Chapter 11 Yearning for joining at sky-high prices (11 more! Seeking flowers evaluation votes)

In the end, the names of these two peacocks were taken as Caiyunhezhinan, which naturally conformed to the local characteristics of Xishuangbanna.

As for Su Xinghe and Teacher He, everyone decided to choose a name in the future.

They should step back.

Today’s shooting ends here, naturally.

The camera turned off, and all of them let out a sigh of relief.

“Xinghe, thank you so much for today.”

Huang Xiaochu came over and shook hands with Su Xinghe.

What he said was from the bottom of his heart. It was the original plan to shoot the pilot film today and the official filming tomorrow. As a result, a fire broke all the previous plans of the program group.

If there is no Su Xinghe, things will be big!

Sponsors, audiences,

Either one, can make the program group up and down overwhelmed.

“Teacher Huang, you are polite,”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Qingqing likes you very much, and I’m fine.”

“I call the director over.”

Teacher He broke the conversation.

After all, since I want to rent someone’s house and I have to invite Su Xinghe and Qingqing to perform together, it must involve compensation.

Soon, the director came here.

“Just now the TV station called me and we decided to invite Teacher Su.”

When the director came here, he spoke to Su Xinghe frankly without going around in circles.

“Teacher Su, how do you think you will be rented for five million yuan for two months?”

five million?

Su Xinghe was startled.

To be honest, he didn’t expect it.

The director’s handwriting was so big that he directly gave a rent of five million yuan.

“This, this is too much, right?”

Su Xinghe hesitated.

“not much.”

The director shook his head: “The environment here, to be honest, is much better than our previous mushroom house, and there are everything from the orchard. Today’s barrage audience responded very well, so the money, I think it’s a little bit Not much.”

He has said so, Su Xinghe has no objection, and he is not stupid.

Don’t let someone give yourself money.

“Then there is the notification fee.”

The director said to Su Xinghe: “Peng Peng and Zifeng are both 10 million, and Teacher He and Teacher Huang are 30 million, but they both share dividends. If you are with Qingqing, what do you think of 20 million? ”

Twenty million!

Su Xinghe was a little surprised.


He saw the director accept a contract from his assistant and hand it to himself.

“This is a contract. If you find it suitable, sign it.”

The director said seriously.

In fact, in today’s Huaxi Asian variety show, the average artist’s notice fee is several million.

When Peng Peng first joined, the notice fee was only 5 million.

That still depends on the situation that he got the nomination of the Golden Horse actor.

Normally, those who can get ten million in advertising fees are first-line artists.

Those with more than ten million must be top stars.

For example, Huang Xiaochu and Mr. He have participated in a show for several seasons, and they have a high status in the circle and are loved by the audience.

Artists like Su Xinghe, who have retired for ten years, can change to another show group, but dare not give such a price!

But Director Zhang Tianqi gave it!

On the one hand, what he values ​​is Su Xinghe’s ability and potential. On the other hand, his instinct tells himself that the addition of Su Xinghe brother and sister will definitely bring different changes to “Longing for Life”.

Xiao Qingqing’s innocence and cuteness, Su Xinghe is brilliant.

These two points are absolutely required by the program.

Twenty million!

Su Xinghe looked at the contract and said nothing for a long time.

He really didn’t expect that this yearning program group had such a big hand.

Counting the money for renting a house is equivalent to giving me 25 million.

This is not a small sum.

Huang Xiaochu didn’t speak, but Teacher He took the contract and looked at it.

After a while, he said to Su Xinghe: “It’s the same as our contract.”

The implication is naturally to tell Su Xinghe that he can sign with confidence and there will be no legal problems.

“How about it, Xiao Su, if you think the notice fee is less, I can apply for you with Teacher He.”

Huang Xiaochu suddenly spoke.

He is the representative of the investor and naturally has this power.

Su Xinghe quickly shook his head when he heard the words: “Teacher Huang, I think it’s a bit too much. After all, I have retired for ten years. With so much money, what if someone in the audience talks gossip?”

Hearing what he said, Huang Xiaochu and others rolled their eyes.

In my heart, several people are madly complaining about Su Xinghe!

Retired for ten years?


You retired for ten years, just show your face in the entertainment show, the hot search is contracted by you!

Up to now, you and your sister are hotly discussed on the Internet.

Those old fans were so excited that they had to set off fireworks to celebrate.

Even several movie celebrities have publicly developed Weibo to welcome you back.

Now, you say you are afraid of people gossiping?

Do you think you can’t get the 20 million salary?

That co-author, are we qualified to take these thirty million?

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaochu felt that he had to change his strategy and make a quick decision, and quickly determined that Su Xinghe had fixed this matter in “Longing for Life”.


PS: The eleventh of the twenty-four hours, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! Especially the evaluation votes, guys! Please everyone! *

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