Chapter 27 Play fine (seeking a flower evaluation ticket)

As an old father, Huang Xiaochu was naturally unwilling to give his good cabbage to Su Xinghe, a pig.

“Duo Duo, listen to my father.”

Huang Xiaochu took a deep breath and tried to make himself look amiable: “You are still young, and the idea of ​​falling in love is really unnecessary. Wait another ten years, and you will find that the world is handsome and affable. There are many talented people.”

What a joke, a large group of actors here have been fooled, and I was discovered by a host, so proud!

“Ha ha……”

Zhou Gongzi sneered on the side and answered Teacher He.

“Hey hey, what do you mean, Xiaoxun?”

Teacher He glared at his long-time friend.

Young Master Zhou spit out unceremoniously: “Literally.”

Anyway, the two people have known each other for so many years, they know it in the circle, and the audience and fans also know it. They are not afraid of causing any controversy.

Teacher He was immediately embarrassed.

“Old Ho, to be honest, you were deeper than the two of them just now.”

Huang Xiaochu made up the knife on the side.

“Yes, Teacher He, you just took it seriously.”

Peng Peng also complained.


Sister Zifeng had the final blow.


Teacher He said that these people are not their good friends!

With this episode, the atmosphere has become more relaxed.

Everyone chatted for a while, and seeing that the time was almost up, Huang Xiaochu started the meal openly.

There are many people eating today, so naturally it is more lively.


After dinner, everyone got together to chat.

This can be regarded as the tradition of the mushroom house. When relatives and friends are here, they are definitely going to have a night talk around the furnace.

For these artists, who are busy all day long and have no time to rest, it feels really good to have the opportunity to sit and chat with friends like this.

Huang Xiaochu broke the black history of Zhou Gongzi when he was filming, and Zhou Gongzi broke the past when Mr. He went on stage and forgot his words, making everyone laugh.

Even Duoduo broke the news that his father sometimes complained that his mother did not cook well at home, and he was better than himself.

“Haha, I think Teacher Huang’s family status is terrible.”

“Hey, how can men’s affairs be described as miserable, that is love!”

“Hahaha, the one upstairs is very experienced!”

“But seriously, why doesn’t Qingqing break the news?”

“Yes, I think Qingqing should know a lot of Su Xinghe’s dark history, right?”

“No, no, no, I am more concerned about Qingqing’s dark history. After all, she is Su Xinghe who urinates and urinates!”

“Yes, I want to know too.”

Facts have proved that the voice of the masses is still very useful.

Su Xinghe soon talked about Qingqing’s dark history!

Now, it makes everyone laugh…

PS: Seeking evaluation votes! Ask for evaluation votes! Ask for evaluation votes! )*

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