Chapter 254 You forced me to expose it! (7/10 subscription required)

The exposure of Su Xinghe’s identity as a major shareholder of Wanda Pictures suddenly caused a huge wave in the entertainment industry! Simply put, everyone found that an artist who originally had some value in their eyes has become even more valuable than himself. A great business tycoon.

This change in identity has not only caught people off guard.

More importantly, this makes some people’s plans have to be revised.

It’s like that movie by Peng Peng.

Originally, many people just heard about this, but now, many people are interested in this script.

This is different from the movie of Xu Shanzheng and Huang Borong…the two of them are a combination of movie kings, the script is taken out, there are actors and directors, and there is no worry about investment.

And the one that Su Xinghe wrote to Peng Peng…, to be honest, even Peng Peng himself often said in the show that he was trying to figure out the role in the script.

But still no one contacted him.

This is the gap called for at the box office.

Although very straightforward, but tell the truth.

Peng Peng’s box office appeal is undoubtedly far from Huang Bo and Xu Shan’s dispute.

but now.

With the announcement of Su Xinghe’s identity.

The whole thing is different.

What an international joke! That is the major shareholder of Wanda Pictures, and it is obvious that Su Xinghe has a deep relationship with Han Sanye, otherwise Sanye would not make that… announcement for him, to block Huang Qiusheng, etc. people.

There is no doubt about the status of Capital Dad in the entertainment industry.

Especially an employer father who has the right to speak in the theater.

Not to mention.

Suddenly, Peng Peng’s agency actually received a lot of calls, all asking about the situation of the script.

Soon, Peng Peng relayed the news to Su Xinghe.

At this time, the news of [Su Xinghe Wanda Films Major Shareholder] has been ranked first in the hot search on Weibo.

“What should I do, Brother Su, shall I agree?”

Peng Peng asked Su Xinghe.

Although he is simple and honest, he is not stupid.

People asking themselves is not the goal at all, the ultimate goal is to ask Su Xinghe.

After all, this is Su Xinghe’s script.

Su Xinghe smiled: “It doesn’t matter, you can promise them to meet and talk.”

Peng Peng looked dumbfounded.

“I talk to them”

Peng Peng looked at Su Xinghe puzzledly and asked, “No, Brother Su, this script belongs to you.”

This is what he said in his heart.

Although the script was tailored by Su Xinghe for himself, the copyright of the entire script is in Su Xinghe’s hands. What qualifications do I have to talk to others about that is the representative of the investor.

Unexpectedly, Su Xinghe smiled slightly: “You can represent me.”

After that, he said to Peng Peng: “My conditions are very simple. I am the main investor to invest 10% of the money and get 60% of the profit.

The actor is you, and the heroine is Zifeng, and the rest is up to them.

In terms of investment budget, the total movie budget is about 50 million.”

!!!Peng Peng was dumbfounded again.

Su Xinghe’s mention of this condition is simply ridiculous.

In his opinion, those investors would only agree.

Even a layman like himself can see that Su Xinghe is cheating them.

“Hehe, just go and talk like that.”

Su Xinghe smiled and didn’t explain anything to Peng Peng.

There are some things that are meaningless if they are broken in advance.

…Peng Peng is gone, Su Xinghe originally planned to take a nap.

As a result, he was awakened by the phone after less than ten minutes of sleep.

“Star God, what are you doing”

The caller was actually Zhang Tianai.

“What’s wrong, Tian Ai, someone in the crew bullied you”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

Zhang Tianai should be shooting an online game in Hengdian during this period.

“No, Star God, you didn’t know that someone was hacking you on the Internet! We are fighting!”

Zhang Tianai said it quite seriously.

Su Xinghe was speechless during the battle.

Xin said that you are an actor, so nothing is involved in this.

But when I thought that she was the vice president of her fan club, she knew that it would be useless to persuade herself for this kind of thing.

“what happened”

Su Xinghe asked, “Where’s Song Yun, don’t tell me, she also came in.”

“You’ll know if you look at it meagerly.”

Zhang Tianai said to Su Xinglan: “I just called… to tell you that this is a war between our fans, and you must not interfere.

Trust us, we will be able to defend your dignity!”

After speaking, she actually hung up the phone!!!! Su Xinghe looked dumbfounded.

At this time, his mood was like the legendary three-strike confusing combo.

Who am I, where am I? What did I do? Even if he knew that Zhang Tianai would not harm himself, he still logged onto Weibo to see what happened.

Why all of a sudden, my fans are fighting with people again.

You know, since the identity of the major shareholder of Wanda Pictures was exposed, this morning, those… who originally opposed them, have all died down.

The fans of that group of artists are not stupid, they dare to offend Su Xinghe, and then it will be their own idols.

After watching it for a while, Su Xinghe’s brows frowned.

This time, the fans who quarreled with my own… fans were fans of the movie “The Young Man”.

This movie has been very popular in China during this period of time, and the box office has even exceeded one billion.

…………Because the protagonist is a traffic star from a certain idol group, and an acting actress, plus the content plot focuses on campus bullying incidents, so for a while, the response strong.

When Su Xinghe commented on the acting skills of the younger generation of actors, he did not mention the idol star with the four characters of the name, which caused the dissatisfaction of their combined fans.

In their opinion, Su Xinghe deliberately ignored this blazing movie, that is… deliberately targeting his idol.

Naturally, the two sides started arguing.

While saying that your family Su Xinghe relied on being rich and powerful, deliberately suppressing the star of hope in the film industry, ignoring the efforts and acting skills of our idols.

On the other side, Su Xinghe’s fans argued for reasons.According to them, the original work of the film copied the two works of “White Night Walk” and “The Suspect’s Dedication” by the famous Hua Xingya suspense novel writer Dongye.

Knowing that it is a plagiarism work, even starring, and even promoting the film, Su Xinghe ignores such an actor, what’s wrong, there are a large number of supporters on both sides, and it is natural to be noisy.

And shortly after, the actress and the four-character idol posted long Weibo separately to insinuate that some big names in the film and television circle suppressed the young artists.

Naturally, what they mean is Su Xinghe.

As fans of Su Xinghe, Zhang Tianai and Tan Songyun will of course end up in person.

The situation got worse, and Zhang Tianai’s call was also made.

Seeing these arguments, Su Xinghe frowned.

This group of guys! It’s your own death, forcing me to expose my identity!: Begging for subscription, begging for rewards! Begging for automatic subscription! How much votes!

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