Chapter 12 Live broadcast again (seeking flowers evaluation votes)

“Xinghe, I think you can agree.”

Huang Xiaochu said to Su Xinghe.

“Think about Qingqing, how boring she is by herself, can you live a life like this, can she live it?”

Teacher He also nodded: “Yes, Xinghe, you are an adult, but Qingqing is still young. If you always live alone like this, it’s really inappropriate.”

The words of the two of them touched Su Xinghe.

In the past few years, Su Xinghe treats Qingqing as a real sister.

Thinking of this, he nodded: “Okay, I just promised.”

The two old rivers and lakes looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with joy.

With the joining of Su Xinghe, the future “Yearing” will become more and more interesting.

Su Xinghe took a brief look at the contract and found that it was indeed very lenient. Apart from cooperating with the program team for recording and broadcasting, there were no other restrictions.

And the price is really beautiful.

So he took out his pen and signed his name on it.

As the representative of the program group, the director also signed the name on it.

Make two copies, which is considered a success.

“The official Weibo of the program group will announce this news as soon as possible.”

The director said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe nodded, naturally there was no comment.


The news was announced on the Weibo of the program group.

【Su Xinghe officially joined the fourth season of “Longing for Life” as a resident guest, and the show will be filmed as usual. The new mushroom house is Su Xinghe’s residence. 】

As soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar!

For those fans who like Su Xinghe, this is ecstatic news.

Many people started laughing with their mobile phones, which shocked everyone around them.


But after they asked, they knew what was going on.

They also started to be crazy happy.

Su Xinghe actually returned to the entertainment circle, and joined the yearning fourth season as the landlord and resident guest!

This is simply great!

Originally, many people didn’t like watching this kind of daily variety show, but after hearing the news, they directly decided that they must watch this show.

Because in the show, there is Su Xinghe!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Su Xinghe has at least added 5 million viewers to the yearning!

This is why the director must have him join.

It’s just that everyone didn’t expect that this was just the beginning.


After signing the contract, as soon as Su Xinghe and others walked in, they saw Peng Peng and Zifeng playing with the camera and playing with Qingqing.

“What’s wrong?”

Teacher He asked strangely.

“Qingqing heard that this can be broadcast live, and wants to open it.”

Zi Feng said with a smile.


Teacher He’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said to the director behind him: “Director, I think it’s okay. It just so happens that we also announce this good news.”

“no problem.”

Of course, the director was eager to have such an opportunity and quickly called the camera crew.


Someone came from the camera crew.

The live broadcast room starts again.

Soon, the news was announced on Weibo.

Within half an hour, millions of viewers flooded into the live broadcast room.

“Haha, I didn’t expect to see the live broadcast at night.”

“Yeah, yeah, so lucky!”

“Oh, what is Qingqing doing? Does this like cameras?”

“What a cute girl, look at that little nightdress, it’s so cartoony.”

“I think it would be more interesting if the program group invites more children to accompany Qingqing.”


“First of all, I would like to announce to you that many people should have seen it on Weibo. Under the persuasion of me and Teacher He, Galaxy has agreed to rent it to us as a new mushroom house.”

Huang Xiaochu, on behalf of the program group, announced the news to the audience in the live broadcast room.

“In addition, we also invited He Xinghe and Qingqing brothers and sisters, as our regular guests, to participate in the recording of this season’s program.”

Following Huang Xiaochu’s words, the audience in the live room cheered again.



Zifeng and Peng Peng applauded there.

Although Qingqing didn’t quite understand, since everyone had applauded, she was also applauding there.

“Hahaha, this kid is so cute!”

“Yeah, when I saw her, I wanted to have a daughter.”

“To be honest, with Qingqing, I think this show is more real and interesting.”

“Hehe, I think this is a script, how can there be such a coincidence?”

“Climb upstairs for me!”

“Script, your uncle! You don’t know who Su Xinghe is!”


This side of the mushroom house.

Several people sat there chatting with the camera on.

Peng Peng played games with Zifeng and Qingqing.

“By the way, Xinghe, when we came before, Qingqing was playing the piano and said that you wrote the music. Will we also have good ears in the future and hear those nice songs?”

Teacher He asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe looked indifferent: “I’m fine, but it depends on what Qingqing means, she likes it.”

“I can!”

Qingqing immediately raised her hand to speak.


Everyone laughed. Seeing her look, they thought she was preparing to go to the battlefield.

But the next sentence of Qingqing made everyone present and the audience in the live broadcast room dumbfounded. *

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