Chapter 26 I’m going to jump off the car when the speed is too fast (seeking a flower evaluation ticket)

What if someone calls me sister-in-law?

Waiting online, very anxious!

Looking at Qingqing, Nuzha and Yaya almost had this idea in their hearts at the same time.

This is in front of tens of millions of fans in the live broadcast room, how dare they agree?

But the problem is.

They didn’t agree, and Qingqing watched with expectant eyes.

Waited for almost ten seconds,

Seeing that the two of them still didn’t speak, Qing Qing was a little disappointed: “Sister, don’t you like Qing Qing?”

That’s it!

Su Xinghe couldn’t help sighing when he saw her appearance.

The small theater of Manyuan Village Acting Academy has officially started!

This time, it looks like someone is going to be unlucky again!

as predicted.

Seeing Qingqing’s appearance, as well as her tone and expression, the audience in the live broadcast room stopped doing it.

“Promise her, promise her! No matter what she says, promise her!”

“Yeah, don’t let her down!”

“Tong Yan Wuji, I’m supposed to make her happy.”

“Yes, Qingqing is so cute, is she willing to make her cry?”

“Yah, you are a kind girl, you can’t let me down.”

“Nazar, aren’t you single now, and you’re not afraid that your boyfriend will be jealous, just sacrifice it.”


The live broadcast room of “Longing for Life” has a dedicated staff responsible for maintenance.

At this moment, seeing the supportive remarks on the barrage, those staff members were dumbfounded.

“Team leader, this, is this not Su Xinghe’s navy?”

“Yeah, when is this audience so kind?”

“Hehe, this is the first time I have seen such remarks.”

“Qingqing is really powerful!”

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, almost 20 million people are watching online in the live broadcast room now, so keep an eye on me!”

The team leader finished scolding his subordinates, watched the content of the live broadcast, frowned, and said to himself: “Naza and Yaya are too, kid Tong Yan Wuji, how can you cooperate?”


The people around don’t want to say anything anymore.

Double standard dog, really terrible!

You know, just a few days ago, this man pointed at the ex-husband and cursed the scumbag.


“Okay, okay, Qingqing, my sister promised you.”

Yaya is the most softhearted, not seeing the child sad, and quickly hugged Qingqingdao.

“Yeah, I’m all up to you, okay?” Nazha also said to Qingqing.

They have a good impression of Su Xinghe.

To be honest, people have this mindset.

If one’s own scandal is related to a particularly good opposite sex, then you will feel that it is acceptable.

But in turn,

If the other person is someone you hate,

Then naturally he is not willing to accept it.

Seeing them all come over to coax herself, Qingqing immediately laughed happily, and even took the time to turn around and winked at Su Xinghe.

That means, brother, am I good?

Su Xinghe was helpless.

Sure enough, the younger sister didn’t raise her for nothing, she knew she would find a girlfriend for herself.

Moreover, they also specially select beautiful ones.

“Since you are in love with me, what, Xiao Su, you take your girlfriends in, let’s sit here for a while.”

As a married man, Huang Xiaochu said to Su Xinghe meaningfully.

! ! ! ! ! !

“Fuck! What did I hear?”

“I suspect that Teacher Huang is driving, but I have no evidence.”

“At this speed, Huang Xiaochu, you are such a person!”

“Haha, quickly open the door, I want to jump off the car!”

“It’s late, the door and the welded dead!”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Duo Duo went upstairs with her mother just now, otherwise the image of Huang Xiaochu’s old father would have completely collapsed.

“Don’t listen to Teacher Huang talking nonsense, in broad daylight.”

He Jiong waved his hand quickly and said to Su Xinghe: “This is a serious live broadcast room.”

After a pause, he said meaningfully: “When the camera is off, we don’t care.”


Su Xinghe was speechless.

These two big brothers are really too bad!

Didn’t you see that the two beauties next to you were so ashamed that they couldn’t lift their heads?

“Dad, daddy, I also want to be Brother Xinghe’s girlfriend!”

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded beside Huang Xiaochu.

It’s actually their family Duo Duo!


Teacher He was a little surprised.

“Because Brother Xinghe is handsome and talented, and also very gentle!”

A look of longing blossoming.


Among everyone’s surprised eyes, Huang Xiaochu’s face changed.

Looking at Su Xinghe’s gaze, there was a trace of murderous aura!

“Hahaha! Feel sorry for Teacher Huang!”

“In an instant, brothers will be rivals in love!”

“No, the little lover from the previous life is going to be snatched away by Su Xinghe!”

“Teacher Huang, I can’t bear it, I don’t need to bear it anymore!”

“Woo, I am greedy too, I am greedy for the body of the Star God!”

“Despite! Star God, my Wang Ganggang is willing to give birth to a monkey for you!”

“Upstairs is awesome!”

Amidst the laughter, everyone sat in the pavilion and chatted happily.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation votes! Flowers and evaluation votes are free, please vote for it! *

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