Chapter 25 Two sister-in-laws? (Seeking flowers for evaluation votes)


At this moment, there was another person at the door.

This time, it was Huang Xiaochu’s wife Sun Li and daughter Duoduo.

Unlike participating in “Where Are You Going, Dad” back then, Duo Duo has now grown into a slim girl.


Seeing Dad, Duo Duo was very happy.

“Hey, my daughter is here!”

Huang Xiaochu hugged his baby girl happily.

After some greetings, everyone took their seats here.


Peng Peng was a little surprised.

“What’s wrong?”

Teacher He asked inexplicably.

As a result, following Peng Peng’s gaze, everyone laughed.

It turned out that just after Duo Duo arrived, Qing Qing sat with her.

But no one thought of it.

Dawei and Tianlong, the two guys, actually came to Duoduo and Qingqing side by side.

Like two bodyguards.

“Xinghe, your two pets are really spiritual!” Teacher He exclaimed sincerely.


Young Master Zhou also likes to keep pets. He nodded and said, “I have never seen such a spiritual animal.”

Su Xinghe smiled shyly.

He couldn’t tell these two that Dawei Tianlong was a spiritual thing he had exchanged from the system.

“Let’s be like this. Teacher He, you take Xiaoxun and our teacher Sun to the fields to plant watermelon seedlings, and Xinghe and I cook at home.”

Huang Xiaochu thought for a while and arranged work for everyone.

There are a lot of guests today, Zhou Xun, Guo Qilin, Yaya and Nazha, these four people, Huang Duoduo and Sun Li’s mother and daughter who have just arrived, plus the five big and one small ones who yearn for here, a full ten two people.

Just cooking, you have to cook at least eight dishes.

Fortunately, Su Xinghe can cook, otherwise Huang Xiaochu feels that if he cooks it alone, he might be tired and get down.

Naturally, everyone has no opinion.

Soon, everyone took their responsibilities and started to get busy.

The dishes are ready-made. Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu went to the vegetable garden to pick the vegetables. They came back to clean and cut them.

The next step is the cooking process.

Duoduo and Qingqing were taken off the field. In Sun Li’s words, the two children are at home, and Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu have to take care of them. It’s better to let them go to the field to play.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the afternoon.

Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu finally finished all ten dishes.

The two of them just sat down to rest, and the group of people who went to the field to plant watermelon seedlings also came back.

“You have a rest, I will bring you iced fruit.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said to the people who were washing their faces and hands at the party.

And at this time,

Qingqing trot all the way to Su Xinghe.

“Brother, I found a girlfriend for you!”

Su Qingqing, a child who is not shocking and endlessly speaking, made his brother’s expression change drastically in one sentence.

“Sister Yaya and Sister Nazha have agreed to be your girlfriends.”

Qingqing said happily.

! ! !

The expressions on the faces of Yaya and Nazar suddenly turned red.

Just now when Qingqing was farming, she ran over and whispered to them separately.

The two of them didn’t think much about it, they just thought of teasing the children, and agreed casually.

I didn’t expect it,

This girl actually took it seriously!

And even in front of so many people, he said it!

Damn it!

This is a camera!

as predicted.

Following Qingqing’s words, the eyes of the audience focused on the two of them, and the weird eyes all revealed suspicion.

This time it’s good, the two of them jumped into the Yellow River and couldn’t clean it!

bad boy,

It is terrible!

In the live broadcast room, the audience was already laughing crazy with joy.

“Hahaha, I feel that Nazha and Yaya are already crying without tears.”

“Tsk tusk, I want a sister like this too, to help me hug each other, so happy! Oops, don’t fight my wife!”

“I can actually understand Nazha and the others. It’s probably hard to resist if it’s me.”

“Woo, my Nazha, bless you!”

“Ya, did you change your heart so quickly?”

The audience’s discussion, the mushroom house is naturally not aware of it.

But some people stopped doing it right away.

Teacher He sighed: “Hey, you two, didn’t you say that back then, you think Teacher He is the most temperamental and handsome man, but now that you see Xinghe, you don’t want me?”

After all, both of them are female stars, this kind of topic is always not easy to answer.

Come out and round the field by yourself, but also let them have a step.

“Teacher He, don’t blame me, Teacher Su is so talented!”

Yayaguo opened her mouth to clarify for herself.

“Yeah, when he saved me, he was not as handsome as he is now.”

Nazha is not a fool, so she found an excuse directly.

“No, what you said means I don’t have the handsome Galaxy, or have talent without him?”

Teacher He immediately quit: “Qingqing, call her sister-in-law!”

As soon as this remark came out, Qingqing smiled immediately.

“Yaya Sister-in-law, Naza Sister-in-law!”

Qingqing smiled sweetly at the two people, the one called crisp.

Then, he blinked his big cute eyes and looked at them like that.

Well, she is waiting for an answer…*

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