Chapter 251 You have been blocked! (4/10 subscription required)

“The one just now… is Sanye Han”

The moment Su Xinghe put down the phone, Huang Xiaochu trembled.

Who is Han Sanye? Han Sanping, chairman of Asia Film Group, is known as “Sanye”

He, from the lighting worker of the Xichuan Emei Film Studio, has become the head of the Huaxi Asian Film Group all the way.

In the past forty years, I have experienced the glorious 80s and 80s of Chinese Asian movies. In the most difficult period of the 90s and 90s, I did not hesitate to lower my attitude and lead the young directors to “alms” everywhere.

Financing, and Feng Dagang created a Lunar New Year file.

Entering the new millennium, after undergoing market system reforms, Huaying has led Huaying to activate the market with a commercial blockbuster strategy.

Two tribute videos have even demonstrated its status in the circle.

It’s not an exaggeration, if you want to mix in the entertainment industry, the biggest guy you can’t offend is… Han Sanye.

Even those… capital bosses, when they see Han Sanye, they have to be obedient.

Because they hold nearly 40% of the domestic movie theaters in their hands, unless 9 your movie does not want to be released, otherwise you have to kneel down and call Dad when facing Han Sanye.


Su Xinghe nodded when he heard this.

“You know”

Huang Xiaochu really didn’t expect that Su Xinghe actually knew Han Sanye.

Su Xinghe smiled: “I helped San Ye a few times and cooperated a few times. He has a good impression of me.”

Hiss! Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He gasped.

They suddenly felt that they couldn’t see through Su Xinghe more and more.

Originally thought he was just an ordinary person who retired from the music scene.

Unexpectedly, he was proficient in writing and writing scripts and songs.

Still a rich man.

And now, it has something to do with Han Sanye, the real boss in the entertainment industry. This is too awesome! “Okay, let’s go back.”

Su Xinghe smiled, then pulled Huang Xiaochu and the others towards the mushroom house.

There are still three beauties waiting at home.

…………..Back to the mushroom house.

Shooting continues naturally.

Because there are fewer people, everyone has nothing to do, so they just chat in the house casually, clean up the yard, and then go to water the watermelon seedlings.

Perhaps because of the incident yesterday, Liu Yifei and others were very silent.

Fortunately, everyone has the professional ethics of an artist, and when the show was recorded… it was smooth.

But the director also saw the problem and did not open the live broadcast.

In the end, I decided to make this program into a recording mode.

The previous content was recorded during the day, and when we were eating and chatting in the evening, we would use live broadcast.

Su Xinghe also saw the problem and agreed to the director’s suggestion.

At dinner, everyone was…very happy.

To be honest, a few big beauties, plus the little girl like Qingqing, as well as the witty teacher He and Huang Xiaochu, this lineup is definitely eye-catching.


Su Xinghe and Peng Peng don’t care.

Most viewers are interested in both of them.

“Yuanyuan, you are leaving tomorrow, I hope you will do it.”

Teacher He raised his cup and said kind words.

When doing a show, in private is in private, and on the surface, everyone must be in harmony.

This is the entertainment industry.

“Come on, cheers.”

Su Xinghe naturally didn’t talk nonsense, raised the wine glass in his hand, and deliberately touched Liu Yifei.

For a while, the atmosphere was pretty good.

In the live broadcast room, the audience…love the atmosphere very much.

“Haha, how good this is, Su Xinghe, when he is not venomous, he is still very popular.”

“Yeah, this guy is suitable for silence.”

“Seriously, Su Xinghe is actually…too upright.”

“His honesty is a joke!”

“I think it’s okay.”

“No, if Su Xinghe doesn’t apologize, we will boycott him.”

“Yes, boycott Su Xinghe!”

“Let Su Xinghe apologize to Kun Kun He Zhan Zhan!”

…After dinner and chatting for a while, the three beauties went back to rest.

On the side of the show group, although I think this is boring, after all, I yearn for…this kind of slow variety show, no one can say anything.

Fortunately, today’s program has a lot of weight, and one and a half hours is enough.

Su Xinghe naturally doesn’t matter.

He simply went back to his room, turned on the computer, and started coding.

For him, it’s worthwhile to write some manuscripts when he has time…the audience.

Moreover, Su Xinghe still has an idea to try to complete a few of the dozen books in his hand in the shortest time.

In this way, my own pressure can also be reduced.

After all, it is easy to be guessed by people if they are constantly changing.

It took more than an hour to write a manuscript that was as fast as 10,000 words.

When I was about to continue writing, someone knocked at the door.

“Brother Su, Brother Su!”

Peng Peng’s voice sounded.

Su Xinghe was taken aback, a little strange.

But he stood up and opened the door: “What’s wrong, what’s the matter?”

“No, you watch the news!”

Peng Peng took his mobile phone and said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe moved slightly in his heart and took a look at Peng Peng’s phone.


He laughed.

Han Sanye has started! 9 Today, Huaying’s senior management held a meeting to announce the reduction of the number of movie releases this year. According to reliable sources, most of the cuts are works starring traffic artists.

In addition, according to the news learned by our reporter, for certain artists who do not pay attention to their words and deeds, Huaying said that the group will not grant the works of… those… non-patriotic artists. Supported.”

at the same time.

This news was also disclosed on Weibo.

Look at the big list above.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Because of that, the so-called unpatriotic artists who were banned had the names of Huang Qiusheng and Zeng Zhiwei.

Moreover, the movie works and the main actors that were cut…are all traffic artists who questioned Su Xinghe on Weibo before.

in other words.

This time, anyone who opposed Su Xinghe was blocked! News broke.

The entertainment circle was in an uproar.

On Weibo, even the fans of the artists did not say anything.

Because they were frightened! And then, Wanda Pictures also forwarded the report, claiming that in response to the call of Hua Films, they will also reduce the movies in their theaters according to this list.

Fuck! The news came out, and the entire entertainment circle was shocked!: Please subscribe!! Please give me a reward! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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