Chapter 13 Young genius? (Seeking flowers evaluation ticket)

“I only know piano and saxophone. I haven’t learned the guitar yet.”

Qingqing said with a tangled face.

Obviously, the little girl is very unhappy, she feels that she knows too few musical instruments.


The audience in the live broadcast room no longer knows what to say.

Five-year-old child.

I play the piano so well, I can also play the saxophone, and I am learning the guitar.

What kind of child is this?

“Is this a five-year-old child? Hehe, I must be dreaming!”

“My child is thirteen, and I know King Pesticide all day long…”

“Is this a genius?”

“It’s really pitiful. I’m only this old, so I have to learn that.”

“Su Xinghe is afraid that my sister will not find a job in the future, so let her learn more skills first?”

“Haha, I feel that all the guests who are yearning for in the future will be shocked by this girl.”

The audience in the live broadcast room has everything to say.

But no surprise, they all like Qingqing.

Those who can enter the live broadcast room at this time are all hardcore fans of the show.

Naturally, I have also heard the piano music before.

There is a clear understanding of Su Xinghe’s composing ability and Qingqing’s playing ability.

After all, Su Xinghe’s previous brilliant record lies there.

Ten years ago, as one of the leading figures of Chinese online songs, Su Xinghe made his debut with the song “Sunny Day”.

Although he did not perform in public, he became the hottest online singer with a single and a touching voice.

Subsequently, Su Xinghe’s English single “thenights”, airborne first on the B chart, won the championship for 31 weeks.

At that time, no one didn’t know the name of Su Xinghe.

More importantly, Su Xinghe has always been mysterious and low-key.

Until he announced his retirement, no one had seen his true face.

It is even rumored that when he retired, fans cut their wrists.

As a result, no one thought that Su Xinghe would appear in the fourth season of “A Longing for Life” ten years later.

Moreover, there was a younger sister beside him.

more importantly.

Everyone suddenly discovered that this guy is not just a singer.

He can write piano music, can write scripts, can build houses, and even, he seems to have other identities.

King’s return?


Is a phoenix not as good as a chicken?

Many people are actually waiting for answers.


Here is the scene.

After listening to Qingqing’s words, all of them were stunned.

“Xinghe, really or not?”

Teacher He looked at Su Xinghe incredulously.

It’s hard to believe that a child can know piano, saxophone, and guitar.

“Qingqing is very smart.”

Su Xinghe smiled and introduced to Teacher He: “She learns things very fast, and she is also very talented. I’m thinking about whether to let her learn music in the future.”

To be honest, he himself never expected that Qingqing’s learning talent was so terrifying.

This is not a bonus capability of the system.

“Qingqing, what else can you do besides these musical instruments?”

Peng Peng asked curiously.

“”Hundred Family Names”, “A Thousand Characters”, “Three Character Classics”, and “Three Hundred Tang Poems” I can do.”

Qingqing has a proud face.

“Really, then you can recite a piece of “Three Character Classic” for your brother.” Peng Peng asked with a smile.


Qingqing had a good impression of this elder brother, and nodded when she heard the words, and started to recite in a small voice.

“At the beginning of humanity, the nature is good, the nature is similar, and the habits are far away…”

Not to mention, she really memorized it.

Someone in the live room immediately checked it online.

It’s really not bad!

After a while, Qingqing finished memorizing.

Maybe it was because she carried so much in one breath, she was a little tired, raised her head, and said to Su Xinghe: “Brother, I want to drink a drink.”

“Children are not allowed to drink, drink water.”

Su Xinghe said mercilessly.

After a pause, he said: “Furthermore, you just memorized a wrong word. It was fed by humans, not gifted by humans. You are not allowed to drink drinks today.”

Damn it!

The audience in the live broadcast room is speechless!

“F*ck! A five-year-old kid, who has recited the “Three Character Classic” completely, but he just made a mistake, so he is not allowed to drink?”

“Su Xinghe, you are such an older brother, so shameless!”

“Hehe, where is the mighty Tianlong? I will soon accept this evildoer!”

“Too much! To bully the future flowers of the motherland!”

“Despicable Su Xinghe!”


Even the few people who yearn for the program group, looking at the two figures, one big and one small, don’t know what to say.

“Otherwise, just give her a drink.”

Sister Zifeng looked at Xiao Qingqing too pitifully, and asked for help.

“Yes, Qingqing has a good back.”

Peng Peng decisively betrayed himself and his sister: “Zifeng and I don’t know how to recite.”


Hearing Peng Peng’s words, Qing Qing looked up decisively.

“Yeah, I really don’t.”

Peng Peng said with a smile.

“Neither will I.” Sister Zifeng nodded.

At their age, they really don’t understand the traditional enlightenment literature such as “San Zi Jing”, so they only know the first few sentences.

“Hey, brother Peng Peng and sister Zifeng are so stupid!”

Unexpectedly, the little girl giggled.

Then, she said something to make everyone spoil the food.

“Oh, illiterate, it’s terrible…”


This time, even Su Xinghe couldn’t help but laugh.

PS: Evaluation votes are very important, please remember to vote! *

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