Chapter 250 Kneel down for Laozi and call him father! (3/10 for subscription)

“Su Xinghe apologizes, what qualifications do you have to comment on Hua Tsai”

“Yes, Su Xinghe, what are you, dare to comment on Brother Xueyou.”

“Hehe, when the four heavenly kings became famous, you were nothing.”

“It’s really popular with many people. What about it? If you feel that you are popular, you can criticize others casually.”

“I think you are really a little floating.”

“Star God, apologize.”

“Apologize, I think the Star God is right.”

“Yeah, some people didn’t have acting skills. Look at those who are now…traffic niche, what else except…being cool and handsome”

Su Xinghe’s fans are naturally not vegetarian, some come over to scold him, these…fans have turned on the counterattack mode.

In their opinion, although Su Xinghe’s words are straightforward, they are not wrong.

The entertainment industry now is…too impetuous.

As for his evaluation of “Nine Zero Three”

Isn’t it true that the words of the four heavenly kings and others are true. Both sides have their own truths. For a while, Weibo is full of chaos, and the super talks of various artists are simply extremely lively.

At this time, Su Xinghe did not move.

His Weibo didn’t even have a word of news.

On the contrary, Jing Tian took the initiative to post on Weibo.

“Ms. Su is right. My acting skills really need to be exercised. Please rest assured that I will use my harder performance to return everyone’s support in the future!”

After that, it was Xueyou, who had never posted much Weibo.

“Xinghe is right, I know how many…bad films I made back then.

If I hadn’t met Director Wang, I might really just be able to sing.”

This is not over yet, immediately after Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Tianwang posted Weibo, saying that Su Xinghe was right.

Of course, those who are in favor will naturally be opposed.

The famous Hong Kong artist Zeng Zhiwei said that Su Xinghe is a big talk: “A mainland boy, he knows farts!”

And Hong Kong Island actor Huang Qiusheng, who was also in the next interview, said directly: “Su Xinghe has never heard of it, ah, you said that the mainland boy who mixed with Huazi back then, hehe, didn’t he just wrote a few scripts? Well, he knows what acting, people who don’t have much food are not qualified to speak.”

The news fermented quickly.

Almost overnight, Su Xinghe’s remarks have become the hottest topic in the entertainment industry and even on the Internet.


Even the mainstream media have reported this incident one after another.

The streets and alleys began to talk.

“I’m really convinced, Su Xinghe really dare to say, although these words are more realistic, but he said it, is not afraid to offend people”

“What are you afraid of? Look at the few people he named, they are basically not upset, Hua Zai and Xueyou, as well as Jing Tian and others, all come out to stand in line, is he OK?”

“That’s right, between my friends, what they want to say and how to say.”

“Hehe, what kind of Huang Qiusheng is, if there is no Su Xinghe’s script, he would be a fart! Now he dares to choke Su Xinghe, it is really shameless.”

“It’s okay, that guy is just one!”

“But it’s really unexpected, Su Xinghe’s connections are amazing!”

…………..Mushroom house like this, Su Xinghe doesn’t have any comments on the Internet… care.

He didn’t even read Weibo.

Although reluctant to leave, Chen Shu and Wan Qian still have a little Tao Hongyi.

Except for…Xiao Taohong, the remaining Wan Qian and Chen Shu didn’t want to leave.

After filming the scene of sending them out of the mushroom house, the camera was turned off.


Xiao Taohong hugs and salutes Su Xinghe Huang Xiaochu and others.

Her character is like this, bold and generous.

Not at all that…the squeamishness of a little woman.

“Well, get together again when you have time.”

Huang Xiaochu nodded.

He has a very good relationship with Tao Hong, and the two have collaborated in Renyi.

Chen Shu took Qing Qing’s hand with a look of dismay: “Qing Qing, otherwise, you and your godmother will go to Yanjing to live for a few days.”

“no, sorry.”

Qingqing thought for a while and shook her head: “I can’t go, brother is still here.”

Chen Shu was sad when he heard the words.

She really hates herself very much now, why did she have so many worries in the first place.

Just take it all out, like Chen Kun did, no matter what the child is taking with the outside world, no matter what other people’s eyes are, just treat it as invisible.

Why is it necessary to superfluous, and the result is self-defeating and becomes like this.

Seeing Chen Shu’s expression, Su Xinghe knew she was very unhappy now. After thinking about it, he said to Qingqing, “Qingqing, when the shooting is over, let’s go to Yanjing to have fun with godmother at that time, okay”

“Then, godmother, will you have time then?”

Qingqing tilted her head, looked at Chen Shu and asked 0… “Yes, there must be.”

Chen Shu nodded quickly.

What a joke! My baby girl is the most important thing, she has decided not to do any work in the next three months.

Let’s talk about the princess bedroom decorated with a fan first.

When the time comes, the daughter arrives in Yanjing, and she wants to surprise her.

When it was Wan Qian’s turn, she was rather calm.

Hug and say goodbye to everyone. When they came to Su Xinghe, the two hugged, and she whispered in Su Xinghe’s ear: “I have time to call.”


Su Xinghe’s heart shook, and he held her hand with a light force.

Wan Qian gave Su Xinghe a charming white, then turned and left.

There are some things adult men and women needless to say, and they know each other well.

You love my wishes, and each takes what you need.

Watching the reluctant Chen Shu and others leave.

Holding Qingqing’s hand, Su Xinghe, Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He walked back together.

“Xinghe, fishing boats on the Internet are not good for you now.”

Huang Xiaochu said: “Look, do you want to make a statement?”

“Need not.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “It doesn’t need to be so troublesome to deal with them.”

Both Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He were a little surprised, and I don’t know where Su Xinghe came from… emboldened.

Su Xinghe smiled, and in front of them, took out the phone and dialed a number.

“Hey, San Ye, it’s me 1.

7. Ah.”

“Hehe, why do you think of calling me”

On the phone, there was a mellow and gentle voice.

“Yesterday, you have heard about it. I think the entertainment industry is a little messy now, so it should be cleaned up.”

Su Xinghe didn’t go around the circle, and said directly.

“You, you do this, but you will offend a lot of people.”

The person on the phone said calmly.

“That’s better than they ruined the domestic market.”

Su Xinghe categorically cut the railroad.


The other party smiled: “Your boss, Su, is not afraid of losing money. Naturally, our Hua Photo Album is not afraid of losing money. I will play this game with you!”

The moment he put down the phone, Su Xinghe gave a sneer.

Since someone is not afraid of death, then he will look at who will kneel down and call him father first!

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