Chapter 255 Breaking news! (1 request for subscription)

After reading the news and sitting there thinking for a long time, Su Xinghe called Zhang Tianai.

“Star God”

Zhang Tianai on the phone was a little surprised, and didn’t know what Su Xinghe was calling himself for.

“You and Song Yun deleted Weibo, don’t mix up this matter.”

Su Xinghe said to Zhang Tianai: “The province is causing trouble.”

One of these two people has just left the former owner to open a studio, and the other is in the rising period.

“It’s okay, Star God.”

Zhang Tianai rejected Su Xinghe’s kindness: “I discussed with Song Yun, and her contract expires at the end of the year. At that time, we will open a studio together, and you will be there. I think we will definitely have a performance. ”

!!! Su Xinghe is speechless.

Don’t say it, he really didn’t expect that Zhang Tianai, a girl, would actually consider things “Nine Zero Three.”

So comprehensive.

Just like Zhang Tianai said, although her practice with Tan Songyun will lose some passersby fans, it will have a very significant effect within their own fans and among Su Xinghe’s huge fan base.

After all, Su Xinghe’s fans have always been known for their unity, and the performance of Zhang Tianai and Tan Songyun is undoubtedly easy to get fans.

Even if 10% of Su Xinghe’s fans are willing to support them, it is enough.

“Well, if that’s the case, then you try to focus on the plagiarism of the movie.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, and said to Zhang Tianai: “It’s best to let the other party admit that, knowing the so-called fusion in the original book, he also picked up the movie.”


Zhang Tianai was startled: “Star God, can you contact the authors of the two books “White Night Walk” and “Suspect’s Devotion””

She is not stupid.

Since Su Xinghe said this to himself, there must be a way to contact the legendary Mr. Higashino.

“Then you just leave it alone.”

Su Xinghe smiled, did not say anything, and hung up the phone.

… put down the phone.

Su Xinghe fell asleep.

Wake up a little early in the morning, and he is also a little tired.

After sleeping until noon, Su Xinghe estimated that he would still be able to sleep for a while if it weren’t for Qingqing and yelling and hungry.

“Brother is a pig! He is still sleeping!”

Qingqing sat in the courtyard, watching Peng Peng chopping firewood there, Dawei and Tianlong sitting beside her, nodded together.


Su Xinghe was speechless.

He was actually despised by two animals.

“Xinghe, are you exhausted these past few days”

At this time, Teacher He came over and asked Su Xinghe: “Otherwise, don’t broadcast the live broadcast in the past few days, let’s take a break.”

Because there are at most five episodes of programs on the TV station, the recording of this season has actually entered the second half.

“Live it tonight.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, to Teacher He.

The news from Zhang Tianai and others is fermenting, and it must take time.

And Su Xinghe also plans to teach a certain meal, let them know who they can’t provoke.

When he said that, Teacher He and others naturally had no objection.

On the side of the program group, although it is a bit strange, it should come down.


Longing’s official Weibo officially announced that the live broadcast will be launched at 6: 6: tonight.

As soon as the news came out, it naturally caused heated discussions among netizens.

Nowadays, the three words Su Xinghe are undoubtedly the hottest words on the entire Internet.

Regardless of….

Was it the previous fight with Penguin, or his amazing remarks the previous two days, or the current debate between his fans and the fans and starring actors of the movie “The Young Man”.

Everything is almost a topic of heated discussion among the public.

As for the Weibo super chat, let alone, now it is all on both sides of the battlefield.

There are many fans of Zhou Qiuyu and Yi Qianxi.The fans of Su Xinghe, plus the fans of Zhang Tianai and Tan Songyun, have become a mess on both sides.

You attacked me for appearing in plagiarism works for profit, and I attacked you for suppressing the weak and relying on men to dominate.

In the words of a well-known blogger on Weibo: Weibo is now completely occupied by Su Xinghe! If Su Xinghe is not a rich man or a top celebrity, then he must be the most popular and popular traffic.

There will be countless capitals looking for him to cooperate.

But it’s a pity.

He is a rich man, and he is also the kind of…extraordinarily rich man.

Such a person, capital is not stupid, and of course he will not think of any mess.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the afternoon.

Public opinion on the Internet is getting more and more lively, and many people are watching this live broadcast.

“I want to hear whether Su Xinghe will respond to this incident.”

“Yes, I think with his personality, since he didn’t post on Weibo, he would definitely mention it in the show.”

“Hehe, a tycoon-level tycoon, suppressing a few actors, is it interesting?”

“I think, in fact, this matter must have been behind the scenes, otherwise, how could it become like this for no reason.”

“It may be 0………”

“But anyway, I think the Star God is right.”

“what happened”

“I feel that this live broadcast time seems to be deliberate by the Star God himself.”

There are people who say everything, but everyone knows that I am afraid that today’s live broadcast will have a big impact.

Soon, in the live broadcast room, 60 million people gathered to watch online.

The live broadcast room is officially opened.

What catches the audience’s eyes is Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu busy in the kitchen.

Sister Zifeng is studying.

Peng Peng led Qingqing and played ball in the yard.

“Dawei! Chase!”

Qingqing picked up a frisbee and threw it out.

Then! “Meow!”

The orange cat rushed and chased it, and took the Frisbee back.

The corners of the netizens’ mouths twitched, and their eyes saw Erha Tianlong lying lazily in the corner.

f*ck! Is this character wrong? Why an orange cat likes frisbees, but huskies don’t like to move! This is a test of my IQ and at this time, the camera switched and came to the kitchen.

“Xinghe, you are so rich, why do you let me treat you when you go back to Shonan?”

While cooking, Huang Xiaochu mentioned about going to Shonan some time ago.

Su Xinghe smiled upon hearing this: “Teacher Huang, I was wronged, it was you.

7 Teacher He is rushing to pay the bill and care about me.”

“By the way, what about Teacher He”

Huang Xiaochu remembered it and asked casually.

“He went to pick up someone.”

Su Xinghe smiled.

“Who to pick up, guest?”

Huang Xiaochu asked puzzledly.

“No, it’s the editor of the publishing house.”

Su Xinghe explained: “I’m going to publish the fairy tales I told Qingqing before… before going to bed.

In addition, I also have the copyright of two suspense novels, which I am going to hand over to them.”

“Suspense novel haha, what’s the name?”

Huang Xiaochu didn’t take it seriously, so he asked.

“”White Night Walk” and “Suspect’s Dedication”!”

Su Xinghe said calmly.

Boom! When he said that sentence, the live broadcast room exploded!: Subscribe, ask for a fight, and evaluate votes for support! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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