Chapter 249 What qualifications do you have? (2/10 seeking subscription)

Everyone did not expect that Su Xinghe would say such words at this time.

The people he was talking about were the top stars on Hong Kong Island.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these people have influenced the growth of generations, and many people grew up watching their movies and listening to their songs.

As a result, Su Xinghe sat there and commented on them without embarrassment.

Is this guy crazy, or just wrote a few songs, a few scripts?

“Su Xinghe is a bit too crazy”

“Yeah, where is my Da Meiyuan no acting skills? Really, we can be beautiful.”

“It’s too late, he is not qualified to comment on Liu Tianwang!”

“It’s just a junior, Master Xing is what he can call casually”

“I don’t like Su Xinghe, it’s too arrogant.”

“This person doesn’t know how to respect seniors at all.”

……..Mushroom house here.

Huang Xiaochu looked at each other with Teacher He, and both of them were helpless.

Su Xinghe, this guy, really dare to say.

Isn’t he afraid that after the show is broadcast, it will cause big discussions outside?

“Haha, Teacher Huang, don’t look at me, aren’t you?”

Su Xinghe didn’t seem to see Jing Tian and Gao Yuanyuan’s expressions, and said to Huang Xiaochu faintly.

Huang Xiaochu was startled, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He really couldn’t deny it yet.

Because Su Xinghe is right.

Today’s entertainment industry is just…too impetuous.

When I first debuted, these… newcomers, the first thing they did was… to run the show on the crew.

And now.

Once a somewhat famous artist, the first reaction is…to get gold, how much can you get with your reputation…what is it.

This is the most critical point.

The former celebrities didn’t make money, but they at least…know that while making money, they must sharpen their ability to make money.

They want to be red for ten or twenty years.

And these now…the so-called traffic stars, there are not many who really consider the long-term.

The artist himself, the agency behind the artist, and the capital that promotes the artist’s popularity, all want to use the fastest speed to cash out.

“According to your statement, can it only be done step by step”

Wan Qian saw that the atmosphere was a little serious, and asked.

Su Xinghe smiled: “It’s not a step-by-step process. It’s about learning to precipitate yourself. When choosing a script, don’t pick up on what role you are, but consider whether you are suitable for the role, and whether you can take this role further.

To be honest, among the young actors I am very optimistic about, Peng Peng is one, Liu Haoran is also one, and Dong Zijian.The three of them are both good and evil and can play many types of roles.

The rest will be restricted by their own play.”

Damn it! The live broadcast room is about to explode.

“F*ck! Su Xinghe, where did you put my four-character brother, don’t you know the reputation of my dung boy?”

“Hehe, it seems that Su Xinghe is really swollen, dare to say anything.”

“Su Xinghe, you have the ability to make a good movie, talkative!”

“Don’t look at it, the one surnamed Su is talking nonsense.”


…The barrage is almost full of dissatisfaction with Su Xinghe’s remarks.

Because of his few words, too many people have offended.

On the director’s side, the director hurriedly ordered the cut into the advertisement in the headset.

Then, he quickly notified Huang Xiaochu to end the topic.

I really can’t let Su Xinghe talk anymore.

Otherwise, he will become an actor’s public enemy! This guy is tantamount to mocking most of the entertainers.

Huang Xiaochu is not a fool, and naturally understands what the director means.

So after the advertisement was over, he decisively chose to end the topic.

“Xinghe’s view has his reasoning and his one-sidedness. After all, no leaf in this world is the same.

The same is true for actors. The times are different, and everyone’s perspectives are different, but we still hope that the entertainment industry can have more good actors and some excellent film and television drama works.

I also believe that the road ahead for everyone will be bright.”

With Huang Xiaochu’s words, this episode of the show finally came to an end.

The moment the camera was turned off, Jing Tian and Gao Yuanyuan, who were still smiling, their faces became very serious.

Especially Jing Tian, ​​she really did not expect that Su Xinghe would directly point out the problem of her poor acting skills.

That’s in front of tens of millions of viewers! 0 “Xinghe, your mouth is really…”

Teacher He looked at Su Xinghe helplessly.

Su Xinghe shrugged: “I’m just telling the truth.”

After speaking, he looked at Jing Tian: “Miss Jing, with all due respect, if you want to continue acting, it is better to play a little more supporting role. Don’t be obsessed with the protagonist. With your current acting skills, you can’t support it.”

Damn it! Teacher He is helpless.

Su Xinghe this guy.

Surprisingly, Jing Tian nodded, “I see, Teacher Su, thank you.”

Everyone was stunned, looking at Su Xinghe and Jing Tian in surprise.

Under what circumstances this is to change to being an ordinary person, being so mocked by Su Xinghe, shouldn’t it be mad… But Jing Tian actually replied that this is the wrong medicine, “I and her male Friends are very familiar.”

Su Xinghe smiled and explained.

Jing Tian has dated a boyfriend since he was in college.Others don’t know it, but Su Xinghe knows it, because the other party is one of the shareholders of Wanda Pictures and is considered as his own partner.

Therefore, in the previous meetings, Jing Tian has seen herself.

Otherwise, she won’t come to this show in a hurry.

As for Gao Yuanyuan’s Su Xinghe, what she said was for her own good.If she is willing to be a vase forever and finally marry someone old and aging, then it doesn’t matter.

As everyone knows, at this moment, because of Su Xinghe’s remarks on this episode, the Internet has long been messed up.

Especially on Weibo, the world is in chaos.

[Su Xinghe taunts the four heavenly kings!] This thrilling title is now the hottest Weibo search.

And half of the top 20 hot searches on Weibo are related to Su Xinghe.

The main content is Su Xinghe mocking the current entertainment industry…traffic stars.

There are even more outrageous.

[Su Xinghe: The younger generation of actors, there are only three people in my eyes!] Su Xinghe quickly became a target of public criticism.

Everyone is paying attention to his Weibo, and those…traffic stars and even some fans of Hong Kong Island artists have gone to Su Xinghe Weibo to comment.

There is one at the core of the content.

You Su Xinghe, what qualifications do you have to evaluate our idol? Please download Fei Lu Xiao

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