Chapter 253 If you have money, you can do whatever you want (6/10 begs to subscribe!)

All the viewers in the live broadcast room of the major shareholder of Wanda Pictures were confused when they heard these words.

Not only them, Peng Peng and Zifeng are also dumbfounded at this time.

“Brother Su, what did you say”

Zifeng blurted out and asked.

“I said, I am a major shareholder of Wanda Pictures.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Zifeng: “Otherwise, why do you think I will analyze some data so accurately because all of my data are fed back to me by the theater.”

Sister Zifeng was silent, she really didn’t expect Su Xinghe to be such a person.

If you think about it, it’s…it’s normal.

As the owner of the largest private theater in the country, Su Xinghe has the most say in matters related to movies.

Naturally, no one knows better than him what the problems are with the movies starring traffic artists.

Peng Peng was surprised.

He finally understood why Su Xinghe let himself stand still last night, don’t worry.

It’s been a long time.

People are holding Wang Bo in their hands! On the barrage of the live broadcast room, whether it is those who… black Su Xinghe or Su Xinghe fans, they are all bewildered at this moment.

“Star God is the owner of the Wanda Cinema Line hahahahahaha!”

“I understand, no wonder when Feng Dagang attacked the Star God in 903, the Wanda Cinema line would soon remove Feng Dagang’s new drama “I’m Really Not a Bad Woman”. .”

“Hehe, it’s me, and I have to remove his drama. I have a brain disease, and I rely on the theater to eat, and I even scold the owner of the theater.”

“Come, come, who scolded our Star God before, stand up and apologize to my old lady!”

“Yes, kneel down and apologize to the Star God!”

“That’s right! People show your idol’s movie online, so you are not allowed to scold you even if you lose money.”

“Yes, didn’t the fans of Luhan’s family shout happily before? What are the fans of the dung-digging group? Tell me about your idol’s movies, what qualifications are there for our family’s Star God theater”

“Fart! Our four-character movie is so awesome! How popular is “The Young Man”!”

“Yes, can you please take a look at the plot of the movie? There are also the original works and how many plagiarisms…The content of “White Night Walk” and “Suspect’s Devotion”, that is, the author has not said anything. Points?”

“I know it’s a plagiarized script, so I’ll pick it up too, your idol, haha!”

The fan war quickly spread from the live broadcast room to social media.

Many large articles from the media and are freshly released.

Some people stand in line with Su Xinghe, some people stand in line with those…traffic stars.


Regardless of….

What kind of fans are fighting on both sides of social media? No one of the members of the group, including Zhou Qiuyu, stood up and challenged Su Xinghe.

Even the people who were mocked by Su Xinghe before, also honestly shut up.

Some people simply closed Wei’s comment section.

They are not stupid. If Su Xinghe is just an artist, it would be fine.

But the problem is that this guy is not an artist! He is the father of the capital! Penguin’s shareholder! Douyin, the co-founder of Toutiao’s parent company Byte Feiwu Group! The major shareholder of Wanda Pictures, the largest private cinema chain! ,! This is not an artist who can provoke any identity.

Therefore, regardless of Su Xinghe’s curse, these artists must listen honestly, even if the film and television production company behind them, unless they have a big background, they must be honest.

Because Su Xinghe has money.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want! At the mushroom house, after Su Xinghe announced his identity, the live broadcast soon stopped.

The program is here, the weight is enough, and the topicality is also available.

The rest is… the problem of the program group.

Of course, after the news spread, whether it was Shonan Satellite TV or the program group of “Longing for Life”, they were all very happy.

The reason is naturally simple, because the more identities Su Xinghe exposes, the higher the topic of the entire show.

The topic level brings attention and heat.

After the live broadcast ended, Huang Xiaochu and others all gathered around.

“Xinghe, you are so cruel!”

Teacher He gave Su Xinghe a thumbs up.

He knows very well that Su Xinghe’s exposure of his identity in this way is directly equivalent to rubbing those…traffic stars on the ground.

Even if those people have… complaints in their hearts, they have to honestly pretend to be grandsons.

“Hehe, Teacher He, to be honest, I’ve long seen them unpleasant.”

Su Xinghe snorted.

He hates it.

The flow artist is the truth.

It is precisely because of the existence of traffic artists and the capital behind them that have made today’s entertainment industry so impetuous.

Hurry for quick success, and leave after you have circled the money.

I don’t care what kind of impact it will have on the entire circle.

In the past ten years, Su Xinghe has really been impatient.

Since no one wants to be this early bird, then do it yourself! “You, I feel that since you joined this show, my heart beats faster than usual.”

Huang Xiaochu came over and glared at Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe shrugged.

“Teacher Huang, you have wronged me. What I said is the truth. It is those people who have a guilty conscience.”

Rolling his eyes, Huang Xiaochu felt that he should not continue the conversation with him, he was afraid that he would be pissed off by Su Xinghe.

“Okay, you don’t have to worry about it. Once things reach this level, there is basically no problem.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said: “Seeing that this season is about to end, in another…one month, it is estimated that we will be separated.

At that time, you two should be ready to join the group to make a movie.”

What he said was naturally the script he prepared for Peng Peng before.

“Don’t worry, Brother Su.”

Peng Peng nodded quickly, he naturally understood what Su Xinghe meant.

He is telling himself that he needs to adjust his state recently and can start shooting as soon as possible.

“I’m fine.”

Zifeng also nodded.

She is the kind of actor who has good talent and works hard. This is what Su Xinghe admires most.

“Don’t worry, look at the college entrance examination first.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said softly to Zifeng.

This kid is about to take the college entrance examination, and even Su Xinghe can’t wait to cheer for her.

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