearing a lab coat, and when he opened his mouth, everyone was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked dumbfounded.

Su Xinghe said that you need to know the situation of stand-up talk. Stand-up talk sounds simple, but in fact, compared to cross talk, the difficulty is not a little bit higher.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the difficulty of stand-up cross talk is several times higher than that of counterpart cross talk! Because there is someone next to the cross talk to support you and hold you up, and a lot of slurs can come out in one click.

But stand-up is different. It all depends on one person with one mouth. In terms of the form of the story, it also pays more attention to the integrity and continuity. In the blue crosstalk circle, among the living crosstalk actors, there are still few who can speak the stand-up.

Even Guo Qilin’s father, Lao Guo, dare not say that his stand-up comedy will definitely be able to beat the crowd.

“No, just kidding”

“Star God can talk about cross talk, why haven’t I heard of it.”

“Could it be Dalin’s joke written for him.”


“That’s not sure, after all, Su Xinghe has such a good relationship with the Guo family father and son, it should be okay to write a joke to him.”

“What’s the joke, when did our Dalin have the ability to write monologues, he doesn’t want to write silly things.”

……..There is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

And here is the mushroom house.

Everyone’s eyes are also focused on Su Xinghe’s body.

Even Qingqing sat quietly on her small bench.

Next to him, the same well-behaved Daweitian Su Xinghe cleared his throat: “Ahem!”

At that moment, his aura changed.

“Today, I will tell you about a friend of mine.

Well, his name is Wu Jing.

Everyone knows Wu Jing, actor! Action superstar! Make a movie with a box office of billions! Don’t look at him like this.

In fact, he was not the material for martial arts when he was a child, he was a little silly since he was a child.

So at that time, Wu Jing’s family let him learn English.”

Puff! Huang Xiaochu just laughed.

Teacher He also looked helpless: “Black Wu Jing!”

The audience of the live broadcast laughed even more.

This Su Xinghe resents Wu Jing for abducting Xie Nan.

In front of the camera.

Su Xinghe continued to talk eloquently: “Seriously, Wu Jing told me that he is very envious of the current children. There are a lot of toys that can be played with, all of which are live, such as phones, computers, and video games.

When Wu Jing was a child, there was a switch at home, and his father wouldn’t let him play.”

“Hahaha! What a magical switch!”

“Damn it, fools will play.”

“What the hell is the switch”

The audience was speechless.

Su Xinghe shrugged: “Audience friends, don’t laugh.

I really envy the children now.

When Wu Jing and I were in school, we didn’t say anything about toys, and we were often punished by the teacher to stand.

Once, Wu Jing was distracted from below, and his mouth was babbling, but he was discovered by the teacher.

The teacher called him up: Wu Jing, repeat what you just said ten times aloud! As a result, the guy Wu Jing stood up and shouted: The zipper of the teacher’s pants was not pulled, the zipper of the teacher’s pants was not pulled, and the teacher’s trousers were not pulled. The zipper didn’t pull… Good fellow, our teacher’s face is green…”

!!!Everyone at the scene, and the audience in the live broadcast room, all laughed crazy.

This f*ck! Why is there such a funny story?

But here, Su Xinghe didn’t mean to stop, and went on.

“When we were young, the break between classes was very boring.

One day, our sports committee organized a competition for all of us to see who can get his head into the desk. Guess who is the first.”

Everyone looked at each other, and a certain name flashed in their minds.

Sure enough, Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Of course it is Wu Jing. This guy puts his head in and can’t pull it out!”

Everyone burst into laughter.

Just know that it will definitely be like this.

“At that time, I was terrified. I hurriedly found the teacher and took Wu Jing to the hospital.

As a result, when I arrived at the communication room, they refused to let me out.

The uncle of the communication room doorman said: This table is public property, otherwise take it away.

Our head teacher was angry at that time: If this thing can be taken off, what kind of hospital shall we go to!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Everyone in the mushroom house laughed and slapped their thighs straight, Su Xinghe’s paragraph, really one after another.

Seeing everyone laughing so happily, Su Xinghe was in a good mood, so he went on.

“To be honest, the doctor is really responsible for the patient now. Wu Jing didn’t know where the Mongolian doctor came from, so he said directly that he should be amputated from his neck!”

“Wu Jing was peeing his pants at the time. He pulled me and ran, and finally got on the bus. Hey, let’s see what happened. Everyone in the whole car looked at him and wondered what kind of unit he was.”

With a flutter, even sister Zifeng couldn’t hold back this time, and suddenly laughed.

Su Xinghe shrugged: “There is a neighbor in Wujing’s family who is a carpenter.

But that kid couldn’t bear the deposit held by the school, so he forbade it for three days! What do you say?”

“My head is hungry and thin, so I pulled it out!”

With Su Xinghe’s words, everyone laughed!

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